I overheard my owner that I am having visitors from Texas coming. I hope they have warm clothes on because it is sunny with a lot of snow here in Minnesota. I think they are coming here for my birthday, I turned 8 today. “BAM!” I think that was a car door. They are here!! “What's his name?” I heard someone ask. It was a little girl, she has blonde hair. “ His name is Teddy.” my owner said as she opened the door to my stable. My owner starts to saddle me up. I thought it was a birthday party not ride time. She takes me out to the indoor field. The little girl gets on me and my owner pulls me around the field. I think she is teaching the little kids how to rid a horse.The little girl was first she had to use a step stool to get on me because I am a big horse. I heard the little girl say “I am so glad it is winter break.” After the little girl got off she started to pet me. “I love his black spots with his white fur.” I start to walk around and a lot of wind comes in and it is really cold. …show more content…
“I am ready to go fast!” said a blonde headed boy. Then my owner started to give the signal to go faster. I went fast then the boy got scared, so he had to get off. Then the little girl got back on. She said “I am ready to go fast… I think.” I got the signal and I went fast. “WOOSH!” A huge gust of wind comes in and a bag flies in the field and goes under me. I get scared and come up on my hind legs are starting to run. I didn’t notice that the little girl fell off and hurt her knee. After I ran up a hill, it starts to snow really badly. I wasn’t able to see that well. “Teddy! TEDDY! Where are you!” someone says. I walk towards to sound. It was my owner. We got back to the field and I see the little girl sitting hay crying. She had he pant leg pulled up past her knee. It was cut, and there was blood everywhere. Her mom wrapped her knee up then
I was riding my horse, in bad conditioned weather, it was raining and snowing with a little bit of ice on the ground. I was just minding my own business then I hear 3 bells the first one is a little loud, the second one was medium loud, and the third one was extremely loud. I started panicking and so I tied my horses reign to the hitch. I started panicking everyone was riding in their wagon trying to get home, but I stopped to see what was going on in then I see John with a musket and I tell everyone to go home and lock their doors because this wasn’t going to end well. I went up to him and asked him, “what are you doing man, what is wrong with you, why are you doing this?” He replied and said, “I don’t know.” Then I said, “what do you mean?” he replied and said, “I don’t know what is wrong with me I think I need to go see a doctor because I don’t feel right at all I don’t even own this
It was a sunny bright Friday afternoon and I was at school. I knew today was going to be the day, the day I get my new bike. After school my dad picked me up and drove home, so I can change out of my uniform and grab something to eat. I remembered my stomach feeling strange, I was so excited getting my new bike that I couldn't even eat. We went back in the car to go to Kmart. Even though Kmart was only like five minutes, it felt like I was in the car forever. I remember I was thinking of all the features my new bike was going to have.
My face beginning is sweat bullets, the heel cracked clean off the bottom of one of my new stilettos, and my stomach growling in such hunger as each street sign becomes a blur. I’m sure this couldn’t get worse. It does. The clouds break and it begins to pour down. Just my luck since Jackson wants to dash off into some bushes and leave me to a wild goose chase. I’m not really running but I’m speed walking. After awhile thoughts of hope turn into acceptance. I’m sure he’ll find a lovely owner who’ll put up with his spoiled butt. I snap out of it. I love that fur ball. I look down and see Jackson’s leash in the sand. I’m close. I begin to pray. I’m sure some nice soul will read his collar and bring him back home. I begin to head home and I pray some more. “God please help me find Jackson, after all she’s all I have out here.” My throat begins to get tight. To my surprise and relief I hear him bark. I turn the corner and look up only to see Jackson in the arms of a man standing on my steps.
The reason I’m on the baby train is to get my new awesome sick house. It’s at a place in Oregon called Gravity Falls. The reason I got this new house is because I was in a gang and another gang bullied my house and destroyed it. It will take me 2 weeks to get to Oregon, and right now I’m in just leaving Michigan and entering Indiana. The man starts to sing Christmas music now and now he singing louder than he was before. Just as he started singing we went down the steep mountain and the man didn’t have his seatbelt on. I tried to warn him but he couldn’t hear me because of his loud singing. I had to hurry and put the man’s seatbelt on before he died, and as I was putting his seatbelt on the train hit a hard right. Luckily I put the seatbelt on just in time and then continue looking out the
So i threw the kids out and scream at ponyboy to GET OUT I shoved ponyboy out of the window. I started to scream and the next thing I knew It was pitch black. “Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep” All I felt was pain. I was lying still with my eyes closed when Two Bit and Ponyboy walked in.
