When Anna first entered her freshman year of high school in Mishawaka, she came in as the newcomer on the team, and certainly not the best runner with the most nimble times. All during her freshman year she was a consistent runner with pretty consistent times, but she never stood out from the rest of the crowd. She would place in the middle of the pack with plenty of people in front of her. Anna quotes herself that “She had pretty average times, but nothing outstanding. However, at the end of her season she finished as the first runner on the team, though she was still kept under the radar. She was even fortunate enough to qualify for the state meet in the 3200 meter on the track. She placed 17th in the meet. She was ready to end her freshman year and begin her sophomore year. It is important to note that while running her freshman year she had 2 broken bones in her foot, but she never noticed, because of how much drive she had. Some say Anna is like a pickup truck, she doesn't stop pushing forward until she’s blown everyone away.This just shows that the potential she had when she was young continued to carry with her into high school. …show more content…
Many say that was the year that Anna started becoming the great runner that she is today. She continued training all summer, figuring out a training plan that would hopefully lead her to success. She never once stopped, she was animal looking for it’s prey.
Later that year with tremendous amounts of exertion on her body Anna qualified for the state meet again, but this time with a new confidence. “Going into my sophomore state meet, I was so nervous,” says Anna in an interview called On The Rise with Flo sports. She recalls thinking that she could win the meet.
The highs and lows of competition have constructed in me into an entirely new athlete. My first year of track and field and I made it to Far East by qualifying in the 4x800 relay. I guess you could call it beginner's luck. I would call it dedication and confidence. After almost a week of running and jumping events, the time has come to announce the winners of the banners. With the awkward silence sitting and waiting for the results to be told along with the rest of the crowd, the announcer finally broke the silence. “The D2 Girls Track Champions of 2015 is Zama American High.” This one night as emotional as an groom seeing his bride walk down the aisle knowing that she is all his. Have you ever wanted to take a moment and breathe in the air of accomplishing your
Being a freshman is the hardest of your four years in high school. Have you ever been pressured to be the best person you can be? This is how my year was as a freshman. Freshman year was the most different I never thought I would of found my way around the school when I first started to go there. Freshman year was the best year throughout my years of high school and it was the only year I had friends. During this year I had a lot of anxieties which dealt with me thinking I’m gonna be alone and not have any friends throughout the year to support me through the whole thing. Also, I would think of the pressure of not doing good in any of my classes so I would think it would affect my GPA in the future. The transition from middle school to high school was a different type of thing to do.
Taylor being a newer runner she was towards the back, With her teammates cheering loudly she finished. Her time wasn't that bad for being a newer runner she completed that race with a 27:42. Or so she thought that was a good time until her teammates were telling her the times that they got. That day she decided to keep practicing to become a better runner as well as a better participating member on her team .After a few more races she grew sad because she hasn't gotten a personal record, until later the season she came to one of her races where she got a 26:10 to others it may just seem like one minute less but to a runner it is a big accomplishment. She was super happy and proud of her accomplishment, being towards the end of the cross country season. She concludes at the end of her season saying that she had worked hard and pushed it to become her best. Next year she hopes to get in the lower 20's for her times. She can only accomplish her goal with pushing even harder, becoming the best of her ability. Despise her injury this season she hopes to be better than she was this year, she just needs to practice and work even harder than she was this year and keep
After spending several years working the Sport’s Desk of the Lansing State Journal, Rhonda had landed the job of her dreams as a writer for Runners’ World magazine. The job was fantastic! Since high school, where she had excelled in cross country, Rhonda had been a consistent runner, participating in local races
The book “Pretty Good for a Girl” is a biography on a cross country star and her rise to the top, but also her spiral downward with her personal battle to win. Leslie Heywood was a long distance runner with no weakness or fear. Heywood takes us through her early years filled with eating disorders, sexual abuse, and an unhappy home life. It wasn't a drive to win, but a drive to be accepted as one of the guys.
“Okay, girls before we run this race I just wanted to say; I wouldn’t want to race with no other team, but this team. I’m proud to be a Titan! Now let’s go out there and show them what these titans are made of!” Maddie did always have a way with words: I was sad to see her go this year, but I know she had greatness up ahead. As the girls and I got back to the start line we heard the announcement for the being of the race. I began: stretching, jogging and mentally preparing
The day had arrived; it was June 6th, 2015. My four by one hundred relay team, which consisted of Anna Neeser, Lexy Kubasch, Maddie Smith, and myself, had just finished warming up and checking in for our race. Our stomachs were filled with nerves as this was the MSHSL State Track Meet that every runner dreams of participating in. Our dreams had finally come true, and to have such a wonderful coach guide us along the way was a true gift.
