
Personal Narrative-Assisted Suicide

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Smooth, thin, and cold, the sharp object lying in her hands trembled due to her petite quivering fingers. The unforgiving sharp blade effortlessly sliced through her skin, pain and then numbness overshadowed her thoughts. With the world weighing down on her shoulders and with the sense of oppression, the girl carved into her arm without a feeling of regret. Daring, she placed the knife parallel to her veins located under her thin pasty skin. Finally, with resolution, digging the knife into her small arm, the young tortured girl could feel the deadly weapon tearing and mutilating her long tender veins. Gasping for breath, the pain surged throughout her body. However, with agony coursing through her body, the victim would not stop her leisurely stroll to the grave. …show more content…

The pulsing pain compelled the victim’s eyes to swell and water. While tears flowed like rivers down her face, she felt lethargic and laid her head on top of the blood soaked desk. Closing her eyes, the girl realized she just committed the worst evil there was: the taking of one self’s life. Suicide is a selfish and an unforgivable act which can never be undone and hurts the people closest to you. Bullying related suicide is spread worldwide, the subsurface and surface features depict how bullying and suicide affect people and love ones. Suicide should never be committed, there are always other options such as talking to the authorities, close relatives, or friends. The Thai insurance ad which claims that suicide is a egocentric act and hurts those who are close to you should be accepted and spread

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