The trip consisted of two flights on the way to Costa Rica and we had a short tour of San Jose on our way to the first hotel. The first hotel was hot and the rooms were tight. The second day we went on a walking tour of San Jose and stop at different landmarks and talked Costa Rican history. Later that afternoon we went to a coffee plant and learned more about the Britt coffee plant and history of when it started. That night we went out in San Jose and bought our own dinner, mine was nasty. After dinner, we went to get crepes. Day three, we left San Jose and we were on our way to La Fortuna. On the way there, we stopped in an ox cart museum and listened to to history of ox cart wheels. After the ox Cart museum, we went to the gift shop to
I am one of the following students who had the chance to obtain the South Bay Promise Scholarship. I didn't know about the South Bay Promise, nor the First Year Experience. I am thankful for having such an amazing statistic’s teacher, Mr. Espinoza from Hawthorne High School. When he told the whole class about the opportunities here in El Camino College, I knew I had to apply because it would make different. If it wasn’t for him, a teacher so passionate on seeing his students not just graduate but to motivate them to go to an university or a college after, I would never be in the place that I am.
It was April of 1999. My family was at home. Children were running outside. The asphalt was burning. Cars rolled up to the entrance of the apartments and BANG. I grew up in Stockton, California. Surprisingly, as a minority, I wasn’t really a minority. There were, in fact, a large and diverse population of Asian-Americans. But, Stockton is not the ideal place to live. It was hot and dry, almost to the point of a drought. Stockton was also ranked as the one of the top 5 most dangerous cities in California. So, having a nice and safe family is kind of difficult. Eventually, my family decided to move to Crescent City, California when my dad retired. It was a world of difference. There were trees, plentiful water, and a nice cool temperature. This
I live in San Diego. My major is interior design and I am attending San Diego Miramar College I also have some courses in Mesa College. I am taking Political Science 102 to fulfill my general education. Moreover, I am married and have two children and English is my second language so I am nervous about understanding the material of this course, but I try to do my best. I have never protested or have attended any protests. To create a sign defending I would like to say “peaceful life for
San Luis, Colorado is the oldest town in Colorado. The Rio Culebra winds through the valley, surrounded by majestic mountains. It is one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen. My family along with many others have been here for generations. The beauty of the land is only accentuated by the beauty of our tight-knit families and culture. To counteract of all the physical and cultural beauty, there is social and economic strife everywhere around me. I live in the poorest county in Colorado and being impoverished is a challenge my community faces because of a lack of education and job deficit. As I have delved into community and family history, I have better understanding that the fact the that while many things like our support and love for family and culture have remain unchanged and untainted, so has the fact that our community struggles
"Well, those residents were homes of the, you might say, the elite of Los Angles, movie people, politicians and the like... They would kind of like, well like yourself, they would rent these places as a kind of getaway... I guess over time for some reason or other, like I guess all things, they lost interest, and the houses just set there abandoned. That was a long time ago... But about 50 or so years back, the city of Fresno got a grant from the state for infrastructure.... Hired a lot of workers from all over, Fresno not being LA, they got permission to convert some of these big houses into rooms and apartments... Cut em' up and redesigned them... Some they left the way they were, I spect they let these out to the bosses and their families...
I don’t remember much, I just remember not wanting to leave. The place I would be spending the rest of my life I had only visited a few times. I, only being two at the time, was absolutely terrified of moving. Moving. It seemed like the worst possible thing that could’ve happened then. At first, when we left, it felt the same as the last time I had gone there. Then the realization that I would be gone forever kicked in, and the fact that this time, my dad wasn’t coming with us. Just my mom and I.
We set off, with backs packed and DSW behind us, we looked forward to San Antonio. My dad and I were so excited, it was my first time in my dads second visit. I spent a whole school year learning about this place and its history, but to see it in person, that's a whole different story.
Although I was born in San Antonio, my childhood life wasn’t spent in the Alamo City. Up in north Texas, there is a miniature city consisting of three thousand people named Nocona. The town was my childhood life until my mother fell into a deep depression. As a result, my mother was unable to hold a job or take care of my sisters and I. This resulted in my mother giving us up to my father in San Antonio. When arriving in San Antonio, my mother would tell me that she was going to come back for us. It has been seven years and I have not lived with my mother since.
I was born in Modesto ,CA on August 17, 2003 in Modesto hospital . I lived in Atwater ,CA most of my life ,but then I moved to Merced this year. Places that I have visited that feel like home is Watsonville and Santa Cruz. I have been in the same school for 8 years . Also, I have had a separate year in preschool. When I was in preschool I went to a school near Winton ,CA. During my magical 8 years I stayed in Bellevue since kindergarden through 8th grade.
“Don’t stop, keep going because something great is waiting for us on the other side,” my mother kept reminding me while crossing the desert. Crossing the desert to come to the United States was the hardest thing I had to. This was not optional; it was necessary if we wanted to survive. Crossing the desert is challenging, scary, and tiring
As my breath fills the open-air with a cool and foggy mist, I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't gone on this trip. As I look down all I see is clothes covered in dirt and I wonder when the last time That Susan had got a chance to wash This Set of clothes when I look around i see some familiar faces and some I can't make out. These mountains have taken us days to climb. Most say that we are almost to the top but I fear that we still have very far to go. A fresh layer of snow lays atop the wagons, Susan is laying down bundled in a thin blanket inside the wagon, Father is getting old, And i'm starting to think that he might not ever see california. If he doesn't make it it would be just me and Susan, I don't think that i'll have time
The second to last class and I was starting to feel it. This class went by so fast I couldn’t believe it! I was excited, but a little scared for today. I was excited to go see the Upper East Side and see the park of Central Park that I have never seen before, but I was also scared because we were going to Harlem and I heard not so nice things about this neighborhood from my neighbor who is a cop in Harlem, but at the same time I was still excited to see a new neighborhood I have never seen before.
It was mid-winter of 1848, I was doing my daily chores when my neighbor brought news that two days earlier, on January 24, James W. Marshall made a discovery of gold on his piece of land in California. At first, I didn’t think that this would affect me in any way, but then I realized I could start a new life in California filled with gold and fortune, away from my small farm in Missouri. I decided to pack up my things and start on my long journey to California, I packed enough food, water, and supplies to last me a few months. The next morning I was surprised to see that not many others from my town were seeking gold, I knew it was unsafe for me to travel alone, but I was sure I’d meet others along the way.
From the moment I set foot outside San Jose Airport, I knew this trip to Costa Rica would be an amazing experience. Mountains which surrounds the airport was breathtaking and signaled the great experienced that was in stored for us. Our tour guide Daniel was very helpful and explained in vivid detail about the surroundings. The environment resembled very much about my home country Sri Lanka, and it gave me an overwhelming feel of happiness, almost like I came back home. I was feeling a little sad because my roommate Shannon missed her flight, but on the way to the hotel, Dr. Rhodd announced that she would luckily be joining us the next day.
Most people are all grown up when they finally figure out what they want to do with their life. I was 4. I realized what I wanted to be when I attended my very first Rodeo. Even though it was so long ago I can remember that day like it was yesturday. That day got me on the path to my future.