
Personal Narrative Analysis

Decent Essays

At the mere age of five, my parents choose to live separate lives. While most five-year-olds master their ability to solve problems, make connections, and interpret their own emotions I was learning the new language of my life. I was an ordinary child, I had playdates, attended school, and I hit my milestones. Everything seemed normal… “Mommy and Daddy are separating. Mommy is to moving to Natick and I will move to Concord” explained my Dad, his forehead all scrunched up like the ocean's waves. My Mom sat there, her arm wrapped around me in a tight embrace, tears welled in her eyes like water about to spill out of a bucket. I looked over at my Dad, his eyes also glistened like the sidewalk after a rainstorm. The months before we moved slower …show more content…

I would get invited to a friends house and have to explain that I couldn’t go that weekend because it was my Dad's weekend and he wanted to spend time together. Or when my friends would talk about how they spent Christmas and they were perplexed by the fact that I spent Christmas Eve at my Mom’s and Christmas Day at my Dad’s. And in a world where half of all marriages end in divorce, it was really hard to be understood. The words that I used to describe my situation soon became used as the puzzles pieces of my identity. Saying things like “two homes”, “two Easters”, “two Christmases”, or “ four cats”. The twos in my life complicated my words, making it harder for others and myself to understand. Words continue to shape my identity on a day to day basis. Every word we use fits into the puzzle that is their our because all words have value. The words that I once bundled up in a puzzle box are no longer a part of my identity. I don’t need to hold these pieces so tightly anymore, because I now realize that each puzzle piece of my identity shapes who I am today. Our words fit into the puzzle that is our identity without our words we would not be ourselves. As we get older our words do change and so does our identity, no one leads the same life their entire life. Words define our actions, thoughts, and emotions. Today I only use words that I select carefully to fit into the unique puzzle that is

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