“Hey let's go to the cafe with the pink roof”, I pointed as my friends and I waded through the precarious poodles through the cobblestone road. We were all eager to retreat from the drewery weather, into a warm lit cafe. The nine of us were what you could call “stereotypical American tourists.” Yelling loudly, carrying oversized bags and wearing bright colored clothes. We wanted to find a cafe that had wifi so we could all have internet to post our excessive vacation food pictures, I however was just interested in eating a chocolate crepe and sitting a warm cafe with my friends in a picturesque small French town. So we all slipped out of the drizzly weather, into the cafe as we removed our jackets and wiped down our feet. We meandered through the cramped seats and discovered an aromatic smell that radiated throughout the cafe. The burning coffee beans, the sweet frosting and the smell of rich cocoa: made me never want to leave France. We all found our seats, smiling from ear to ear ready to dig into our delicious French desserts. As we reminisced on all events of today’s tour, it dawned on me. I ran out of Euros. All I had was my credit card and 40 US dollars, the rest of my money was left in the safe in the hotel, more than 30 kilometers away from our little cafe. So I raised my hand and asked the waiter if the …show more content…
This question has frankly dogged me for the past 10 years. It finally clicked, like hands of a clock falling in line, as I stood under the gloomy French drizzle. My name obviously means God has set my path. But it also doesn’t mean that my path is simple and straightforward. If anything, it means that my path will have some winding roads, and yes there will be rain. But the path, I am on is ultimately the only path for me. Just as my journey through Saint-Malo, my sometimes will not bring me into the destination I want, however it will bring me to the destination that I need to be
What makes traveling to foreign lands such a coveted and memorable experience? What does one get out of exploring new cultures and atmospheres? In “The Shock of Teapots,” by Cynthia Ozick, the quality and nature of traveling and travelers themselves is explored. Within this work of creative nonfiction, Ozick strategically uses genre, diction, and exemplification to effectively emphasize that travelers see ordinary things in a new light when visiting other places and countries.
America is one of the most amazing continents in the world particularly because my country –Colombia- is located there. As assumptions are accepted as part of the initial approach in the course, I am going to assume that when someone from the Northern part of the continent –not Canadians- talks about America, it refers to the United States of America (USA). In this case, USA is indeed as wonderful as the people’s pride for their country. In fact, you can feel an air of patriotism wherever you walk and see the national flag with the stars and stripes floating freely in the wind. Even though, USA’s democracy is far from being perfect, it is one of the few countries that still offer the right to develop and express oneself
The very first conversation I had with the one closest to me was an argument. I will never forget it. We were talking about our goals and ambitions in life. When I told him what I wanted to do, I just got the average “Good for you! That’s so great!” response. When he told me that after graduation he was shipping out to Army basic training to become an Airborne Combat Engineer, I didn't give the same response back.
America is a nation built on the backs of the weak. People from all forms of faith, belief, and nationalities came together, from persecuted, backgrounds to build the nation we exist in. My family was one such group of people. Irish immigrants, we moved from the homeland to the New World to be rid of a famine that was starving our people. In America we found new opportunities, but also much opposition. Racial classification and prejudice ruled in the mid to late 60s and beyond. This was during the time that Mr. Bernie Sanders began his rise to power. With a platform of protecting the weak, and building the middle class. This man is poised to revolutionize America. In the face of adversity, he stands firm and strong.
I have been living here in Crescent Valley Mobile Home Park for nearly 15 years, and I have never had problems with any neighbor. That is, until a woman moved into space #30 about two years ago. That was when the lives of my children were completely turned upside down. The aforementioned woman makes our lives seemingly impossible, and I really can’t take the stress.
I didn’t believe in aliens until I was abducted by them. I was put in some kind of contraption and I’m not sure what happened exactly, but it’s clear that I’m not where I was. Everything in 2016 is different, I don’t know if I’m in a different state or not but people are dressing differently and acting differently, and the cars, the cars are all different! I’ve been here for quite some time now and have noticed a lot of differences from where I lived in Oceanside, California in 1940. I’ve been transported to the year 2016 and there are so many things that have changed and evolved and among them are political, economic, social, and cultural changes.
