
Personal Narrative Analysis

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It was a bad start to what would be a year of lowest lows and highest highs. A year in which my strength, courage, and most of all faith would be took to its limits. The year started with the biggest failure of my life, the end of my first marriage. It came sudden and harsh. When I started that relationship I only had two absolutes, don’t hit me and don’t cheat on me, and since I’m not in jail he did not hit me so you can fill in the blank. With this start to the year I thought will it just had to get better because there was no way it could get any worse… man was I wrong. Just two days after kicking out my cheating ex-husband I found out I was pregnant with baby number two. Now I have nothing against children, but I had a nine-month old little girl and a failed marriage, a new baby was not what I needed. I prayed the test was wrong, asked God to let the test me wrong, it wasn’t. So there I was, stressed to the max and not real sure what I was going to do. Abortion was not an option and I knew I never …show more content…

The drive was torture trying not to cry so my parents would not see me and worry. I remember as my Papa turned the van off the interstate on to Davis, my baby kicked me, my little man kicked me for the first time. It was like he was saying, “Hey, Mom it’s me don’t count me out just yet. I’m still here…” Lord the peace that went through me was beyond words my little one was there and as long as he was willing to fight than by God so was I. As we go to the office I walked in strangely enough they took me right back no waiting at all. My parents came back to the room with me. This time when the doctor scanned my son’s head I knew what those two black spots where, no they had not went away they were still there and they were bigger than they had been just four days earlier. The doctor looked at me with such sad eyes and said, “Let’s get you dressed and we can talk about your

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