
Personal Narrative: Achieving My Ecological Footprint

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Ultimately, my goal is to accomplish an innovative way to recycle my former clothing, become more environmentally friendly, and save money. My aim is to have a complete product by the end of the year. I plan to conduct the project at the comfort of my home. I wish to reduce my ecological footprint because it is vital that humans should be as sustainable as possible to keep the world running. I perceive this as a wise investment; this way I can invest by not consistently buying from expensive stores or brands that approve immoral practices, in example, child labor. I hope that I gain a greater appreciation for the world and the privileges it has given me. The best global context connection to my project is personal and cultural expression. My …show more content…

Originally I planned to learn how to operate a sewing machine, but now I aspire to reuse and create clothes because it is more directed towards my interest. I have brainstormed various designs for fabrications, however, I do not have anything solid for now. Currently I'm hoping to create a leather bag or fitted jeans. Nothing's carved in stone yet so I keep an open mind. Before beginning I had prior knowledge of basic art and math skills. Arts and crafts taught me: basic hand stitching, how to draw precise lines, and how to utilize scissors adequately. I had knowledge from math of: measuring, geometric shapes, and use of a ruler. The math skills will assist in shaping material while the art skills will be constructive in the neatness of performance. Being familiar with these skills gives me an immense advantage and a considerable starting point because I will be using these skills throughout my project. My research skills before starting were effective. I summarized information well, highlighted keywords, and always included vocabulary definitions so that it improves my comprehension. Organization is crucial; I must have all my work in order. Oftenly I reflect my notes to gain an enhanced understanding of a subject. I hope that during this project I elevate my abilities to formulate connections and compose my own

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