As a girl who had grown up in a house with three restless brothers, Christie Wisel has acquired the ability to stay patient and diligent in almost any situation. If she could handle being an only girl in a family of mostly men and teach herself what she had to do in order to succeed, she could do anything. It was in her hometown of Fairbanks, Alaska where she was quickly recognized as someone who was was going to go places in life. Throughout her years at West Valley High School, Christie was a standout student and had become a star when it came to athleticism. As a senior, she was captain of the team in all of the sports she played in and she had just received a “Student Athlete of the Year” award. Every student in the school looked up to her as their role model.
I knew the first couple weeks of practice were going to drag on, but I was ready for whatever workout coach was going to throw at me. Then came meets and the fun really started. Don't get me wrong, I was definitely feeling the nerves, but it didn’t stop me. The first indoor meet was at Buena Vista College and I was in the open 400, the one race I had been training for. I was so anxious to see what my time was going to be that I was shaking. I just kept telling myself, “This is what you worked for. Everything that you have worked for starts showing now.” I ended up getting my PR and winning the race. It was the first of many heart pounding meets. As the season went on, every meet started to count even more and I was getting frustrated because my time wasn’t getting better. After crying to my dad one night after a meet, I realized that what did matter is that I wasn't getting worse either. I was maintaining my time and that counted for something. A couple weeks later I was standing in my blocks at the district meet trying to maintain my nerves. After the hardest 400 of my life, I ended up making it to state and I could not have been
I am a runner. One who strives for greatness at every moment and doesn’t give in when things get tough. I have aspirations, dreams, and goals which I will stop at nothing to achieve. Unfortunately for me, the life of a runner is filled with challenges and setbacks and only the best will learn to push through the adversity. My defining moment was the summer before my Junior year, 2016. I had set the goal of becoming All-State in Cross Country, meaning placing in the top 25 of all the runners in the state meet. This is, of course, a prestigious title to have, but I had faith in myself. For the first time in my life, I finally understood that preparation is key and if I fail to prepare, I should prepare to fail
My running has been a big part of my life ever since I was younger and saw my dad lace up his running shoes to go out for his daily run. I ran cross country and track for La Crescent every year since seventh-grade and have been fortunate enough, through dedicating myself to thousands of miles of training, to see great success during my time here. Last fall, I ran my final season of high school cross country. Ending the season, I was able to achieve my first state championship which brought me a sense of accomplishment no words could ever describe. I was overjoyed to see all my hard work pay off. The most interesting aspect of that whole experience was how the La Crescent community received the news. The night of the state meet, and the days that followed, allowed me to talk with friends, teachers, and community members alike. Through these interactions I noticed that winning state brought a great sense of pride not only to me but to the La Crescent community as a whole. Everyone felt a part of the accomplishment and it seemed that we accomplished something together. I’ve often heard criticism about La Crescent athletics, but I’ve come to understand, and others have to, that we aren’t as bad off as it might seem. In three years, we’ve had three people win state: myself, Zack Emery, and Clair Shepardson. A vast majority of schools can’t say that. I’ve noticed
It was the last last few days of summer before I started my Sophomore year of high school. My freshman year I applied and ran to be Sophomore class president, and I won. Before the start of school SGA (Student Government Association) had the responsibility to welcome and show new students around the school. While showing and bonding with new students I meet two new sophomores students named Ethan and Olivia. Ethan was a very attractive young man who was six feet and had nice dark hair, that was swooped to the right. Olivia on the other hand was a very short and pale girl who had orange hair that was very thin. Olivia and I both found Ethan to be attractive, Olivia made it known to me that she liked Ethan. It was the first day of school and
Since track began, it has changed greatly. The Olympic games started in the year seven hundred sixty-six B.C, when a local cook from Elis named Koroibos won a race at the nearby stadium; the foot race was six hundred feet long. That event was the only athletic game for the first thirteen Olympic festivals (“Athletic”). Ancient texts hold: “From seven hundred sixty-six B.C, the games were held in Olympia every four years for almost twelve centuries. Additional
I found it intriguing that her reason, her purpose for dancing, changed over time. There were many different reasons for Anna’s dancing that evolved over the course of many years. She mentioned how as a teenager she danced to rebel. As a mother she danced with children. At 50 she danced for peace and justice. Thus we see that with time and maturity, Anna’s purpose evolved, grew and developed. This taught me so much because as I read through this, I learned that a person’s purpose for dancing, or living for that matter, will change the older you get and that each time it evolves it will become more meaningful to the respective person. I also found it interesting that it took a traumatic life experience (cancer) to help her reach her
Annabeth had to go through many challenges, but she did not stop no matter what she faced. Not only was she brave, but she was very smart and resourceful as she was put to many tests and passed each one of