As I walk of of the A+P Mart from quitting my job because Lingle was being rude to these three women. I heard a loud "CRASH!" I ran around the block to find the girls that Lingle was being rude to upside down in a large SUV. "HELP, HELP" I heard from the SUV. As I ran over there I noticed that one of them was bleeding from the head. "Call nine-one-one!" I exclaimed to a woman watering her garden. I walk around the vehicle to notice there was a gas fire as big as an ox. So immediately I grab one of the girls and take her to safety. Next one was a little harder to get be cause she was a little heavier. Last the third women was the hardest to get to because she was pinned under the SUV. I exclaimed to her, "You're gonna be okay,
As Tina White was leaving Walmart, she carefully put her children and groceries into the car. She had no clue that her afternoon outing was about to take a terrifying turn. She had just put her children into the truck and was preparing to go when she saw something alarming. Slamming on the brakes, Tina brought the truck to a complete halt.
“We have to get them out of there!” I heard voices yelling out in the distance, but was to lightheaded to know where they were coming from.
I came into your store today at around 5:30 pm. I had purchased a t.v from the electronics department, for $800.00. When I got home I noticed as soon as I took it out of the box, the base of the t.v was scratched. It wasn’t scratched badly enough for me to want to take it back, until I plugged it in and the screen was broken. I immediately called Walmart and the manager of the electronics department, and he told me it was nothing he was able to do. I couldn’t get my money back or even a new t.v to replace it. I wanted to contact you personally to see if there was anything we can set up seeing how I bought a $800.00 t.v from your store that was broke. Thanks for your time.
I can see the punch coming, it lumbers closer and closer to me just like a basketball when it is passed to you. Only I had to dodge this punch, which was still coming. The punch itself had several unique aspects, except for its slowness, - it was coming from my best friend-David- and he was ‘trying’ to get us on the same page. Looking back, it was the punch itself which lead to so many things changing between us; however, in the present moment it spurred my other best friend to try to come between the punch and me. Maybe he was making fun because he moved as slowly as he possibly could and the punch was still coming my way. Whereas Paulina sitting on the other side didn’t even bother looking at the commotion going in this side of the room. This made me wonder how did it
I pulled my black Chevy truck into one of the parking places closest to the door. Whether Adeline admitted it or not, I could tell she was in quite a bit of pain. Being the gentleman I am, I got out of the drivers seat and went around to open Adeline's door. When I got around to the other side, she was already trying to get herself out.
The first time I heard about Business Professionals of America (BPA), I was in 10th grade, I thought I definitely did not belong in that organization, first of all because I was not Professional and secondly because I did not know about business. I had a persistent friend that finally convinced me to join and at first I thought it was a waste of time since I did not know anyone at first. Now as I look back I am glad I joined because BPA has changed my life greatly. I have become more responsible and overall I have become a leader.
Have you ever tried to avoid someone while in a store? Thousands of people go shopping everyday. On any given day, at least one person will be stalked at a store that they frequent. I will never forget the day that in Walmart when I tried to avoid a creepy lady who then took my picture, while I tried to get away to find my mom.
Mrs. Bonquita was nervous but there was not another route back to the house and the kids couldn’t drive. Mrs. Bonquita started driving and had her bright lights on. After going 2 miles one of her light suddenly gave out. Ten miles later the other bright light went out. Mrs. Bonquita was very furious at the car but she forgot the car was very up in years. Mrs. Bonquita couldn’t see the road or the car in front of her. She ran into the car in front of her. She and the car she hit swerved to the side of the road and stopped. A mysterious man got out of the car. The man started walking at a slow pace towards Mrs. Bonquita. When the man got to the car and it was Ronald McDonald he had a horrible face expression. Ronald McDonald jumped on the hood of the car and started jumping. Mrs. Bonquita screamed. Kyra, with her ratchet self, opened the car door and grabed Ronald McDonald by his shoe and through him on the ground. She slapped him with her hand. She used her big meaty thigh and butt and sat on Ronald McDonald. He broke 10 bones. Kyra got back in the car. Mrs. Bonquita started the ignition and drove over of Ronald McDonald and then drove off. When they started to driving she came across a dead body on the road. Mrs. Bonquita was nervous so the car was starting to swiveling. When they arrive at Ben's house Mrs. Bonquita went into the kitchen to fix the kids a snack. Ben and his friends snuck out the house to go to the abandon house on
By going to the farmer’s market, you’re guaranteed to get the freshest in-season produce available, and the produce is---wait for it---locally sourced! Additionally, it’s a great way to connect with merchants and the farmers themselves and learn more about what you’re bringing home.
You know that feeling you get deep down in your gut that lets you know you’ve screwed up? As Soon as my father drove up, I couldn’t get rid of that feeling. Let me explain what led to this event.
Last night I was sitting down to do my homework in my room and I got a text from my roommate saying she needed my help at the mall. I called and asked if she was okay and if she was hurt, she replied and said that her car broke down and she still needed to run more errands. So being the good friend I am I went to the mall down the street and I called her back to ask where she was, she told me that she was at the Belk entrance. I drove around to the entrance and I see her walking towards me. She gets into the car and I looked to her and said where do you need to go. She told me that she needed to go to: Wal-Mart, Kroger, rue21, the bank, and pick up her niece from pre k. So we started our journey to Wal-Mart to start.
In the year 2008, I attended elementary school enrolled in the third grade. I enjoyed outdoor activities with a burning passion, and I had many friends. One weekend my best friend Dimitri slept-over at my house, and he and I decided to go on a bike ride with my younger brother. Unfortunately we only had two helmets that functioned properly, but since I always put friends first, I gave my helmet to Dimitri. We were having a great time racing up and down the block until my brother found a pair of rusty broken scissors lying on the side of the road. An awful idea entered his mind at that moment and he decided to throw the scissors at me. During his first attempt he missed and I sped away and yelled at him. Ignoring me, he threw them and missed
I walk into McDonald's, wondering why we drove so far to a McDonald's when there is one right next to our house. I don't care though, because I’m hungary. Dad walks in front of me holding my little brother’s hand. Following his gaze across the restaurant I see my mom and older sister Shliane sitting down. I haven't seen them for a year, happiness fills my body while I run over to them. My mom has joy written all over her face as she leans down and gives me a hug and tells me how much she misses me.
‘I know... But, please, talk about it. Your heart will break further if you don’t.’
Like it was yesterday, I still remember waking up early every weekend running to my dad's room hoping he will say yes when I asked him for some money to go to the store down the street. It was strictly for me to behave otherwise that was not going to happen. Going to the store was like someone wining the lotto, that’s how excited I got. Well, it was a good excuse to leave the house at least for 15 minutes.