Ultimately, my goal is to accomplish an innovative way to recycle my former clothing, become more environmentally friendly, and save money. My aim is to have a complete product by the end of the year. I plan to conduct the project at the comfort of my home. I wish to reduce my ecological footprint because it is vital that humans should be as sustainable as possible to keep the world running. I perceive this as a wise investment; this way I can invest by not consistently buying from expensive stores or brands that approve immoral practices, in example, child labor. I hope that I gain a greater appreciation for the world and the privileges it has given me. The best global context connection to my project is personal and cultural expression. My …show more content…
Originally I planned to learn how to operate a sewing machine, but now I aspire to reuse and create clothes because it is more directed towards my interest. I have brainstormed various designs for fabrications, however, I do not have anything solid for now. Currently I'm hoping to create a leather bag or fitted jeans. Nothing's carved in stone yet so I keep an open mind. Before beginning I had prior knowledge of basic art and math skills. Arts and crafts taught me: basic hand stitching, how to draw precise lines, and how to utilize scissors adequately. I had knowledge from math of: measuring, geometric shapes, and use of a ruler. The math skills will assist in shaping material while the art skills will be constructive in the neatness of performance. Being familiar with these skills gives me an immense advantage and a considerable starting point because I will be using these skills throughout my project. My research skills before starting were effective. I summarized information well, highlighted keywords, and always included vocabulary definitions so that it improves my comprehension. Organization is crucial; I must have all my work in order. Oftenly I reflect my notes to gain an enhanced understanding of a subject. I hope that during this project I elevate my abilities to formulate connections and compose my own
The family crisis that I did my Eco Map on was, when my mom was in the hospital, where they did not know if she was going to pull through or not. She went into the hospital because she was having trouble breathing and was really sick. When she went there the tests found that she had a lung abscess, she was rushed into major surgery right away. She was in the hospital for more than a week; after she was released she had to be at home resting for a month. While, my mom was in the hospital and at home she was not able to work at all which was stressful for my mom and also, brought conflict along with it because, she was worried about if she was able to keep her job and how much work would be waiting for her when she got back. Going along with missing work is the money that she was losing not working, she was able to get some paid time and sick leave which was nice but
The way in which I approached my research was to begin writing notes on all the information I already knew about each area. I then concentrated on the areas I had little or no knowledge about; I began to
Math and problem solving skills already inquired include reading all of the directions thoroughly. By doing that, it is know what I have to work with and what can be used to find what is needed. I think about the shapes and sizes on the page, and how they can be formed to be bigger, smaller, or to make a completely new shape.
With manufacturing moving overseas, we should realize that with it moves the dyed chemical water. Countries such as Bangladesh dump their wastewater in ditches that can be see when driving to textile mills and manufacturing plants (Cline, 2012, pg. 123). With environmental forces such as global warming, we are overlooking the waste the fashion world is creating. Instead of donating to The Salvation Army or Goodwill, “a tremendous amount of clothing is in fact not getting recycled but getting trashed” which means consumers aren’t realizing where their used garments are really going (Cline, 2012, pg. 123). Cellulosic fibers seem to be environmentally friendly because they come from cotton, flax, and bamboo. Even though these fibers start off
The student’s guide to research expounds on the practical steps that students should follow when conducting their research and the effective ways of presenting the research findings. Research entails the search for new knowledge, which makes it distinct from the routine application of the known results. The goals of research include addition of human knowledge to the previously known truths or findings. The research process involves extensive interaction with the internal and external environment. The university provides the setting in which, such apprenticeship occurs. When conducting research, the student should begin with finding the purpose to write.
My initial Ecological Footprint done on May 25,2016 If everyone on the planet lived like me we would need 5.7 Earths to provide enough resources. It takes 25.4 acres ignorer to support my lifestyle. In order to drop my footprint by 0.4 I decided to only eat meat once a week and also to recycle daily items that I use for example water bottles and other plastics I also plan to car pool or maybe even walk to places when I can the following places I would most likely car pool or walk to would be library, gacory store, family events, park, and also the gym all these places are pretty close to me living in the Macedonia community.
