Hello, Am I Natasha Youell, the mother. In February I took a test which told me that you were on the way. I was scared at first then filled with utter joy. Your father’s family and mine were all in support and buying things for you. Even though I didn't know if you were a boy or girl. I would take a healthy baby any day now. On May 1 2016, the news was like a death bell ringing constantly in my ears. Not once did I think this would happen to me. I took care of you the best I could. The next day was the night I let go of unborn child. Never did I get to meet this child, but only in dreams. Nothing could have prepared me for the stinging pain that would run up my veins, like pumping blood. Once seeded inside me, creating a home which was meant
My name is Kaitlyn Hoopingarner, and I am a senior at West High School. Sioux City, Iowa has been my home for my whole life. At West High, I am involved in multiple activities: varsity wrestling cheer, robotics, and theatre. In addition to my school activities, I also paint, crochet, and play video games. I plan to attend Iowa State University to major in Computer Science. My birthday is July 25th, and Christmas is December 25th; so, my birthday is "Christmas in
On January 29, 2001 at around four o’clock in the afternoon, a beautiful little girl named Leslie Arreaga was born. It was the first time I was able to hold and see a baby so up close. When I saw her for the first time I didn’t know what to say. All I told my parents was “ I love her and she is perfect.” My parents laugh at me because I was only four years old when she was born. I just couldn’t believe that I was finally an older sister. I remember that every time a person would come in and try to hold her I would give them a look saying “ If you hurt her, I will hurt you.” Leslie was the most precious little baby I had ever seen in my little four year life. She was so chubby, with big brown eyes and a little heart shaped mouth. The day my
Who am I? I am a person that likes getting her job done. I am a teenager that is always there when a friend or a family needs an advice or any help on anything I am positive about many things I am a person that is calm relaxing and stay away from conflict who am I? I am Elizanne Barrios a person that will never give up in life until I accomplish my dreams because that’s why I came to America to succeed.
My interview partner, Amanda Urdiales, says that she hardly procrastinates. It is safe to assume that Amanda is very confident in herself and in her abilities to complete a task at the last moment. Her main cause for such confidence in her abilities comes from the notion she feels she has enough time to get the task at hand done. She usually does not procrastinate, but when she does, she almost always gets the assignment done the day before it is due. She also procrastinates on work she find uninteresting or difficult.
On October 17, 2002 at 7:58pm at Riverside Hospital in Newport News, Va., Mr. Corey and Mrs. Annise Herbin had their first and only baby. Before I was born my parents thought of several names for me. My dad wanted to name me Leslie and my mother considered Sydney and Briana. They decided to name me Layla Camille Herbin, which means dark knight and silent warrior. After seeing the boxer Laila Ali on television, my mother fell in love the name. My parents told me that immediately after I was born, my father took me from the doctor and raised me up to dedicate me to God. They describe it to me like the scene in the movie Roots.
Hello my precious unborn child. I am not really sure where to begin. The doctor is saying that I might not make it through this pregnancy but they will make sure you live to see this crazy world that we live in. I want to make sure that you understand your history and where you come from!
