It all started like a normal day here in California. I went to school and learned about who cares because I wasn’t paying attention. I got home and did my homework which was about the forest fires in California. I was really scared when I read it because I lived right on a forest line. So I asked my mom
“You’re are fire alarm working?”
“Yes sweety they are we just checked them last week remember.”
“Oh yeah I remember. Thank you.”
That made me feel a lot better. So I finish my homework which was pretty easy. After, I had a basketball game. Are team was in the playoffs for the first time in 10 years. We didn’t realize then but that would change our lives.
Are team won the game 52-46. I had my season high in points 19. We were going to the
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She started to pick up speed. Looking up, lucky for us we were pretty close to where we live. We turned on the news and it said
¨A huge forest fire has just started around California EVERYONE GET OUT NOW!¨
When we got there it was too late the forest fire had already burned down our house. Mom was crying for some reason even though it wasn't her fault. I mean forest fires can happen any time in California.
¨What are we going to tell dad?¨ I
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That was fun. Lucky for Emily and I because he had a screen that we could watch movies on. I was still wondering what we were going to tell dad and my friends about the house burning down. When we finally got to their apartment they were already outside waiting. We could barely get out of the car before they run to hug and kiss us. When we finally got out of the mob we were pretty hungry. Are Grandma had been cooking the whole time when she heard are house burnt down. It had been a long time since we had seen are Mom´s family we had a really fun time are dad had come back a week after our house burnt down. He said that we have to live with are family for a little while longer. So, are mom and dad work there buttś off trying to get the money to rebuild the house. Emily and I also worked down at are Grandpa´s store for money. About, two months later we had made enough money to rebuild the house. That would take time. That project took 3 years before it was done. But, it looked amazing we even added a pool which was
On September 26, 1970 due to power lines that were knocked down, and with the increase of winds near the Kitchen Creek area, the Laguna fire began. Only within twenty four hours the fire had already expanded towards El Cajon and Spring Valley, which is thirty miles away from the original spot where the fire began. According to the article titled, “ Laguna fire, September 26, 1970” published on the website WildFire Today stated that “The Laguna fire burned 175,425 acres, killed eight civilians, and destroyed 382 homes.” The Laguna Fire was said to be the second largest fire in Californian history. Within the same article a firefighter shares his experience to the news of The Laguna Fire he states, “The day the Laguna fire
I am one of the following students who had the chance to obtain the South Bay Promise Scholarship. I didn't know about the South Bay Promise, nor the First Year Experience. I am thankful for having such an amazing statistic’s teacher, Mr. Espinoza from Hawthorne High School. When he told the whole class about the opportunities here in El Camino College, I knew I had to apply because it would make different. If it wasn’t for him, a teacher so passionate on seeing his students not just graduate but to motivate them to go to an university or a college after, I would never be in the place that I am.
It was April of 1999. My family was at home. Children were running outside. The asphalt was burning. Cars rolled up to the entrance of the apartments and BANG. I grew up in Stockton, California. Surprisingly, as a minority, I wasn’t really a minority. There were, in fact, a large and diverse population of Asian-Americans. But, Stockton is not the ideal place to live. It was hot and dry, almost to the point of a drought. Stockton was also ranked as the one of the top 5 most dangerous cities in California. So, having a nice and safe family is kind of difficult. Eventually, my family decided to move to Crescent City, California when my dad retired. It was a world of difference. There were trees, plentiful water, and a nice cool temperature. This
Hi my name is sara and I was in the California wildfire and I survived. It was a terrible thing it went so fast and I didn’t think i would get out fast enough before the fire hit where I lived. But I got out my mom died but me and my little sister got out. We live in a homeless shelter let me tell you how the fire affected my life. I got caught in the loma fire and it
The article, “Firefighter dies battling California's 4th largest fire in history, officials say,” explains to the reader about a very tragic wildfire that unfortunately killed a courageous fireman. Reports conclude that the brave man killed was a 32-year-old man named, Cory Iverson. His very upsetting decease will leave behind his pregnant wife and two-year-old daughter. Published on December 14th, 2017, this article captures the reader’s attention right away. Due to the deplorable blaze in Montecito California, thousands of people were forced to evacuate out of their homes, to a safer environment where the oxygen is not littered with smoke and ash. To elaborate, the article, “Firefighter dies battling California's
The Cedar Fire (2003) was one of the largest and deadliest wildland fires in California history burning nearly 300,000 acres in San Diego County and killing 15, including 1 firefighter. A lost hiker accidently set this fire from survival methods attempted with a flare. It resulted in evacuations of thousands of San Diego residents and destroyed approximately 2400 homes (CALFIRE, 2016). The
I hope you will remember when we met in California, I was visiting Becky Palacios in Glendale. I heard Jackie Porter is working at the Texas Education Agency, recently named the Early Childhood Executive Director. I applied at TEA, hoping for the manager's position in the Early Childhood Department. Jackie and I met while working at Pearson Publishers, with Gloria Horner, the Texas Manager, nevertheless, I don't think if it's appropriate for an applicant to communicate with her. Recently my husband, works for AARP in San Antonio, had a change in his job position, which means he might be working out of Austin again. If an occasion arises, you happen to see or talk to Jackie, I would appreciate a kind word regarding my interest.