It all started on one hot summer day riding in the Jeep with the whole family, windows were down and laughter was floating freely through the air. I can still remember it like it was yesterday; the temperature was about 87 degrees and the humidity wasn’t bad at all. As we were driving down the road, the top down on the Jeep and the radio playing as loud as it could go, my favorite song came on the radio, “Ride the Wind” by Poison. It is so amazing and it always helps when that right songs comes on the radio which sets the mood for the rest of the day. We even had our 6 year old dog with us. He’s always content with his head sticking out the back glass and his ears flopping in the warm breeze.
Opportunities are once in a lifetime. My junior year of high school I applied to join the Envirothon team. Although there were several applicants I was one of the few selected. Envirothon is an academic competition based on environmental science with five categories: forestry, wildlife, aquatics, soils, and current event. Within a team of five we take a test for each category together. The team with the highest combined test score, along with a prompt score moves on to the next competition. Opportunities are seen as learning platforms to me. Every category within Envirothon taught me something new. In soils, I learned how to tell what kind of soils are present and a rough percentage of how much clay, sand, and silt are in the soil by texture.
Throughout the internship, I 'm excited about learning how to sew and repurpose clothes so that I can save money. One of the reasons I decided to choose the fashion internship for the Majors Program is because I wanted to find a more affordable means
From my results, I know that if everyone live like me, we would need 2.1 Planet Earths in order to
While I was living in Mexico with my mom; I would like to explore our backyard with my dog Jack. Our backyard looked like it was like a jungle / mountain. My house was on the top of one hill and the rest of the yard was below us so I would have to walk down this trail if I wanted to be down there. It was full of humongous trees covering the skies; we also had mango trees and coconut trees. I liked to walk all the way to the bottom with Jack because there was a little lake and when we would dig; we would dig up some see through shrimp.
Rarely do we stop and take into account our living habits, and how they may impact the environment. After calculating my own ecological footprint, I learned that if everyone lived like me, it would take 5.1 Planet Earths to provide enough resources. Throughout the process, I learned the breakdown of my footprint, and ways that I could hopefully reduce my ecological impact in the future.
“I can’t get your uncle to pick you up at at three, so you have to hold tight until five,” after I received my mother’s orders I returned the long black corded phone back to my teacher. Soon after, the school bell rang, teachers released students to go home and I was left with no choice but to wait. I was in eighth grade at the time (so around 2007), the weather was beginning to break into spring, which is a joyous time in Detroit, almost like a reward or celebration after getting our viciously cold long winters. The sky was clear pastel blue and the sun shun down making the day a beautiful sixty degrees. On this great tuesday, I made the decision to join a group called “Green Team”. Originally, I did not necessarily want to, but since my
How fast fashion is affecting the environment is a very serious topic since this type of consumerism in the United States is heavy on supply and demand, and because of that shoppers want it all and want it now which is basically fast fashions motto. The way to make these pieces of clothing heavily rely on cheap materials that can be made quickly, so that is polyester and cotton being made in big factories that emit out toxins into our earth. Cotton being one of the most used fabrics takes a lot to be made into a single garment. Uzbekistan which is the 6th biggest producer of cotton had faced many conflicts during production since cotton uses so much water to be made it has dried up the 4th largest lake the Aral Sea because of how much we need to produce cotton fashion. (Prospectjournalucsd) Buying these cheap garments that become unwearable after 5 times (Forbes) of wearing it usually gets thrown out after and producing more waste that gets put into our waterways since theses garments shed easy and through washing them can “find their way into oceans and on the shores everywhere.” (Sweeny) So with the help of shoppers, being able to cut down on the purchase of fast fashion can help aid in keeping the ecosystem in order.
The current reality of clothing production, called fast fashion, is the industry standard of mass producing luxury styles in a matter of weeks. To do so, clothes are churned out quickly using poor quality materials. This is problematic because of the large amount of unnecessary environmental damage that this business model causes. The fashion industry should abandon the current trend of fast fashion and disposable clothing to decrease the amount of hazardous environmental waste created. The fashion industry should adopt slow fashion values that aim to cut excess consumer waste by changing the current societal norms around fashion buying and clothing disposal.