
Personal Narrative: A Writing Damsel In Distress

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A Writing Damsel in Distress
I don’t remember how I learned to write, I know I did obviously but it’s a mystery to me how. I barely remember my early years of schooling. Over my seventeen years of life I have had personal experiences with writing and English teachers that have formed me into the caliber writer that I am now. My first successful writing memory was in the fifth grade a graphic novel. I remember one of my classmates explaining what a graphic novel was one day and I just had to create one of my own. I was always an original kid, so it wasn’t going to be about some jerk in a cape saving a damsel in distress. No. This novel had a special flare. It was all designed on white printer paper I used sharpies for coloring and attached the pages with three strategically placed staples. It was about a girl who had been kidnapped from her family, but her kidnappers didn’t know she was a black belt in Karate. She fought her way out of a leaky basement, and to the street where …show more content…

In early years I lacked self-motivation in subjects that didn’t interest me. To be perfectly honest about the whole thing, I fell asleep a lot. Nothing against the teacher, because if she was she was teaching science I would be on like white on rice. But she was a grammar teacher and I was a twelve year old girl with the attention span of fruit fly, she was boring and I was daydreaming about what was for lunch, and trying to figure out a way to get to the snack line before all the hot wings and sugar cookies were gone. Sounds comical right? Not so much now, I struggle with grammar so much now and I often wish I could go back. Shake myself and say “hey wake up, because we don’t want to be in the twelfth grade struggling with run on sentences.” I can’t do that.” I do have many problems with spelling and grammar that I continuously struggle with now that I can trace back my issues to that

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