
Personal Narrative

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I overheard my owner that I am having visitors from Texas coming. I hope they have warm clothes on because it is sunny with a lot of snow here in Minnesota. I think they are coming here for my birthday, I turned 8 today. “BAM!” I think that was a car door. They are here!! “What's his name?” I heard someone ask. It was a little girl, she has blonde hair. “ His name is Teddy.” my owner said as she opened the door to my stable. My owner starts to saddle me up. I thought it was a birthday party not ride time. She takes me out to the indoor field. The little girl gets on me and my owner pulls me around the field. I think she is teaching the little kids how to rid a horse.The little girl was first she had to use a step stool to get on me because I am a big horse. I heard the little girl say “I am so glad it is winter break.” After the little girl got off she started to pet me. “I love his black spots with his white fur.” I start to walk around and a lot of wind comes in and it is really cold. …show more content…

“I am ready to go fast!” said a blonde headed boy. Then my owner started to give the signal to go faster. I went fast then the boy got scared, so he had to get off. Then the little girl got back on. She said “I am ready to go fast… I think.” I got the signal and I went fast. “WOOSH!” A huge gust of wind comes in and a bag flies in the field and goes under me. I get scared and come up on my hind legs are starting to run. I didn’t notice that the little girl fell off and hurt her knee. After I ran up a hill, it starts to snow really badly. I wasn’t able to see that well. “Teddy! TEDDY! Where are you!” someone says. I walk towards to sound. It was my owner. We got back to the field and I see the little girl sitting hay crying. She had he pant leg pulled up past her knee. It was cut, and there was blood everywhere. Her mom wrapped her knee up then

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