
Personal Narrative: A Letter To Mr. Parrish

Satisfactory Essays

Dear Mr. Parrish, When I joined AP English I had no idea what I was signing up for. I would love to be able to say that I ‘gave this class my all’ and went ‘above and beyond’ in a strive to succeed to the best of my ability. Unfortunately, I can’t. I slid by with C’s, procrastinating my major essays until the night before they were due, turned assignments in late and binged read the articles right before a quiz. When given the prompt for the major essay’s I would have an array of ideas flash through my head. I’d hold on to those ideas for a moment, then next thing I knew the motivation was gone and I was sitting at my computer at 1 am preparing an essay that I could never feel proud of. In my attempt to reflect on my time in this class

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