
Personal Narrative Analysis

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Even though I have intense animosity toward my parents at times, they are some of the wisest people I know. For many, wisdom means having an excessive amount of money, gray hairs on their head, and a big family. To me, wisdom is learning from experiences and not repeating the same mistake twice. Both of my parents were the first to go to college in their families. Their parents were not able to attend due to a poor financial situation or having to work multiple jobs to help sustain their families. This didn't stop them from working to the best of their abilities so that they could give the best they could to my parents. In Mexico we have a "si se puede" (we can do it) attitude, even though the resources to this are very low. My dad has repeatedly told me how many …show more content…

My dad did not truly understand this situation until he himself was in it. My parents came to the US through a job offer given to my dad in 1995. They had little resources since the money brought was lessened in value and my mom was not allowed to work since she was not a citizen. My dad then had to support two people on a minimum wage salary, that was difficult but it can be done. In 1998, two people became three, but something unexpected happened. My brother, Joaquin was born with autism and with an insufficiency of elastin. This was a big shock to my parents especially since the doctors said he wouldn't be able to walk unless he took many therapies, many expensive therapies. My parents didn't have the money necessary to pay for these therapies, but since my brother

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