I interviewed Ms. Ashley Rogers. She told me that her mother is a person that has had the most impact in her life. Her mother was successful in her career and as a mother. She showed her how to be an upstanding citizen and a good person. She showed her how to be a leader to others when needed and support those who need it as well. She supported her through every career change or decision she made in school. The most important decisions she makes as the leader of her organization is that working with her department chair and other teachers it forces her to make decisions that show them how to do better at their job. She encourages creative thinking within her organization by making students think outside the normal. With her coworkers she
Twenty years ago today, God gave me my second child. She has come to have many nicknames from my gift from God, my Angel of Jesus, to my Princess. Lauren Bailey, you have developed into a beautiful young lady, who is head strong and always knows what she wants. Even as a baby you knew what you wanted and how you were going to do things. When the doctors told me that they needed to take you away as soon as I had you, I lost a piece of me, because I did not know what to expect especially after your first surgery at five days old, but you showed your dad and I that you were strong and willing to live. You have shown so much courage, even at 9 years old, when you had your open heart surgery and you told me “Mom if God wants me to be with him, I
I first met Sara Christine Lewis in Provo, UT after Hegon whom I have been a close friend since college got married to Sara and we have been close friends since then. My husband Jacob and I invited them over for dinner a few times so that Sara could get used to the Korean food and its culture. She was having a hard time getting used to certain spices on the dishes that I cooked at the dinner but tried and liked it later. It took my husband two years to acquire its traditional taste of Korean food while he was in Korea as a full-time missionary. My husband and I decided to throw a party at our place during the Thanksgiving holidays in November 2014 and invited other internationally married couple friends whom we stayed in close contact with
It was a cold winter day in the outskirts of New York. He was sitting in the window, clearly playing the piano. He moved with such passion and charisma, that you would have thought he was in a deep relationship with it. He seemed to be in his mid-20s, and he was completely taken away by the music that was rolling out of his fingers. I, Rachel Smith, am truly mesmerized by this body that I do not even know. I had never noticed the boy before, as I have walked by this house a nearly dozen times this week. I have concluded that he is a guest, inside the massive house that stands before me or the person living inside, hired this boy to play for his guests. As I proceed to stand here and wonder, I realized that the boy is sad. He seems happy with
I have for months been in apprehension that David would volunteer. Yet, joining the Army will be a terrible trial to me. He joined the Washington County Company commanded by Capt.Willet. They are now at Camp Cummings, the Fair ground. David sold his Pistol, got $25 for it, paid some of his little debts and we are preparing shirts with crochet work. He is very serious and deliberate about it, and the poor boy, he will be more so as the hardships thicken upon him. He was anxious to be called in.
Melanie is so bubbly!! He smile is contagious and you can feel her loving aura give you a hug when she enters the room. I met her first when I was at the library and she was teaching a lesson on college essays. Her personality was engaging and her laughter was infectious. In a part of her powerpoint she was describing what she does and how she is a part of an organization called Playing For Others. While she was describing this you could tell how much love and passion she had for this organization. After the class I talked about how I had heard of PFO and how I was deciding if I should apply etc. Melanie really gave me my last push to leap for the application and expand my comfort zone. Now I see her at Playing For Others events and she always
My father was getting up bright and early to go to work and of course, he had accidentally woken up my mother with all his ruckus. That wasn’t such a big issue though, she had to get up soon anyways to wake her two little ones for school. As soon as my mother had gotten up, she had her first contraction coming from me inside her belly. My trooper of a mother, the one with multiple contractions happening during the time she’s trying to care for her children, insists to not yet leave to go to the birthing center until her kids were both dressed, stuffed with breakfast, and safely on the bus to go to school. After a long, agonizing hour of getting her two kids ready for school and her husband freaking out about not knowing when I was about to pop out, they had finally rushed to the Austin Area Birthing Center. On November 5, 1999 at 1:17 P.M., I, the third of four children, the brightest, the most joyful, was finally born.
I will never forget the moment my labor began, the moment that marked that step in my journey into motherhood. I can remember everything about it so clearly. My mom, fiancé, and I woke up early Friday morning to make our way to Western Missouri Medical Center. I stood in front of the mirror looking at my belly knowing it would be my last time standing in that bathroom with my baby inside of me still. It was a bittersweet moment that I cherished as long as I possibly could. I was set to be induced that morning and very excited, yet a little bit nervous. I had no idea what to expect. I’d been waiting a very long 37 weeks to finally meet this precious human that had been growing inside me. I had ideas of what he might look like, and what the experience might be like, however nothing could have prepared me for what was in store over the next few days.
I wake up in a hospital room. My belly has grown, it’s almost due. The T.V. is playing, hanging on the wall, my face is on it. A news anchor is chirping excitedly about my heroic escape. I don’t feel heroic. I don’t want to be in this strange place, I don’t want that pill, please nurse go away (please please I don’t belong here this is not my home) this is not my baby, I don’t want to be here. A strange realization dawns upon me.