I became a supervisor in June 2009, previous to this I had worked as a case manager in the group that I would now be supervising. When accepting the position I was confident that even though I had worked as a peer with the staff that I was now supervising this would not be a significant issue as I had worked at an offsite location and did not have day to day contact with the other staff. Unfortunately, I had convinced myself that my work location would make it easier. This was not the case, no matter how closely you work in a group they always have a preconceived idea of how you will act, lead or fail to lead in the future based upon what they know about you. Getting past preconceived ideas can be a very difficult task because these ideas …show more content…
In my situation, I was now supervising two staff members that had also applied for the position that I was now holding. One of the staff members was very gracious and accepting of me being offered the position. She was engaged, helpful and supportive in helping me begin to move the unit in a new direction. This support gave me confidence and helped develop my vision for the future. The other employee never congratulated me on my new position, was standoffish, and not engaged as I began the process of developing a plan for the future. The unfortunate part about this is that because of this I began to 2nd guess decisions, I was guarded in conversations and did not come off as confident. I continually felt that she did not agree with my thought process, so I began to adjust in an effort to gain her …show more content…
I took the road of not acknowledging the situation as I had hoped that it could get better over time. While this indeed happened it was unnecessary, and it took me a lot longer to get started than it needed to. My recommendation to myself would have been to have a discussion with that employee within my first week on the job. I would recommend discussing the awkwardness of getting a position that we had both competed for, and then open the dialog about how we can use both of our strengths to making the unit stronger. I believe by reaching out and acknowledging the situation we could have moved forward quicker and in a much more cohesive
I had two options, I could have created a barrier by having negative feelings which is how the staff member reacted, or as I did, which was to overcome that barrier by being patient, letting the staff member know how valuable she was in helping me become a successful manager due to her wealth of experience, and ensuring she understood that any changes I would make were for the benefit of the company, herself and mine. I would discuss any issues with her and ensure we were in agreement before any changes were made and spent time and effort overcoming this barrier for both of us.
During shift change one morning, one employee arrived late to shift huddle. I noticed she was visibly agitated, and immediately prepared myself for her behavior. As expected, she started demanding things and barking orders. She assessed the daily schedule, and her agitation turned into frustration. Once she finished evaluating her assigned position, she slammed the
In 2013 at work I got a new position on a team with one other person called Trainer Development Team. When we were selected to be on the team we were already doing a position that we volunteered for, a maintenance instructor for C-5 aircraft. I had only been an instructor for about one year and it was a four-year position. I had not taught very many classes, but I enjoyed doing it. On the day, I found out, I was told by my supervisor that I needed to go see the boss, he didn’t tell me why. I immediately thought that I was getting in trouble for something, couldn’t think of what though. The boss was not a very approachable boss, it was awkward trying to talk to him. When I went to see him, he had me sit down and explained as much as he could about the new position I would be doing. He assured me that it wasn’t because I wasn’t a good instructor, they just needed someone in my career field to be on the team. He didn’t have a lot of information on the what all the job was supposed to be doing, it was new at our location and our command. I found out that there was one other team member and that the boss was going to become my new supervisor. The other team members name was john, he was someone that I had known for a little bit of time, but wasn’t very fond of. Before John got to the training detachment, he
If this situation occurred in my future, where I was in the position of my FWE, I would strive to handle it similarly, but with a few changes in my professional reasoning practice. First, I would be more empathetic to the other person in the moment. I would try to not only understand where they are coming from in respect to their personal and professional lenses, but also understand the context of the situation in their perspective. I believe that addressing these help the situation move forward and become productive for both parties involved. I would also like to increase my emotional intelligence and pick up on other’s emotions in a quicker and more accurate manner. I believe by doing this I would be better prepared for the inevitable interpersonal
After completing my first six months at Vanguard Skin Specialists as an experienced medical assistant (MA), I began training for the “Anchor” position as my predecessor moved on from the practice. On a relay team, the Anchor finishes the race; They are responsible for making up ground. In a similar spirit, Anchors at Vanguard Skin Specialist are the leads of their provider’s MA team. They fill the gaps. Coming into a position of leadership before employees who had worked on the team for several months longer than me created tension. In particular, our third teammate disagreed with my promotion and made our transition uncomfortable. I, at first, allowed his disrespect for my new authority, considering that it may not be personal; He may have
Curley's wife's death is presented through irony; a structural choice that Shakespeare also uses to build up Lady Macbeth's death. Curley's wife's constant require for attention, and some could even say self-obsession was her downfall, which resulted in her death. After Lennie began to forcefully play around with her hair, Curley's wife repeatedly told him to not ‘'muss it up'' (mess it up), but Lennie didn't know much and ended up accidently killing her. This is significant as Curley's wife's physical appearance was everything to her and, maybe, if she just allowed Lennie to play with her hair for a while, after all, she did give him permission to stroke it, and not been so bothered about it being messed up a bit; then maybe she would have still been alive for the
Attentively, I watched a television from a large wooden table, crammed into a small interview room. As the young child on the screen painfully disclosed years of horrific abuse and neglect to a forensic interviewer, I observed in silence. Surrounded by a multi-disciplinary team of police officers, Department of Child Services case managers, advocates and prosecutors, I knew my purpose. I wanted to be a voice for those who were unable to speak and advocate for themselves. My internship with the St. Joseph County Prosecutor’s Office, Special Victims and Family Violence Unit, allowed me the opportunity to explore my interest in the legal system and helped kindle my passion for child welfare.
