
Personal Narrative: Anna's Freshman Year

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When Anna first entered her freshman year of high school in Mishawaka, she came in as the newcomer on the team, and certainly not the best runner with the most nimble times. All during her freshman year she was a consistent runner with pretty consistent times, but she never stood out from the rest of the crowd. She would place in the middle of the pack with plenty of people in front of her. Anna quotes herself that “She had pretty average times, but nothing outstanding. However, at the end of her season she finished as the first runner on the team, though she was still kept under the radar. She was even fortunate enough to qualify for the state meet in the 3200 meter on the track. She placed 17th in the meet. She was ready to end her freshman year and begin her sophomore year. It is important to note that while running her freshman year she had 2 broken bones in her foot, but she never noticed, because of how much drive she had. Some say Anna is like a pickup truck, she doesn't stop pushing forward until she’s blown everyone away.This just shows that the potential she had when she was young continued to carry with her into high school. …show more content…

Many say that was the year that Anna started becoming the great runner that she is today. She continued training all summer, figuring out a training plan that would hopefully lead her to success. She never once stopped, she was animal looking for it’s prey.
Later that year with tremendous amounts of exertion on her body Anna qualified for the state meet again, but this time with a new confidence. “Going into my sophomore state meet, I was so nervous,” says Anna in an interview called On The Rise with Flo sports. She recalls thinking that she could win the meet.

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