On July 2, 1776, American achieved its independence from the British and was recognized as a country, but at this time slavery was still in full force. I do understand when someone tells me why celebrate a holiday if your people are still enslaved? I myself don’t really value the holiday as a freedom day, but I do still respect the sacrifices that were fought for my freedom. A lot of people on social media were voicing their harsh opinions regarding the holiday and don’t really observe it as a day of independence. I think there is a lot of awareness regarding the true meaning of the holiday and how black people don’t want to celebrate a holiday that has little to not meaning to them.
As Douglass stated in his poignant speech, there were not many reasons to celebrate the fourth of July if one was a slave. To the white man, this holiday represented the freedom and independence that they earned by defeating the British. These men were now truly free. This was not the case for many ethnic groups at this time. The idea of freedom was still just a dream to them. It was never discussed that the way this freedom was
Independence Day has been a very celebrated American holiday for many years. However, in the 1800s, we enslaved our own people. As “the land of the free” (a lyric in our nation anthem), abolitionists wanted America to be true to that title and rid of slavery (Document 4). The hit novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, painted a clear picture of how cruel slavery really was. This enraged the south, making statements such as “The Negro slaves of the South are the happiest, and, in some sense, the freest people in the world,” (Document 5). These two social and cultural events caused conflict between the north and south and contributed to the cause of
Throughout “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?,” Douglass passionately argues his position that the Fourth of July, a holiday supposedly celebrating freedom and liberty, is nothing but a hypocritical sham in the eyes of slaves and freed African Americans. In this fiery speech, Douglass calls upon his audience to fight against the oppression of slaves by properly recognizing their manhood. Douglass employs imagery to better illustrate the anger and despair felt by 19th century slaves. He uses diction, specifically rhetorical questions, to draw attention to the hypocrisy of owning slaves in a nation that celebrates the freedom of “all men”. He uses syntax to better help convey the cruelty of slavery and the terror that free and escaped slaves face knowing that they are constantly being hunted as though they are animals. Douglass’ implementation of these rhetorical devices and his appeal to pathos help him address his main message: a nation can never truly be free so long as the freedom of some is built off of the backs of the enslaved.
Douglass has a very long answer to this question. On page 13-14 it says, “What to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.” He goes on to say how it is a sham. Whites are all up and love it and the blacks just get reminded how they are not independent no matter how much they want to be.
Over the years you’ll learn hatred is not born within you, but adapted. You would want to take the pressure that evolves with others, unfortunately without a doubt you are going to meet an obstacle that could potentially take you within the waves. If the obstacle were to overcome you may be broken down into depression or perhaps you won’t resist and conquer with aggression. Peace isn’t given, nor is it easily obtained. Peace still hasn’t shown its existence to the world, but it’s yet to come and show its tranquility that is beyond the capacity of our imagination. As I have fallen, failure has shown its superiority against me, despite my efforts towards the world I yet still can not find the way to build the Utopia everyone could desired and
I belivie that in the past and even today men are seen as the stronger sex. They are the ones who make the destions and control most things. This fact makes me want to work more harder and stronger to be able to take care of my self. I see my self as being able to be independent and deserve to be happy. And I want everyone to to feel and see themselves this way. I'm also fully aware that I'm not quite ready to be completely independent. My age has a lot to do with that. Most people wouldn't rent out an apartment at 17 years old. But as I continue to grow and change I will become more mature and capable of reaching that leaves of independence.
We were traveling but then we stopped when we got to Independence Rock. It was a resting place which was really big! It looks like a whale which is cool, also we wanted to come here by July 4 and we did make it. We decided to stay for 1 night because we also needed to rest our animals and we needed to rest. Since it was July 4 we sang, ate, and laughed and talked to each other. We also carved our name on the rock with grease made from Pine Tar and Hog Fat. Their were already lots of name carved which was very cool, I wonder ped to myself how long people have been traveling. We talked more until we were all tired so we decided it was best to rest for we can wake up tomorrow much more better.
Being that i am getting older in age my declaration to you is that i get more freedom and to liberate. I'm writing this because i find it unfair that my brother had more freedom than me at the age of 16. I believe that with the same amount of freedom gave in to my brother and sister i will be more social and a more pleasant person to have around. I will gain more of a personality.
Thankfully Mr. John butler brought extra axes and rope sadly he didn't have any buckets so I went to go ask Tony Wilson if he had any bucket that we could use luckily he did we got really lucky.
The Fourth of July is about America’s freedom, yet it is ironic to be celebrated when people of a different race are not allowed to celebrate freedom. Our fathers fought for freedom of all, not for different races to have more control of life than others. They fought for the equality of all and for everyone to have the freedom they deserve. “With them, nothing was settled that was not great. With them, justice, liberty and humanity were final. Not slavery and oppression” (Douglass 2). The people who fought for our freedom believed they were fighting for the liberty of all, instead slavery still existed in society. To slaves, the Fourth of July is not the day of celebrating freedom, it is just another day of hard work and without liberty. “To him your celebration is a sham, your boasted liberty, your national greatness… your shouts of liberty and equality” (Douglass 4). The irony of American freedom falls where the constitution lies since the constitution is looked at as the liberty document of an unliberated and unequal country. “If the constitution were intended to be, by its framers and adopters, a slave holding instrument, neither slavery , slaveholding, nor slave can anywhere be found in it” (Douglass 4). Slavery is not part of the “Glorious liberty document” so why is is able to exist? It should not be acceptable to call
Studying in a foreign country is an interesting experience of an individual lifetime. One tends to learn a number of things relating to ways of life in a foreign land. Social, political and economic values and aspects are usually different from one region to another. Therefore, through studying abroad one is able to learn different issues about another society such as gender and sexuality issues, social class and race/ethnicity issues. Having come from a developing country studying in the U.S.A has been a great experience personally. This paper will attempt to provide a reflection of my personal experience on studying in the U.S by comparing the history of Angola and the U.S.
I practice this exercise on Tuesday Oct. 10, 2017. This is definitely a stressful day for me.
Under the amalgam of leaked gasoline, rain puddles, and tobacco smoke is the smell of which is irresistible for an only child - the smell of independence. The place where this smell reeks most strongly is the place where independence was born, in the great city of Philadelphia..
No matter what, I’ll always care about you. I want to start off saying that these past couple of days have been really rough for me. I’m sure you have felt the same. I apologize and take responsibility for not speaking to you on Friday; I had way too much going on in my head and I couldn’t look at your name without crying. On Friday I received apologies from Claire and Abbey. Hannah and Leah even apologized that they even had to been apart of the process of me finding out. I have gotten so many different stories from so many different people. For most of the stories I tried really hard to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it was extremely difficult.
It was that time of the year when school was finally over and it was summer! I remember being super excited for the summer and having total freedom because I just had got my license. I got my license and my first car so I was excited to do many things during the summer. A couple weeks into the summer, my friends and I hung out a lot because I had my own car. More into the summer, near the end of July and the start of August, my friends and I were out one night and it was about 2 in the morning, I wasn’t supposed to be driving after 9 but I did anyway. We were on our way to McDonald’s and I’m trying to get there as soon as possible to get home and not get caught. As I’m driving to McDonald’s I see the speed limit which was 30 mph and I was