“Dad, I can’t talk, I'm heading out right now,” I said while hugging the phone with my shoulder up to my ear. He told me to be cautious on the roads, considering the blizzard we had just had a few days ago. It was an unusually calm day in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. A perfect day to travel, the snow on the ground glistened as it had just been freshened with a new coat from the light snowfall early this morning. The sun was barely noticeable from the distance as the tip of it lit up the outline of city. It gave the trees a soft glow making it look like there were thousands of microscopic diamonds floating off the branches of the bare trees through the breeze, carrying them across the neighborhood and greeting themselves at the window …show more content…
And with that I hung up and turned my music back up. It was going to be a long ride, at least eight hours. Leaning over my steering wheel I looked up at the sky and found clouds forming. I hoped the snow wasn’t enough to greatly impact my driving. I had passed out of the town and into the next and the next town after that. Eventually I reached a town somewhat in the middle of Illinois. The town was called Mattoon. It wasn’t the most welcoming town I’ve seen. There were a lot of worn down buildings that looked like they had been burned to their last wooden plank. I had been driving for almost three hours, and my stomach was screaming at me to feed it. I decided to stop at the nearest gas station. As I pulled in even the store looked like someone had beaten it with a bat on every wall. The glass windows seemed to appear shattered as several spider legged cracks webbed across the surface making the inside look dark and horrendous. As I hesitantly opened the door that created a creaking noise that sounded like muffled screaming that you would hear while in the middle of abandoned woods where every tree would mold a different unnerving face at you, surrounding you with the sound of its bark screeching at you. The inside was worse than the outside. Every shelf was varnished with dust. The dissatisfying smell of mold and liquor created a feeling of sick eruption in my stomach. Nothing in the gas station looked pleasing to my appetite whatsoever. I never took the time to realize I was the only one standing in the odious gas station. I was the only one in here, but I could sense an eerie presence. I hectically moved to the door trying to get out of the building causing me to choke on the unpleasant smell. Before my hand could reach the handle I felt an excruciating pain spread across the nerves of my skull. And with that my heavy eyelids shut abruptly and I feel to my knees. I woke up in a
Today my Hilarious Fiend Jasper and I will be leaving Dupree around 2:00. We will be traveling 2 hours 20 minutes and One Hundred Forty Five miles. To Rapid City South Dakota
I stayed there for a yr and I didn't like it, I wanted to go home after one week of me being
The city of Chicago has been displayed as a dangerous city in which all residents are affiliated with drugs, gangs, and misconduct of firearms. Whether someone fits into this stereotype or not, is normally based on their surroundings and their interactions with others. Growing up in Gage Park, named one of the worst neighborhoods, falling into this stereotype and becoming affiliated with drugs, guns, and gangs, would not be too hard for someone to do. However, I have lived in Gage Park my whole life and have not fallen into the status quo. I have had family members and friends fall into this realm of unpleasantness and watching them become another wrong kind of statistic is upsetting. I have been faced with the decision of continuing to have
You, a “Chicago kid” as a good friend keeps telling me, are going to have a big change in your life. That sounded like I was some cheesy fortune cookie but it is true. You have decided to go to the suburban area and go to that school full of white people. Oh and do you remember that lady who thought you came from another country when you went with your mom? Yep, that’s the high school you are going to. Anyway, check out this sacred wizardry that I have discovered to get good, or at least, decent grades in a middle school that took steroids.
Growing up in this city of Chicago was very nice. I lived on the Westside of Chicago, Hamlin and Augusta. Our community was not a community it was block. The block is the street that I lived one. My sisters and I was able to go to the park until the sunset. We would walk almost a mile just to have fun. We was able to walk everywhere, candy store, school, parties, and mall. All the houses on the blocks where kept up so nice. Every house had a flower bed. There were no boarded up houses. The grass was cut so well, and the brushes were trimmed nicely. You could smell the food that the neighbors were cooking. All the children on the block were able to play with each other. The neighbor would feed the other neighbors children. The trust for the people on Hamlin was very strong because everyone knew each other for years. The early 2000’s is a year that I will never forget. In 1973 my mom was born in Chicago. She lived in the same house that I lived in on Hamlin. As I was talking to my mother she was telling me that her life living in Chicago was lovely. Her dad
From the very start I was an adventurous child. I am always looking for something new to try, something no one else would even think of doing. So, I’m going to take you to the first time I left school. By myself.
