In my life I have never seen so much untrustworthiness in my life. Until I came back to school to get my degree in aviation management. I will be jumping around a little as I go and I apologize. I have a very big discomfort with some of the pilots I have met. First, I will discuss my feelings about the school I currently attend. Second, I will address the maintenance scare in the industry. Lastly, I will discuss the pilot scares that have arose.
The more and more I read more into crash reports and look into incident reports I feel that aviation has gotten t be a safer form of travel. However I do not feel that aviation will ever be truly safe. We have invented and drafted many types of legislation, rules, and technologies for the growing aviation
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In my own opinion I feel that the aviation community would become ever safer if more training and schooling went into teaching more about helicopters and how they operate.
My time thus far has shown me that the safety of all aspects of the helicopter ad airplane safety has been pushed to the side. Looking back into my fundamentals of Air Traffic Control, we went over a little bit of helicopters abilities being a CAT 1 aircraft. I felt that this was not enough information for future controllers or even students in the aviation field to safely understand the operations behind how they fly in the controlled and non controlled airspace.
I do not have a lot of experience behind investigating why schools teach more airplanes over helicopters. I have however asked certain Professors at Kent State University as to why. One Professor who will be known as Professor X because I do not believe in saying who the person is without their written consent. I learned that Kent State does not believe that enough students will take the programs if they are offered. That the cost to maintain the helicopters would be to
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Yet, from my previous knowledge with military pilots. They may know how certain things work in the aircraft, they have no idea how to right up discrepancies for maintainers to understand. For instance. Look at Birgenair Flight ALW-301. If the pilots would have known a little about how an aircrafts system works. The accident could have been avoided all together.
My rant is all over the place. I do not know where to maintain just one area of disappointment in the aviation industry. I feel it would start if schools would take a bigger role in teaching students about the maintenance practices.
Maybe if Kent State would bring back the aviation maintenance degree or just some of the programs offered into the pilot program. The students would be more knowledgeable on how systems work and how to troubleshoot things on the move.
Nothing scares me more than a pilot who has no clue how a system works. I have had my share of pilots not knowing what circuit breaker goes to what. Causing mechanics like myself and others to become electrocuted or lose something that was attached to them. For these simple reasons, pilots need more training then what is already set in place. As the years go on, I have seen the FAA shorten the required time a person needs to fly commercial jets. For this reason the aviation industry has become safer, but not because of the
The 2012 crash of Convair N153JR is a text book example of how human error and the absence of crew resource management can result in the unnecessary loss of life. This accident involves a transport company named Fresh Air Inc. that transported cargo between the Caribbean islands using vintage 1953 Convair aircraft. The co-owner of the company, who was also the primary pilot, established and nurtured an environment of relaxed rules and desultory aviation operations. The primary pilot consistently flew the Convair aircraft outside its operational parameters by disabling key aircraft systems needed for safe operations. Additionally, the captain filled Fresh Air with incompetent personnel that could not maintain safe and airworthy operations. To further exacerbate an already dangerous situation, assigned Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspectors were derelict in their duties and performed only superficial inspections on the company. Numerous and serious violations were overlooked by the inspectors and this removed the last remaining barrier for accident prevention. The captain’s insouciant approach to flying and company operations coupled with inept FAA oversight directly led to the crash of Convair N153JR.
Technological developments have both created new opportunities as well as threats for the aviation industry.
The terrorist attacks on September 11 2001 will have a permanent affect on the global culture. Nearly every decision, process, design in the aviation community will be affected from these attacks. The masterminds behind these attaches could not have envisioned how much the world would change from these acts.
Any airline policy that says pilots should rely on automation rather than their own judgement should be repealed. Although some human factors can lead to a crash there is no better system to use than human intuition or your “gut feeling”.
Planes have always been fascinating to me. I wasn’t one of those little boys that liked the toy cars or the trains. Instead, I would rather have a toy plane. Since I was little until now, my mom and I have always used airplanes as our mode of transportation when taking long trips. It was that journey that sparked my interest in planes. In this paper, I am going to explain why I have always wanted to be a pilot and why I want to work for Delta Airlines.
