Throughout my adolescent years, I never ventured out and explored anything. Any sense of adventure i had seemed to be crushed by the screen or couch i always found myself glued to. Much like an insect to a light, i could never seem to break away from the temptation to spend all my time playing games on the same couch every day. This stayed true until the summer before my freshman year of highschool. My brother had always been kind of a role model in the sense i wanted to be like him, however i never attempted to follow in his steps or put in any sort of effort to accomplish that goal. The summer before freshman year i traveled to Okinawa Japan for 6 weeks, the best six weeks i've had yet. As if i had been chained in a cave my whole life, i
A. Just imagine driving home from a party after everyone had been drinking and all of a sudden there is a big crash and the next thing you know you and your friends are being taken to the hospital in an ambulance. That is what can happen when you decide to drink and drive. B. Drinking can be fun when you are with your friends but once a person makes the decision to get behind the wheel it is a completely different story.
Welcome to my outlandish, yet in my opinion, amusing brain! The name presented to me upon birth is Taylor Lee Thompson. Currently, I am suffering through the struggles of junior year at Marion Senior High School. Difficult classes, early mornings, and extracurricular activities have made me an expert in the sport of juggling. The class that has appealed to me the most over the years is Criminal Justice. I found the behind the scenes instruction absolutely riveting! My instructor, Mrs. Hamm, kept me on my toes and I was always learning about crime, criminals, and cases. On the other hand, the class I utterly dread is history. Any and every type of history has always slowly bored me to sleep. I am convinced we are taught the same curriculum
When I was 13 my mother, who was 7 months pregnant, had a stroke.My dad and I rushed her to the emergency room. The doctors told us she was having a stroke so they're were going to have to deliver the baby and operate on her. My baby brother Leo was premature so he had to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit for two months until he was healthy. My mom on the other hand was in a coma for about a couple of weeks. When she woke up her whole right side unable to move. She remained in the hospital for 7 months to recover and was then transferred to a rehab center in Omaha. This took a toll on our family because it was far away from home, and my mother wasn't with us on weekdays. From that point on I had to carry an immense amount of responsibility.
A reoccurring circumstance in my life that I have been apart of for the last couple of years is competing on a cross-country team. For me, running is both exercise and a metaphor. Running day after day, piling up the races, bit-by-bit I raise the bar, and by clearing each level I elevate myself. At least that’s why I’ve put in the effort day after day: to raise my own level. Racing for me hasn’t always been this crystal clear. When I first started running there were the wind sprints, suicides, mile runs, max-out days, and the months of conditioning that made me wonder why as athletes we keep giving a 110 percent day in and day out.
Everyone will experience a death in their life at least once whether it’s a family member or friend, they will react to it differently and has to grieve in their own way. Death isn't something that someone looks forward too, so watching someone go from healthy, to where they can barely walk or talk on their own isn’t easy. But getting a lesson out of someones death takes away some of the pain, and helps you move on.
When i was born, i had a breathing problem, and paralyzed from head to toe. The doctor had to straped tubes to me, so I can breath properly. They have to perform operations on me, but It was unsuccessful. The doctor said, that i will die in a couple of hours. My mom and dad were shocked that was still alive in the morning. I was recovered so fast it was a miracle. A year later, i was out the hospital. 10 year laters, my parent was watching nba on tv ,while i was sleeping in my bed. Then the power went off suddenly. BOOM!! Glass broke.! I woke up and got curious where the sound came from, so i got out of bed, grab my baseball bat and went to investigative.i tiptoe into the hall wall trying not to make a sound. Then i heard a gun shots and
Extinction? No! As I see it, families could have been lost long ago with the severity in which one parented. Upon my father’s death, I had an enlightening conversation, with my Uncle Bill, about the abuse my father suffered at the hands of his father and mother. My Uncle, by marriage, shared the many torments my father experienced, and yet his siblings were untouched. My father married, had two children with my mom, and adopted me. He was a terrific father, with very few exceptions.
It was a day that I had been waiting for all season, why? Because it meant that the pain was going to be over and it was my final race to prove how good I really was to everyone and hopefully fulfill the goal my coach, school and fans set for me. That morning of October 28th I woke up really sick to my stomach. Nerves were taking over my body and I couldn't sit still. The ride to the course I remember putting my headphones in and zoning everything out and never truly coming out of it till after the race was over. I remember my mom hugging me and telling me how proud of me she was and that no matter how bad my shins hurt to keep running. My coach grabbed me before I went to the starting line and surprisingly said how proud he was of me too, but that it wasn't over so that could change. It was so cold outside and I remember being able to see my breath and worrying that it was going to really effect my performance. I could also see the
Throughout one’s lifetime, it is almost guaranteed that he or she has heard the saying “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This saying is pretty self-explanatory, and it is extremely helpful in multiple scenarios, especially in times of struggle. From a young age, I have always been a cheerleader. Recently, circumstances have changed causing me to question my abilities. I have numerous personal experiences throughout my life that illustrate this saying; however, this one is the most recent.
As I become aware of the different issues that are happening in Puerto Rico and the rest of the world, I realize the duty we all have to be part of the solution; as a result, this summer I dedicated some of my time to community service. Even though, I had participated in some causes with my school, it was not until this summer that I discovered how rewarding it is to help others. I volunteered in the Food Bank of Puerto Rico (Feeding America), the American Red Cross and Puerto Rico Therapy Dogs. Each of the causes is special in their own way and I really enjoyed working with them.
The summer before my sophomore year, my cross country coach challenged our team to run 400 miles over the summer in preparation for the oncoming season. Numerous athletes on our team participated, including myself. Equating to running over four miles a day, it was not going to be effortless, however the challenge sparked a drive for success in me, and I was determined to satisfy that drive. In the final weeks, I grew excited as the finish drew near, and I eclipsed the 400 mile mark with a day to spare. Success soon followed, as for the first time our coach could remember, our team won our home meet. Overall, we were much more competitive as a team that year, and it was a fantastic experience. Partaking in those experiences again was something
“I’m the one that’s got to die when I have to die so let me live life the way that I want to.” (Jimi Hendrix). This quote inspired me to do everything that I do to the fullest because life is short. This quote is a great quote because it sums my entire life up in under 25 words. I am writing this letter so that I will be able to help you get to know me as a student and as a friend better. I can’t wait to start this school year off so that I can learn how to do so many different things and help me in areas that I need help on.
BOOM, BOOM, CRACKLE, goes the thunder as the plane takes off to NEPAL. ‘I do not think we are supposed to fly in this kind of weather’ Tim said.
It all started when I hurt my wrist on my brothers little bike going of a homemade bike jump. I went inside to tell my parents that my wrist really hurt. All they said was you probably twisted it. After awhile it started to feel better so I went over to my friends house to have a sleepover. Once I got there we decided to play with the bike pump my friend pulled it under from me and I landed on my wrist once again. I thought it was no big deal and went on with my day. After a little while we decided to ride our little brothers bikes up and down the hill. But that was not the best idea. The bike slipped from under me and I landed on my wrists again. I wa sin so much pain that I had no words and even know it felt like I was going to start balling
Elaborate on an issue of personal, local, national, or global concern that is of significant importance to you.