It was a hot summer day in Arizona me and my cousin were outside playing football when his dog Jack managed to open the backyard gate and get out.When we noticed we ask everyone in the house if they had seen him everyone in the house gave us the same depressing answer we were afraid of they said no so the first thing we did was open the front gate and take off using our feet and try to catch Jack.The first place we saw jack was in between a street called E.Jefferson as soon as my cousin saw him he bolted to try to catch him but he got cut off by the passing traffic jack also bolted and ran into the alley we used the fact that jack was in the alley to our advantage we ran him into a corner and trapped him,but jack was quicker and ran right through
I have never looked up information about the day I was born, but The Day newspaper and my family supplied plenty of interesting information. I was born on December 24, 1997, in Phoenix, Arizona. I moved to Kentucky in 2000; therefore, I was too young to remember living there. Some people think that being a Christmas Eve baby is cool. Except they don’t understand what it’s like when your family members combine your birthday and Christmas presents together.
Up until 8th grade I lived in Cambridge, a sketchy, gilded age-like city on the outskirts of Boston. I lived in the central part of Cambridge, sandwiched in between the affluent undergrads, graduate students, and post-doc families or Harvard or MIT, where all the run down housing projects were and where police cars and ambulances screamed past every night because they had gotten yet another drug overdose dispatch.
She is warm like a soft gentle breeze; She soothes your soul like chicken noodle soup . In 1837 she became a city; Chicago is her name, is the third largest city in the United States. If you are looking for adventure, cultural events, festivals, and Chicago is the place to be. Tourist came to meet her and gave her a nicknam" the Windy City". Chicago, the Tourist say, is …
Hot summer day in southern California I was born at 1:17p.m. on August 13, 1996 in San Diego. My father was a marine and my mom was a stay at home mom like most of the wife’s of marines. I have three older sisters and one older brother and two younger brothers my older siblings are my half-sisters and brother. My two younger brothers both have a disability Carlos (Ricky) was born in Patterson, New Jersey he was immediately rushed into surgery because he has a heart condition when they had to cut him open and preform open heart surgery. My other little brother Gabriel Jr (Gabe) was diagnosed with autism when he was two or three he still has yet to talk to this day. My little brothers are a big part of my life I love them so much. If I lost one
It was a gloomy, cold, and rainy day in the city of Maple Ridge. This was the average weather for the people who lived in this city. Every day everyone would get up at 8:00 AM and go to their assigned jobs which consisted of all types of jobs necessary for the city to prosper. The children would go to their assigned educators and everyone would stop their activities at 6:00 PM sharp to go home to their assigned families. When dinner was over, everyone in the city would be required to go to sleep at 8:00 PM This was an average schedule for the citizens and this routine was only broken for very rare important occasions, such as the upcoming event where all the 13 year old children would soon get jobs of their own. The day had come. All of the
It all started like a normal day here in California. I went to school and learned about who cares because I wasn’t paying attention. I got home and did my homework which was about the forest fires in California. I was really scared when I read it because I lived right on a forest line. So I asked my mom
Last week I went to Chicago to help out my sister, who was having surgery. I felt as if I’d stepped into an alternate universe. The hospital (Northwestern Memorial, one of the finest in the country) reminded me of a gleaming convention hotel, with vast meeting spaces and sumptuous food courts. My sister had a spacious private room with a fold-out couch in case I wanted to stay over. There were plenty of empty beds. Attentive nurses were at her beck and call. The day she was scheduled to go home, her surgeon dropped by and encouraged her to stay an extra night because she looked a little tired. My jaw dropped. We Canadians can only dream of such luxuries.
It was a beautiful night in Chicago. The moon was showering the city with its magnificent light, and the city was booming with noise due to the special event the local movie theaters were holding. The movie theaters were holding a free movie night for some of the top movies of the year 2006. Along with that, they claimed for every person who came, they would donate 50 cents to a local business. Me and my best friend, Zee, slash partner in the detective agency squirmed through the crowd trying to reach the door to our favorite movie of the year “ Monster House”. Even though we both knew that it wasn’t meant for adults we still enjoyed the plot and some of the thrills. As we neared towards the door, we noticed that the crowd had stopped moving and a high pitched scream cut through the air. Me and Zee instantly fought our way through the crowd trying to reach the distressed cry. When we arrived my eyes took a serious tone as I told everyone to evacuate