I was left to plan my spring break 2017, which included 12 others. I searched for hours to find a perfect place to stay in Daytona Beach, and I eventually booked a place. After what seemed like the longest ride of my life, we arrived at the hotel, reservation confirmation in hand. We received our keys and went to the room. To our surprise, there was already a family settled in! We returned to the front desk to be told that the place was completely booked and that they "were sorry for the mix-up." After a couple of hours had gone by, we eventually settled for the same hotel, but we had to switch rooms three times during the week just to be able to stay. Although the plans that I had made did not go accordingly, I persevered and managed to work
During the summer of 2012, I was going on vacation to Clearwater, Florida, where we would hang out at the beach; go on mini trips during the main trip, while staying at the Magnuson Hotel for a week.
Everyone has a different perspective on what their special place would be some might be their back yard while for others it could be in a different city that they visit often or a vacation home. For me it would be in Miami,FL.I consider it to be my special place because of the food,music,South Beach,and family .Many people know of South beach due to a lot of movies being filmed there. While for others, such as myself ,were born and raised there.If someone ever gets the opportunity to visit they should take it.
When i went Destin, Florida. I went to Florida this summer after school was out . We went with my sisters best friend, and my best friend’s family. We drove from Arkansas all the way to Destin, Florida. The day we got there we went straight to the beach! It was the first time I had ever seen the ocean! The following day we decided to go down to the smoothie shack and get a smoothie then swim in the pool. The grown ups went to the beach while we were at the pool.
One sunny, hot afternoon at switchback mx in Orlando, Florida I was preparing get two rookie supercross riders here train. I was getting very nervous that adam cianciarulo, and ryan lojack would not be here on time to train. I stepped out of the van and smelled the 2-strokes, and heard the roaring bikes. Then finally Adam and Ryan finally showed up! Ricky Carmichael and Ryan Villopoto and I told them to go get ready, because we had a lot of work to do today. Ryan, and Adam went to work on the track battling it out, when I waved them in.
I would love to go to Destin,Florida because we barley have bonding things to do in Lossianna.We can raise money with each other and we can have more bonding time .Maybe on the way to Destin,Florida we can play games .Now we can change some school reasons because we need to get free id´s.Now im trying to convice my freind to come on a girls day i would convince her by do exciting things that her other friend does not do
I first encountered the ocean in 1958; I was ten. Being a map enthusiast, I knew exactly where Florida was, and I was excited to swim in the salty Atlantic Ocean. Born and raised next to frigid Lake Michigan I understood a large body of water as well as a sandy beach, but no book or encyclopedia prepared me for understanding the flavor or immensity of an ocean and its adjoining shore. Arriving at the beach I raced across the hot pure white sand to keep my feet from burning, stopping in wonder when I saw ocean waves gently caressing a seashore that seemed to go on and on forever. I knew I was somewhere special.
My best moment was when i went to the Florida Keys over Christmas break in 2015. It was a two week trip just on our way to the Keys. On our way we stopped at the Creation Museum down in Kentucky and we stayed at my grandpa’s house in Maranatha Village down in Sebring Florida. When we finally got down to the Keys i couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. The water was that beautiful blue color and there was nothing but colorful coral and crystal blue water everywhere. When we got to where we were staying it was packed. There were more campers than we could count. The campground was on it’s own little island on the highway. My dad used to work there while my grandpa sang for an audience in the outdoor bar by the pool and hot tub. When i went to
So my first two weeks at Florida Southern have been exhausting to say the least. One does not really know how flipped their sleep schedule is until they have to wake up early to drive to 8 am classes every other day. The bright side to these days, however, is that I end up making it home by about 11:00 am, where, beforehand, I might have even woken up at this time. I honestly don’t know what I expected from college, but I knew that the college that I planned on attending had a very beautiful campus. Living in the area, you always hear people talking about how world class architecture is located within the city. Florida Southern, along with Publix, and the location between Orlando and Tampa were the reasons everybody talked about
The United States has always been “home” to me because I feel that I am a bit of the quintessential American story. I was born to immigrants hoping for a better opportunity than what was offered from their third world home country. I was raised and went to school here, which blended many of my parent’s home culture and the new American culture. As I have matured, I have noticed how much my life has been influenced by society’s opportunities and issues. The American character is the crossroads of opportunity, struggle, and hopefulness because the it is not only a reflection of the founding father’s ideas, but also a reflection of minorities who have interjected their experiences that shaped my American journey.
It was October 24th, 2012, when my sister and I were watching the news. We sighed as the waves we once played in had destroyed the beach house that belonged to our beloved grandma. The boardwalk we once walked with our family was destroyed. The rides we once road were in the water. Our hearts broke as we watched the pine tree my grandfather once planted sway back and forth. How could Mother Nature destroy the places we have vivid memories of?
A few weeks ago I went to Florida with my grandparents, they are the best. I was so excited and the drive to the airport took forever. The plane ride took a really long time, and when we finally got to Florida it was late. When I woke up the next morning I went to the beach and the sand was super-hot on my feet, but once I went in the water I cooled off. The sun was always shining and it was really hot. I forgot to put sunscreen on one day and I turned bright red. There were a lot of palm trees in my surroundings. The condo that we stayed was a very popular place because a lot of people stayed there. There was so much stuff to do and see that we couldn’t do everything that we wanted to. We went and packed oranges from the trees, ive never seen
It all started on Monday April, 10th 2017. My family and I were all going on a trip to Florida for a week then to a tropical island off the coast of Florida. The people that were going was my mom, dad, brother, my best friend, my girlfriend, her mom, her dad, her brother, her brother's family, her best friend, and me. We all met at the Cincinnati airport where we flew 4 hours to Florida. When we got to Florida we got a hotel for the week. We were staying at a Doubletree hotel in St. Pete Beach.
"Stop asking questions!" my mom had told my brothers for about the one hundredth time. We were in our family minivan on our way to Florida. My mom and step dad would not tell my younger brothers where they had planned for us to go. I could see Bailey and Lucas Jr.'s ( We call him LJ) frustration and boredom as we passed the "Leaving Louisiana" sign. Though I knew we were going to Florida, I didn't know exactly where or why. My mom, Tonia, sat in the passenger seat; the entire ride all I saw was the back of her reddish-brown hair. I could see Lucas', my step dad, light hazel eyes in the rearview mirror hanging in the middle of the roof. The two youngest, Bailey and LJ, sat in the middle seats, and Timothy, my other brother, and I sat in the
For the first time in weeks my eyes didn't burn from just being outside. The air around me was surprisingly fresh for being in the valley; the place where the air quality always seemed to be deadly. The clouds in the sky were gray puffs, that was a shocking sight considering we've been use to the gray smoke recently. It seemed as if the weather had flipped a switch and decided to go into fall instead of the endless summer that seems to follow us everywhere.
The road trip is a sacred rite of passage for many newly graduated high school students. I was so fascinated by the wild stories my older brothers and their friends told about their road trips that I could not wait to experience my own. Three close friends and I planned a short but adventure-packed trip to Miami, Florida. We had high hope for the long weekend.