As I sit on the pier, golden rays from behind begin to illuminate the lake. I can feel the warmth of the sun on my back as it takes its place in the sky. A refreshing breeze starts to flow through the air, and as if on cue, waves form in the previously calm water. It's as if the sun and wind are communicating with the water. "Wake up." They say, informing it that a new day has begun. I am calmed listening to the flow of the water. Waves crash to shore. This temporarily chases the seagulls away. As I watch a repeating game of cat and mouse between the waves and seagulls, I see the routineness in this morning. Even nature has everyday tasks to carry out, just as in our own world. I've come to the conclusion that tasks don't seem so
The Ancient Greek civilization is noted for presenting the ideas of perfection in daily life. Many of the things they did were a result of wanting to maintain their ideal image of how Greek civilians should live, by sophrosyne which was being able to have self-control, restraint and living in moderation. Sophrosyne would lead to kalokagathia, the Greek way of viewing the world interacting with polar opposites in order to produce a change and ultimately lead to areté, reaching one’s highest potential or excellence. Greek architecture was influenced by these ideas. The Erechtheum (ca.
Roald Dahl successfully presents scary/creepy moments/ideas in his writing, by make simple things a lot stranger.
All sports require time and dedication to a certain extent. Dance has been my passion and weekend activity since I was three and became a very serious thing from seven to around twelve. I danced at a studio until I entered middle school at K.O. Knudson and dance was my major. I left K.O. and moved to Summerlin where I now attend Palo Verde. I received dance as my elective, being weary about the class considering I was also recovering from a back injury even during my time at K.O. and on top of that knowing I was loosing all of my skill from being absent forever and a day.
My parents are very different from each other. We all have different views on thing and school. I myself have only left the state once that was when I was like 2 months old my mom took me to Alabama to see my aunt and uncle and cousin. I love to fish and Longboard. I don't play too many video games. Also I absolutely can't wait unit I don't have to go to school any more. I will end up going to college one way or another because I would like a degree in engineering or something in that nature. I was almost put up for adoption when I went to Alabama. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters. I only know one of my sisters. My mom lost custody of when I was little. I never met her. She is only like 2 years younger than me. I also play baseball. I have never went hunting or for that matter I have never shot a gun. I own 2 bows 1 for target practice and the other one is for hunting when i get older.
Walking the overgrown paths in the expansive woods behind my house, I tried again to escape the claustrophobia of the cul-de-sac and the boredom of a small town. The forest was my sanctuary, and I walked knowing every rock, root, and bush. Then suddenly, it was different. My eyes hit the familiar clearing ahead, and I launched into a sprint through the underbrush, leaping up and over the barbed wire-topped rock wall. Landing with a whoop of delight, I eyed the novelty, a huge, brown steer, staring back at me. Molten joy turned to icy fear, and the steer began to charge. Thirty seconds of terror later, I noticed two things as I heaved against a maple tree: my now dung-covered shoes were ruined, and my curiosity was finally piqued.
Nowadays, technology is an important tool used in so many different aspects of our life to help things like finance, navigation, and even food. With all of the advancements and ideas that the tech industry is making, technology is now becoming more and more involved in the health and wellness aspects of our lives. Now Physical therapists are starting to go along with this trend and have been using more of the tools and applications that are being created to help with the rehabilitation of their patients. Some of the new technology that has been created are specific video games that have new workout routines, stretches, timers and diet suggestions for the Wii or X-Box Kinect. There are also new smartphone and smart watch apps with similar features
I found this week’s reading in the course text on custom fitting shotguns to be quite interesting because I’ve almost always had a shotgun in my home, but I’ve never done any work to customize the scatter guns I’ve owned… I think That’ll be changing pretty soon. Prior to getting into shotguns in this course I never had an idea as to how some custom work could enhance the performance of a shotgun. I knew there was a ton of work that could be done, but because I was never really into wing shooting or whatnot I never saw how it might help me out.
If you've ever moved you may have felt the way I have. Now this whole moving "thing" didn't seem to bad to me in the beginning, probably due to the fact that I was only 8 years old. Though I didn't exactly know that we were moving out of the county and away from my friends, that was the surprise to me. That reason specifically hit me the hardest. Either way it could have gone worse, but it went pretty well after awhile of settling in, fixing ,and changing my life style.
The year is 2040, and Sam, a young 14-year-old boy, was just like everyone else. He attended a public tech academy along with a couple thousand other kids his age. Every day was the same; same dull gray uniform with a blue stripe going down the back; same classes. English, New Age math, science, and tech theory. Every other student experienced the same classes day by day.
Glancing at the keys and nodding, he set the metronome and tapped his foot getting the beat physically and let his fingers glide over the keys. Letting the music seep into him as he had played the complex piece over and over again demanding himself to be perfect. Striking each key was perfectly timed and showed the emotion he had made it sound sharp and crisp. Steve kept nodding as he then glanced downward he saw the ivory keys along with his fingers coated in a rich scarlet hue. His fingers bleeding. The pain shot through his fingers as the heat engulfed the slender fingers . It was the fire again! Attempting to put the fire out that now chewed at not only his fingers but the piano as well it only ended with the man sitting up in a blind
It seems like it was only yesterday when I ran my first race. The nervousness, adrenalin pumping, and the big boisterous crowd of people cheering me on. This first race was one of the main reflections of my consistent training in which I prove to myself, and the rest, how capable I actually was. I felt extremely nervous, so getting it over with was my goal. However, I’ve come to the realization that these feelings reoccur every time I race. This, I’ve heard, is much the same as going off to college- the big step taken by a young adult to learn the efforts of becoming independent. Race days have given me a taste of what leaving for college is like, without experiencing it for myself.
When I was in ninth grade I took a trip to the doctor with my mom. About to tryout for the high school volleyball team, I needed my yearly sport physical. As a kid who always would ride my bike and hang out outside, I thought I was a healthy kid. Growing up I knew I was overweight but I never thought it was bad as the doctor made it out to be. As doctors do, she showed me where I lined up to the average of my age and height group. I already knew what she was gonna say, I already knew I was “fat”; and of course the doctor told me my weight was too high for my height and I was putting myself at risks. Like most kids I didn’t want to pay attention to what she was saying, I was a teenager who just wanted to get out of there with the paper that
The hospital became a very familiar place for me at the age of 19; as my mother went through all the necessary steps leading up to her operation, she was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor, although it was benign it was pressing on a major vessel blocking the proper flow of blood to her brain. As the doctors explained to us what needed to be done and that all the hard work would begin once the operation was over, I knew right then and there that my mother needed me now more than ever.
It's the beginning of summer, and Marilyn was really excited. Her plans were to go to the beach and have some fun out of the city but something was going happened to her plans. Her aunt Rosie was coming to visit and when she comes to visit all plans go down hill but Marilyn wasn't going to let that happen this year. Marilyn was going to do everything she could do to not let her vacations plans get ruined especially because her aunt was coming over.First thing she wanted to do is to try to convince her parents to go to the beach and include her aunt.
This year, for the first time in my life, I was not at school on the first day.