
Personal Narrative Analysis

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I have always loved school, from my first day of kindergarden to my first day of high school and almost everyday in between. I always excelled in school, even though I moved around a lot. I had already been to four different elementary schools by the time I was in the fourth grade, and one more for half a year in sixth grade. I had a rough childhood aside from all of the moving. Growing up my life was never really normal. I had two moms, which nowadays isn’t that big of a deal, but 15 years ago it was. My life was fairly good until I was about five or six when my moms got a divorce. At the time I didn't know it but it was at that point that my life started to change forever. After the divorce my parents went to court for custody and one of …show more content…

I stayed at the same school, Standiford, for two years then when I needed my friends the most I switched schools. I soon made new friends and in turn a new group to lean on and to have for support. Everything was looking up and things started getting better, that we until the summer when I was going to start the sixth grade. Over summer my mom told my brother and I that she had meet someone and that we were going to move, to the mountains. Just when I felt at home, safe, and that my life was looking up all of the blocks I built over the years came crashing down and I had to start all over. We moved up to the mountains and I hated my mom, at the time for what she was doing to my brother and I. Thankfully it didn’t last long, we were out of there in a week, an incident occurred and we left. We had nowhere to go and we didn’t know what to do. Then, my aunt called and we moved in with her, my uncle, and cousin in Lodi. I was still upset that I wasn’t home, in Modesto, but at least I was with family. About half way through the school year my mom gets a call from a friend in Modesto for a job offering, this was the happiest day of my life, so we packed up and moved back down to Modesto with my

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