The attacks on 9/11 changed air travel for the foreseeable future, gone were the days you could park near the doors to the airport terminal and run to get to your flight. Now people fly with apprehension, wondering is there someone on this plane that want to kill me and what will I do if there is. The industry has made security a top priority as has the government to help alleviate those feeling. New government agencies were created, the most visible to the public being the TSA who handle security check points at airports, the FAA made changes to airport security to restrict access to the ramp areas to safeguard aircraft, in flight we now have many more Air Marshals to help combat threat once the plane leaves the ground. Aircraft now have reinforced
The day of 9/11 sparked the attention of the aviation industry, citing that it will never be the same again. Different sectors
Coming from humble beginnings in Taylor, Michigan a medium sized town of 60,000 thirty minutes from the heart of Detroit and living just near Detroit Metropolitan International airport. I was came to be fascinated by anything related to the world of aviation hearing the powerful roar as the engines spooled up and seeing such a massive object like a jumbo jet tumbling down the runway it always amazed me to see such a thing take to the sky. Seeing the airplanes coming in and coming out made me think to myself where the people onboard have been the places they’re coming from, where they are going, all the interesting and far off places that I didn’t know if I’d ever see my lifetime. This inspired me when I was 18 years old to join the United States Air Force and get paid to fix and work on these massive machines.
The movement of millions of passengers over distances thought impossible decades ago is symbolic of the modern air transportation era that is characterized by speed, comfort and personal convenience. The commerce of aviation, both the operation of commercial aircraft for profit and the development of aeronautical systems, is also an important symbol of national prestige and a powerful economic force. Safety in air transportation is therefore a matter of significant national importance.
The research focused on the ways in which flight schools can provide a specialized training format that satisfies goals for both professional and recreational pilots. These are unique ways in which, flight schools can achieve flight instruction for students by providing a strong training format that meets the individuals needs. Offering practical and theoretical skills to the students, and ensuring professional instructors. Also the use of modern facilities and equipment for teaching students; with a strong emphasis for FAA standards during all phases of instruction. These are some ideas flight schools should adopt in
To be an airline pilot is most of the time described in terms of duties, job requirements, proficiency, training, employment opportunity, and good salary. These features picture a plain profile that fit into the specification of just an ordinary career. However, an aviation career comes with many challenges than expected. When focusing on statistics about being a pilot, it indicates a lifestyle that many inspire to work despite the many challenges that face this career. The challenges that pilot face revolve around being rested during long flights, performing unexpected, simultaneous tasks, and passing the medical examination in order to remain qualified. When combined with fatigue due to long flight hours, these different aspects can
“For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.” This quotes date back to the 15th century which informs us that aviation was thought off back to the middle ages. To this day, many aviators contributed to aviation in many different aspects. Throughout the past century, aviation has progressed significantly. “airplanes were starting to fly higher and faster thanks to new streamlined fuselages and powerful jet and rocket engines.” (Teitel, 2015). Unfortunately, there was not any adequate safety measures provided for pilots and passengers which were prone to dangerous crashes. It was not till Colonel John Stapp, a decorated Air Force flight surgeon,
The NextGen Air Transportation System is a complex, revolutionary redevelopment of the broad U.S. air traffic control system that includes many challenging and interrelated components and concepts, including a fundamental transfer from a RADAR, ground-based system to a GPS, satellite-based system. Its multi-year implementation, touches virtually every aspect of aviation operations. As such, it presents many potential human factors challenges that can potentially directly affect aviation safety. Next, I will creatively apply the knowledge of human factors and aviation safety that I have developed over the
If we can find the answers to these questions, then I believe it is possible to limit and slow down the number of human errors in aviation, thusly slowing the number of accidents and lives lost due to human performance.
Pilots take an active and important role in the aviation industry and are expected to possess critical thinking and technological skills. Schools of aviation are required to provide students with both theory and technical opportunities relative to the scope of aviation. Training institutions who teach 141/142 training programs foster critical thinking and technological skills through ground based instruction as