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.”
America’s greatest gifts to my generation in my thoughts, are freedom, internet access, and jobs.These are only some of the things that this generation are available to.We have been given the opportunities that people would have wished to have.Even so, some people take those chances, and abuse them.Here is why I chose these three opportunities.
In class we watched a video over a very opinionated male who explained the reason why America is not great. I have a lot of respect for this man and I think that he brought up some extremely valid points that I have never thought about. What I mainly want to touch on is the fact that he accused my generation of being apathetic. He basic says that we could care less and are lazy good for nothings. The best response I can think of is, look at who raised us. Now, I am not saying that it is entirely our parents fault or their parents fault for the reason why teenagers do not care about school, grades, or the world. I am just saying that it is unfair to put the entire blame on my generation saying that we are the reason why the America is not great. He makes it seem that as soon as my
Well, ordering 1 plate for 2 people is certainly a good way to save some money. I agree that this can be easily done in America. I've actually become accustomed to the smaller portions here and like it. Tokyo has been hotter than I had originally expected. I'm a little surprised actually, since I didn't expect it to reach Florida temperatures. Last week, one day it was 37C here. It hovered around 33 to 34C the entire week. I don't think I've ever sweated so much, even in Florida. It was getting pretty bad. We just bought a second a/c unit. I couldn't see sleeping here at night without air conditioning. It's too unbearable. I imagine Minneapolis must be cooler than Tokyo. I know that you should have some nice Autumn seasons there with the leaves
When I think of the American Identity I think of who we are as a country. From day one we have been fighters and just trying to make this a better place than we found it. Still today we are fighting, not only trying to help our country but to also help our neighbors in need. If you are being kicked out of your own home, out of your country America will bring you in, If you are hungry America will feed you, If you want a future America will educate you. This is the land that will give you a chance in life, to do or be something amazing.If you can’t see that then open your eyes because it is all right in front of you.
Growing up in Ghana, I had heard a lot of things about the U.S. This was a country I had always wanted to visit; my prayer was answered when I got the opportunity to travel there. Arriving in a new environment came with many experiences. Adjusting with food, language and the weather was not easy. With the passage of time, however I have been able to0 adjust and fit it. This write-up therefore is to elaborate on my experiences since coming to U.S.
After a grueling week of tests and excessive studying, I enjoyed my Sunday at a May Day festival in Serenbe. I had never been to Serenbe before, but I had heard about its unusual utopian atmosphere. While my friends were immediately charmed by the cute, artsy buildings and general quirkiness, I was slightly alarmed by the strange, surreal environment. I felt like I was on the set of a movie or in the setting of a novel. Everything was a little too cute, a little too perfect.
Studying in a foreign country is an interesting experience of an individual lifetime. One tends to learn a number of things relating to ways of life in a foreign land. Social, political and economic values and aspects are usually different from one region to another. Therefore, through studying abroad one is able to learn different issues about another society such as gender and sexuality issues, social class and race/ethnicity issues. Having come from a developing country studying in the U.S.A has been a great experience personally. This paper will attempt to provide a reflection of my personal experience on studying in the U.S by comparing the history of Angola and the U.S.
I should state in the beginning I don’t hate American, I am as American as it gets, no matter where I am I still described myself as an American. But as a citizen, I have my own opinion and criticism of my country. I should also put out there that I don’t particularly support a government formation of any kind. Because I do believe in the philosophy of anarchy,(so I may have a somewhat extremist viewpoint compared to some.) That rejects compulsory government or compulsory rule and holds that society can be organized without a coercive state. I think of government as harmful. So when I say I don’t hate America, I mean the people and our culture. I don’t wish to get into such semantics as if we are able to rule ourselves or if it’s possible at this point for us to transition into such a state after