I am passionate on helping people and making changes in others’ lives. Like I stated before, my mother had been trapped herself in the apologetic emotion for years. The mental burden had made her down. Therefore, I decided to help my mother get rid of the self-accusation, by using the knowledge I learned in the Human Services major. To illustrate, I was telling her that it was not her fault of divorce, and she was not showing me the negative image of a marriage. Instead, I admire her braveness of ending a marriage when it was necessary, especially in the time when people were stereotyping divorced women and at the place where people were being judgmental. Now, her self-blameless has been reduced, and she told me that she was not felt as guilty
Despite my experience at St Christopher's, I still dreamed of being allowed to implement just one music program based on apostolic principles in just one Anglican parish in the Diocese. Somehow I knew God would reward my persistence with yet another chance. The call came sooner than I had expected; this time from the Reverend Fran Willis, rector of St. Timothy’s Anglican Church.
A Child Advocate Attorney is basically a person who protects kids and their rights during trials involving divorce, custody, abuse, neglect, and juvenile cases. Child Advocate Attorneys have to conduct investigations, obtain all records relevant to the parents and child, actively participate in court, receive notice of all of the court documents, present evidence in support of the advocate's position, present the wishes of the child to the court, make recommendations to the court, collect child support payments (at certain times), and much more. I believe that I am fit for this job because I love working with people and helping people and this job is about helping people and working around people so I think I would fit in nicely. A big part
The history of mental health in the United States show a robust movement towards the mental healthcare system we have today. Prior to the 19th century, individuals with mental health issues were widely considered to be demonically possessed, thus contributing to the stigmatization of mental illness and the proliferation of poor treatment conditions. However, in the 1800s, there was a dramatic change in mental healthcare in the U.S. The government took a proactive role in treating the mentally ill, leading to the dawn of state psychiatric facilities.
Even though Kelly did not take my captain’s position, I still kept comparing myself to her. Everything she did I wanted to do or do better. Then I realized it’s okay. I can compare myself to her but use it in a positive way. I have a choice in how I compare myself so what I started to do was no longer compare myself in a way that it would cause me to self-destroy myself but instead I started to compare myself to her for motivation. No longer did I look at Kelly and think, “I’ll never be as good as her.” Instead I would watch what she did and use it as a goal. Also Kelly and I later became rather close friends and we traded tips with each other.
There are several controversies surrounding capital punishment. Some people are in favor of the death penalty and some people are against it. Capital punishment is the death penalty for a crime. It is not right to seek revenge on another person’s life, and we have the right to live. There should be justice for the crime but not take the life of the person that committed the crime. Many people are not aware of how wrong, painful, and costly an execution is, and above all, it is possible to kill innocent people.
Do you believe that your role as a therapist will end at the end of the day or will it be present in your personal life also?
In my case, I was hired with my friend Julia Moore, and we were forced to watch this video together, along with one other new hire. The two of us were cracking jokes on how cheesy it was. The video repeated annoying Disney tunes, while an overly energetic person in the foreground explained the Disney “attitude” of being outgoing and happy. Apparently, the other girl in the room told on Julia and me for making fun of the video. We were soon pulled out of the room and into a large meeting room where a happy, bubbly manager named Andrea waited for us. As soon as we entered, her cheerfulness quickly turned into psychotic anger as she said, “If you two are not going to take this job seriously, then you can leave right now and I’ll rip up your employment papers.” We apologized and said that we really did want these jobs. Andrea then switched back, in an almost schizophrenic manner, to her smiling self and said, “Well then, it’s great to have you working for us, enjoy your time with Disney.”