If you are looking for a job in Santa Barbara, the Historic Presidio on Canon Perdido street has 10 new job openings. Following the retirement of Dr. Jarrell Jackman on December 31st of 2015, 10 more people have either been fired or “jumped ship” from this historic State Park. One SBTHP anonymous insider explains, “They have 10 of 22 positions open. Even if they hired for these positions tomorrow, they'd have 16 staff members who were hired in the last year.” With this many people fleeing El Presidio Santa Barbara one might ask themselves if these positions (Director of Advancement, Santa Ines Mills State Historic Park Agricultural and Maintenance Supervisor, Facility Rental Coordinator, Maintenance Assistant, Event Attendant, Director of …show more content…
I had just left the MFA program at USF, I was 22, lost, highly discouraged and living with my parents. I had befriended Jerry Jackman the year before while working as a Weekend Interpreter, making minimum wage and learning everything I could about the museum industry. It was partially my nativity that led to my friendship with Jerry. At the time I did not know, (or maybe I knew and did not care) how walking into the Museum Director’s office uninvited to ask about his day, or to complain about some unsatisfactory ending to a book I was reading or to ask if he wanted to accompany me on a coffee break might be construed as inappropriate or unprofessional. These hours with Jerry, waiting for a ride home, or the hour we took for lunch, proved to be my favorite time of day. After graduating from Sarah Lawrence College I was desperate to go back to school, I spent hours a day applying to graduate school (for two years in a row), I wrote personal statements and essays about my academic pursuits, I wrote about the importance of an academic community for personal growth without really realizing that I was already enrolled in Professor Jarrell Jackman’s seminar “Tips to live a successful and rewarding …show more content…
There were rumors about the questionable nature of these hours I spent with Jerry, we talked about that sometimes, about the gossip, but never for too long, that kind of talk didn’t interest Jerry. In exchange for his lessons, I helped Jerry as best as I could, though I was young, (still am) and somewhat unprepared for the job of Office Manager, Jerry was always patient, he had a vision of what the Trust could accomplish and he was not to be distracted by the small things. Though I admired his knowledge, it was his compassion I admired the most. It was during my biggest failures that I saw this compassionate, (one of my first failures being an unfortunate miscommunication that led to me emailing the entire staff everyone’s private passwords.) Jerry knew everyone on staff, he knew their history and their families and their academic interests. He loved helping people. He was dedicated. On his last day As Executive Director, he worked long past 5pm in order to draft his last executve order. Though we disagreed on a lot of things, (politics and other disparities) he never belittled me or my ideas. He was a true leader. One of my favorite times with Jerry were the Fridays that the two of us would sneak off to the archives beneath the Santa Barbara Mission. Jerry was working on a book about jkhajakjha and though I knew little about the subject, he allowed me to assist him. We read letters from uskjsaj to uqahishka, we studied drawings
I am one of the following students who had the chance to obtain the South Bay Promise Scholarship. I didn't know about the South Bay Promise, nor the First Year Experience. I am thankful for having such an amazing statistic’s teacher, Mr. Espinoza from Hawthorne High School. When he told the whole class about the opportunities here in El Camino College, I knew I had to apply because it would make different. If it wasn’t for him, a teacher so passionate on seeing his students not just graduate but to motivate them to go to an university or a college after, I would never be in the place that I am.
It was April of 1999. My family was at home. Children were running outside. The asphalt was burning. Cars rolled up to the entrance of the apartments and BANG. I grew up in Stockton, California. Surprisingly, as a minority, I wasn’t really a minority. There were, in fact, a large and diverse population of Asian-Americans. But, Stockton is not the ideal place to live. It was hot and dry, almost to the point of a drought. Stockton was also ranked as the one of the top 5 most dangerous cities in California. So, having a nice and safe family is kind of difficult. Eventually, my family decided to move to Crescent City, California when my dad retired. It was a world of difference. There were trees, plentiful water, and a nice cool temperature. This
I live in San Diego. My major is interior design and I am attending San Diego Miramar College I also have some courses in Mesa College. I am taking Political Science 102 to fulfill my general education. Moreover, I am married and have two children and English is my second language so I am nervous about understanding the material of this course, but I try to do my best. I have never protested or have attended any protests. To create a sign defending I would like to say “peaceful life for
I'm an established freelance writer based in San Diego covering environmental issues in the Southland and beyond. Although it's hard for me to
Growing up in Southern California, I was surrounded by coastal culture, which has influenced me in many ways. No matter whether I lived in San Diego or Ventura county, I was never more than ten minutes away from the beach. Every weekend, it seemed, my dad would take us to the beach as family so we could play in the water, build sandcastles, catch hermit crabs, see the tide pools, and most of all, spend time together. I was enchanted by all the beach had to offer. Every sandcastle built was a palace for a hermit crab and every tide pool a thriving community. Whenever I stepped into the water, my imagination would run wild. Despite how often we went, I always enjoyed our days at the beach.