It was a warm mid-september day and I was preparing to go horseback riding for the very first time. I was celebrating my bestfriend’s birthday with her family and a couple other friends. On the ride over you could feel the jitters in the air and the excitement to try something new. We arrived to Bobby’s Ranch in Westford MA and settled on petting some of the other animals. It was all very bizarre, almost movie-like. We joked around about rookie mistakes and wondered how many of us were going to fall under it’s trap. The ride was scheduled to be an hour long, through the woods and in an orderly fashion. I got on top of a platform and was instructed on how to get up on the saddle and how to use the reins to guide the horse. The birthday girl
“I’m going to get you Kitty!” I said as I chased after my sister trying to tag her. “No, I’m too fast!” Said my sister giggling. We were playing tag on our trampoline. Once I finally caught my little sister, she started to jump frantically all around the trampoline in victory that it took me 5 minutes to catch her. All of sudden she jumped up, then landed on her arm. She started to scream so loud and the noise was so awful, It was like nails on a chalkboard. She started to screech “GET MOMMA, GET HER, GET HER, GET HER NOW!!!” I rushed Into the house and found my mother working in the kitchen, and I told her In a panic, “You need to get outside now!!”
I jump and scream. As I get half way through the Woods I trip on root coming out of the ground. Scrapes are covering my knee, blood gushing! I limp my way through the woods tripping and falling as I go. I finally see the backyard of my house, but first have to get through the neighbor's yard. Hopefully that angry dog is locked up! I think to myself! But as I reach the neighbors yard I see the vicious, angry, horrifying dog standing there with his slobber all over his mouth Just staring at me. “Nice doggy” I said sweetly. But it doesn't work. He comes chasing at me only couple yards away! “ Bruno!” Yells the neighbors owner.”Stop this instant!” Bruno goes walking toward the man slowly. “Kenal! Now!” Bruno walks past me growling while walking toward his kenal. “Sorry about that,” says the owner. “Here i’ll help you home.” He says sweetly. As we approach the door, my mother opens it quickly. “What happened? Are you ok?” “Yeah.” I reply. “Well thank you!” “ No problem.” says the man. When I walk inside mom quickly cleans up my knee and sends me straight to bed. As I lay in bed I think of all the crazy things I did today. This was a day I would never
Tuesday, March 6th, 2018 at approximately 4:30 p.m., I Detective L. Donegain was contacted by Sergeant P. Orellano in-reference to a possible overdose at 415 Tradewinds Drive apartment B, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28304. I was advised Patrol Officers were on scene and standing by.
It was near the end of my 8th grade school year, about 2 month away from graduation, when something I never expected to happen actually happened. This event really changed my life forever and shaped me into who I am as a person today. I had just arrived at my house after school when my parents received a call that my grandma was ill and that we should come down to check on her. As we rushed down to my grandparents house, my family was deeply concerned about what may have happened because my grandma had never really had many health issues before this. As we arrived at their house and walked through the door, we were greeted with the sight of my grandma sitting in a chair with a blanket around her while she was sleeping. My family’s first reaction
It was a cold day in November as I scampered out of my Biology class, unsatisfied with the grade that I had received on my exam. I rushed to the basement of my campus’s athletic facility brimming over with frustration and quickly tossed aside my school supplies in exchange for a pair of soccer cleats and goalkeeper gloves. I threw over my grass-stained gray cotton sweatshirt, stepped outside to the bite of an approaching winter and joined my comrades in our warm-up lines. The boys were all laughing and talking about what happened over the weekend as we prepared for another practice. Being surrounded by my teammates made me forget about my worries and allowed me to disappear into the routine of physical activity. My collegiate varsity soccer
At the beginning of my freshman year I was attempting to develop motivation as well as seeking purpose and determining value. Whether in school or during sports or other activities and events in my life, I was constantly searching for motivation towards a goal or achievement.
Spring rolled around and it was finally time for the first t-ball game of the season. The dandelions were sprouting and the bees were buzzing in the outfield. All twelve players showed up but only half of the team was there to play ball. It was hard to expect six-year olds to have much of an attention span anyway. The ball was hit and began to roll for the outfield. At this very moment the team of twelve became divided. This division separated the team players from the self-servers. Little did I know that my first time on the field would mark the beginning of something so big and influential in my life.
Racing at night going One-hundred and forty miles an hour on US-27 holding the lead, Shift six gear, speed topped out at two-hundred miles per hour passing by cars smoothly. I chanted I am immortal, I am a god! while I pushed my sports bike to its limit. Suddenly a black car approaches. WHAM! I get Rammed from behind and lose control of my bike slamming into a Semi-truck up ahead. Lights out. When I peeked my eyes, I saw 4 humans around me. Thump after thumb I believe I was in an ambulance rushing down the turnpike. I looked around and the first words that came to my head are “Rick this is just a dream”. This is the story of how I escaped from an illegal laboratory that clones and modifies humans.
I love living in a small town, it gives me a sense of guaranteed safety and simplicity.