“Dad, I can’t talk, I'm heading out right now,” I said while hugging the phone with my shoulder up to my ear. He told me to be cautious on the roads, considering the blizzard we had just had a few days ago. It was an unusually calm day in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. A perfect day to travel, the snow on the ground glistened as it had just been freshened with a new coat from the light snowfall early this morning. The sun was barely noticeable from the distance as the tip of it lit up the outline of city. It gave the trees a soft glow making it look like there were thousands of microscopic diamonds floating off the branches of the bare trees through the breeze, carrying them across the neighborhood and greeting themselves at the window
I don’t remember much, I just remember not wanting to leave. The place I would be spending the rest of my life I had only visited a few times. I, only being two at the time, was absolutely terrified of moving. Moving. It seemed like the worst possible thing that could’ve happened then. At first, when we left, it felt the same as the last time I had gone there. Then the realization that I would be gone forever kicked in, and the fact that this time, my dad wasn’t coming with us. Just my mom and I.
Last year my brother graduated from Eastern Illinois University. In May of last year I had missed a week of school. We went down to the university to watch him graduate. The first night we got down there we went and put our stuff in the hotel room and got ready to go to his graduation.
As my breath fills the open-air with a cool and foggy mist, I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't gone on this trip. As I look down all I see is clothes covered in dirt and I wonder when the last time That Susan had got a chance to wash This Set of clothes when I look around i see some familiar faces and some I can't make out. These mountains have taken us days to climb. Most say that we are almost to the top but I fear that we still have very far to go. A fresh layer of snow lays atop the wagons, Susan is laying down bundled in a thin blanket inside the wagon, Father is getting old, And i'm starting to think that he might not ever see california. If he doesn't make it it would be just me and Susan, I don't think that i'll have time
One day in the U.S. in 1939 during WWII Mr. Erlsten was packing to be deployed to Germany in two weeks. Mr. Erlsten was a Support Gunner. Two weeks later Mr. Erlsten is on the boat to Germany then he remembered he forgot he forgot some medical supply’s.
I didn’t believe in aliens until I was abducted by them. I was put in some kind of contraption and I’m not sure what happened exactly, but it’s clear that I’m not where I was. Everything in 2016 is different, I don’t know if I’m in a different state or not but people are dressing differently and acting differently, and the cars, the cars are all different! I’ve been here for quite some time now and have noticed a lot of differences from where I lived in Oceanside, California in 1940. I’ve been transported to the year 2016 and there are so many things that have changed and evolved and among them are political, economic, social, and cultural changes.
I was born on April 24, 1994, in Los Angeles, California to Patricia Andrade and Francisco Javier Garcia. My father was an immigrant from Mexico, and mother was Mexican-American born in South Los Angeles. I was the first born in my family. I grew up in the small city of Walnut Park. Walnut Park is located near South Gate and Huntington Park. The demographics of the city were and still are predominantly Hispanic/Latino. Many of the residents were newly emigrated from various parts of Latin American, mainly from Mexico. I was brought up Catholic, which was the dominate religion in the area. I was brought up talking English and Spanish. I grew up in an environment that was rich in Mexican heritage but lacked diversity.
The night I got locked in the LA Science Center was frightening. It all started on a busy and Important evening. I was walking around the Science Center with my class when I stopped to look at the ecosystem walking tunnel. I got focused on the sharks when I looked around my classmates and chaperone was gone! I looked around and ran to the endeavor. My heart started to pound when I realized no one else was there I said to myself “I'm all alone.”