Many people believe that Orange County, California is the best place to live for its great location, community and economic strong hold. But what those people forget to take into account is the people that make up this community. Living in Mission Viejo, an overwhelming amount of people think that this a place of Eden, that has the greatest neighborhoods to raise children. Well they are wrong. Our self-inflicting wounds are done by teenagers who choose to poison themselves. I was once one of them.
It was mid-winter of 1848, I was doing my daily chores when my neighbor brought news that two days earlier, on January 24, James W. Marshall made a discovery of gold on his piece of land in California. At first, I didn’t think that this would affect me in any way, but then I realized I could start a new life in California filled with gold and fortune, away from my small farm in Missouri. I decided to pack up my things and start on my long journey to California, I packed enough food, water, and supplies to last me a few months. The next morning I was surprised to see that not many others from my town were seeking gold, I knew it was unsafe for me to travel alone, but I was sure I’d meet others along the way.
I wasn’t much of a golfer prior to relocating to Las Vegas, but I now work with a group who arranges outings on a regular basis, and I have been pretty excited with my progression in a pretty short time. I would actually get out to play more often, but I’m convinced there is no such thing as cheap golf in Vegas, but there is affordable golf in Vegas. So I jump on every opportunity to hit a new course when I find deals, a lot of times through Vegas Groupon. However, more often than not, Vegas golf deals on Groupon are for outlying areas.
There is no exact one person I want to be but rather a variation of a person I know our former technical director at our school, Mark McGuire. He oversaw all of the technical aspects of the theatre and was an incredibly knowable and intelligent person. I want to pursue a degree in arts management/ administration/leadership so this deals with this aspect but focuses more on the business side of running theaters and art related institutions. Mark emphasized everything I want to be in regards to technical knowledge general industry knowhow and ability to work with others on difficult situations regarding anything theatrical. I believe Syracuse is the perfect place for me to achieve this goal because of its impressive facilities and proximity to
I was born on April 24, 1994, in Los Angeles, California to Patricia Andrade and Francisco Javier Garcia. My father was an immigrant from Mexico, and mother was Mexican-American born in South Los Angeles. I was the first born in my family. I grew up in the small city of Walnut Park. Walnut Park is located near South Gate and Huntington Park. The demographics of the city were and still are predominantly Hispanic/Latino. Many of the residents were newly emigrated from various parts of Latin American, mainly from Mexico. I was brought up Catholic, which was the dominate religion in the area. I was brought up talking English and Spanish. I grew up in an environment that was rich in Mexican heritage but lacked diversity.
Milpitas, California, has been called the armpit of the Bay Area. I agree whole-heartedly, not because of the nearby landfill that establishes our scent, but in how a small city could ventilate ideas warmly.
For seventeen years of my life, San Fernando is all I have ever known. I have grown familiar with the faces I see on my walk to school and regular trips to the supermarket. The Hispanic culture is represented well in my city through the beautifully painted murals spread across the streets and the small stands that sit on the sidewalk distributing staple Mexican treats. Living in the same town my whole life makes me crave change and diversity. I know Brown will be the step I need to seize to quench my curiosity of what the rest of the world has to offer.
Although the beautiful winters in Rochester already make the university cool, I, as a student, can make the school even cooler by being an active member in organizations and introducing Bay Area culture into the campus. I have lived most of my life in the Bay Area, during this time I have grown accustomed to the cultures from here. I plan to introduce the cultures and customs that originate in the Bay Area. Since they aren’t known over the country, these cultures only occur in the Bay Area. For example, the hyphy culture began to emerge in the late 1990s and early 2000s as a response from Bay Area rappers against commercial hip hop. However, this culture and movement wasn’t popularized anywhere else in the country. Consequently, this urban
I switched back and forth between tabs as I waited for something new to appear, so it could entertain my mind. Why was no one online at three in the morning? And why did I still have an incomplete book in front of myself?
"You appreciate what you work for," he used to say. He taught that lesson well. He never let me win any game, he taught me to win by learning to lose. If he couldn't answer a question, he was honest about it, but he would also say, "Why don't you find out and let me know too." He listened to me and he heard my feelings, not just my words.