I seem to have the same connections with these writer, I also started writing at an extremely young age and most of the time it was because of societys outlook on the more curvacious woman, I wanted them to see that we also fit into the heroine role, we too look good on the arms of the hot guys in the book, that we are not just something to turn their noses up at. I have written many stories in my lifetime, I just want to relate to atleast a few people out there and let them know they're worth it too.
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
It was the day the junior high volleyball girls played Madison Grant! They were the only team that we lose to last year.We were going back and forth and back. It was a really good game. Who won the biggest rivalry in Frankton JH?
PROMPT #2: PROMPT #2: The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
PonyBoy and Darry went to the hospital to visit Johnny. The doctor had gave the boys some great news about Johnny, and said that he was going to be ok as far as the doctors knew. PonyBoy and Darry were so thankful that he was going to be alright after all. The doctor spoke and said, “ You guys are still going to have to take good care of him, make sure he does not smoke. It will damage his system. “ Darry responded, “ Alright doc, i’ll try to. “ After Johnny had got out of the hospital, the guys had met up with the rest of the gang. So they could take Johnny out to eat at dairy queen. Johnny was so thankful and happy that he was with his friends once he got out. He had been through so much pain that all he needed now was his friends
On August 25, the majority freshman class and the transfer students attended the Fall Convocation, unfortunately I was unable to attend. The reason for my absence is I was attending the first University of Mississippi string orchestra practice of my college career.
Growing up with a father in the military, you move around a lot more than you would like to. I was born just east of St. Louis in a city called Shiloh in Illinois. When I was two years old my dad got the assignment to move to Hawaii. We spent seven great years in Hawaii, we had one of the greatest churches I have ever been to name New Hope. New Hope was a lot like Olivet's atmosphere, the people were always friendly and there always something to keep someone busy. I used to dance at church, I did hip-hop and interpretive dance, but you could never tell that from the way I look now.
Today, my team of two, Kadeyn, Jasmine, went with me to the lowest area on this Earth, the land alongside the dead sea, and started to dig. We we dug 38 kilometers into the crust with a huge shovel contraption attached to our capsule., and as we went through, we saw huge pockets of the mineral Halite, which Jasmine kept licking for “the greater good of science”, and also saw lots of sedimentary rock which we took samples of.
"Maybe she isn't like us, maybe she is j-Ow Jules don't hit me there!" a unfamiliar male voice groaned in pain
Today was slow, like every other day, I walked the halls and watched time fall away. There were no actions to how I was feeling, No clue that inside, It’s hard to keep breathing. Memories come and go Pain comes and stays. When she let me go, I was left out like a stray.
Turning the page and trying to be better each day can be a challenge. At times trying to make such transformations were difficult. As an only child, I did not have brothers and sisters to turn to so quickly for help. I relied on myself and sometimes that was not the best thing for me to do. Surrounding myself with people to help me was the first thing that I did. I watched other peers throughout my last years of high school like class representatives, teachers, counselors and their staff. Although I did receive some help from my parents, the majority of ideas that I began to input into my head came from others such as my peers. I felt like I could relate better with people who were my own age and held certain positions, whether it was
Citizen. The word automatically arouses thoughts of nationality and quite frankly, politics. However, could the word not also be applied to the organizations, teams, and families that we pledge allegiance to as well as our country? I believe that the pledges, connections, and commitments that we make personally, the things we truly put most of our time and effort into, are where a deeper citizenship lies. Undoubtedly, most hold devotion to their country, but how much greater is one’s devotion to his partnerships. I consider myself a citizen to quite a few organizations that I am fully committed to, such as dance. I believe that in many aspects of people’s lives they are more than just a part of something; they are a citizen to it.
Technology is mesmerizing; therefore, I have always thought about it to be so. I admire the massive development that was made by inventors during the last decade; therefore, in college, I specialized in mechanical engineer. After graduating and getting a master degree I was ready tomake a change in the world ,but every company I attempt to get work at refuse to hire me since I am too young to be working as a technician. Although my hopes of working as a technician were banished, I didn’t give up my dream of making a change in the world. I worked a half time job at a pizza restaurant to keep a roof above my head and in my free time I would spend hours and hours researching , studying and expirementing. With the passage of a lot of time, my once
In every person's life, there is an event that causes a change within them. One event that causes a chain reaction that alters that person in a vast way. If that circumstance hasn't already happened to you, I guarantee it will. It happened to me in the summer of 2011.
Willow acted calm like it was no big deal we might go in a submarine but I could tell she was excited and eager. Willow’s dad finally finished talking to the lab workers. He walked over to us with a stern look on his face. He sighed like he was sad, and my heart dropped. Did they say no. He sighed again, “Well, they said,” then he smiled, “We can!” All three of us jumped for joy! We were going in a submarine! “You scared me for a second!” Willow told her dad. “Yeah, well we have to go now or we won’t be allowed. So, right this way!” He guided us through the mass of submarines to a bright orange one with black lineing. “Woah,” I whispered. “Cool, right?”Scarlett nudged me. “Yeah,” I said softy. Willow’s dad went around the left side of the
Every chapter of my story has medicine in some form. In some, its presence is all encompassing, a life changing singularity. In others, it hides behind anecdotes, quietly shaping my dreams and passions. The quiet moments gave me direction; the loud gave me dedication and reason.