
Personal Narrative-A & P Incident

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An Incident in A&P This is an incident that took place when I used to live in Boston in the early 60’s. I was no more than eighteen or nineteen then. I was with two friends of mine and we had been sunbathing in the beach that afternoon. I had been told to get some herring snacks for the party at my house by mother, and the A&P store was a short distance from the beach, so as soon as we were done sunbathing, we went directly the store, in our bathing suits, and we didn’t have any shoes on either ! Me and my friends walked around the store and we finally found what we came looking for. I took the jar in my hand and walked up to the counter to pay for it. There were two cashiers working that day and I walked up to one of them and I handed him the jar. I still remember all of this as if it were yesterday, down to the smallest detail! I remember the price of the jar was 49 cents and I remember taking a dollar bill out of the hollow at the center of my pink top. …show more content…

He had a truck full of cabbages but as soon as he noticed us, he came near us and he said, “Girls, this isn’t the beach.” As soon as I heard these words, I went feverishly red and I was blushing like anything! I still don’t understand the mentality of people, it is okay for a person to go to the beach in swimsuit, and if a lady with a bunch of kids, who is not particularly pleasing to the eye wears the same clothes, it is acceptable, but as soon as a young person wears such clothes, it is absurd and unacceptable! This may have happened half a century ago but this is still the case

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