
Personal Narrative : A Day Fun Day

Satisfactory Essays

This year our Schumacher family started a tradition that hopefully will last forever. Ever since I was born, my Grandpa & Grandma would pay for all of us to go to Embassy Suites once a year. It was very fun, but after a while it got to wear we all just sat around and watched TV. So, we decided to have a 2-3 day fun day. This year we tried something different. A family campout at Uncle Brian & Aunt Dawn’s house.
On August 11, around Four-o 'clock, we packed our vehicle, stuffed to the brim with junk food and games, headed for the campout. When we arrived, we set up our tents in their backyard and small timber. Me, Kayley, Callie, and Amber set up our 4-person tent in-between the timber and the house.
After everyone arrived, several of us …show more content…

The girls got light-up blue bracelets and the boys got green. There was a bunch of red pegs for the boundary lines and pegs according to your color for your jail. We were thrilled to see the boys had placed their jail close to the boundary line while we had placed ours very far away. Each team was also given a orb-type light-up ball to hide, according to your color. This was considered the “flag”. It was very entertaining.
The most scary thing I played that night was assasin. In this game someone is supposed to hide somewhere around the yard. The other players count inside for a few minutes. When you come outside, you try to find the assassin without being grabbed by him out of nowhere. If you see him you run to the safe place and you survived that round. If you are grabbed, you have to be the assassin the next round. We paired up because we all were very frightened.. Kayley & I were partners which may have been a bad choice. We had a lot of caffeine that night, enough stay up for 2 days. We decided to drink water as a refreshing, cooling drink while we searched for the assassin. It had the least amount of calories and wouldn’t make us hiccup the whole time and give away where we were walking. It was very eery out, not a person in sight scared of where Travis was hiding. He was very good at hide-and-go-seek so we were frightened to the bones. We could not find him anywhere so we went to the middle of the yard where we could somewhat pick out figures walking by

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