
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

As I sat in the brightly lit kitchen doing my homework, I suddenly realized that someone was intently watching me through the nearby and opened front door. It was pitch black outside, the only small sources of light beaconed from the stars. The shadowed figure drummed his fingers on the middle of the glass, leaving fading fingerprints.
Out of the corner of my eye, I peered at him, hoping he wouldn't notice my attention to him. As my eyes came into focus with the darkness outside, I saw a tall middle-aged man. He was overweight and pudgy. His hair, soaked in grease and sweat, was a rapidly fading dull brown with gray all around it. It stuck out wildly all over his head, except for the middle back, which was balding. His skin was slightly tanned, …show more content…

His corn-yellow teeth, and one shiny gold canine tooth, were proudly displayed as he grinned ear-to-ear like the Cheshire Cat. His squinty, beady eyes, which one was neon yellow, and the other was pewter gray, darted from side to side every second, like he was preparing to pounce on his prey, whatever that may be. His nose was gigantic; it was pointy, hooked and a nasty bump on the left side jutted out. On the left side of his neck, a bit under his chin was a medium-sized bleeding heart tattoo with a knife diagonally straight through the center and unreadable, messy English words seared in under and slightly to the left of the heart. A large scar followed; exposed, carmine colored, and fresh, was right under his left collarbone. Right under his scar was a tight, midnight black long-sleeved shirt with holes and blotchy soot stains at the collar and elbows. His …show more content…

I assured myself that I didn't look too startled, and I meagerly resumed observing him through the corner of my right eye. His right boot’s tip of the toe was firmly placed on the bottom center of the thinly constructed door, and his knees were slightly bent. He lifted that same foot up and off, and swung it behind him. In a timespan of a blink, a loud crack sang out and a precise blow to the glass shattered it into a shape of a perfectly round circle. I gasped meekly as thousands of shivers shot up my spine. The rest of the door shattered within itself, similarily like dominoes. The man “stealthily” (he acted as if I couldn't see him, even if he didn't even try to hide the fact that he broke in, but I knew for a fact that we were aware of each other) trudged a few steps in, about two yards away from me. I could feel the adrenaline begin rapidly pumping as he slowly made his way over to

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