I am a sophomore at Hamilton Southeastern High school, and currently plan to graduate in 2018. My GPA as of this moment is a 3.33, and I am an A, B honor roll student. Inside school I am a part of the Harry Potter Club, and play quidditch which is a sport having to do with Harry Potter. My aim in high school is to graduate with academic honors. Last school year I was not as involved with the school rather, I got involved with outside of school things. In 8th grade I was a part of the Junior high national honors society.
My palms were sweating, my heart was racing, I had no idea what to expect or who I was going to meet. I was never the type of girl to embrace new situations, I hated change and I wasn’t very good with meeting new people. I figured once I got to high school it would be my chance to start all over, turn the page in my book of life, and flip over a new leaf. I wanted to finally be the girl that fit in with everyone. I had imagined myself going to parties with big groups of my new friends, having sleepovers and doing all of the things cool high school kids normally do. I was certain that my high school career would be just like one of those really corny teen movies and I would live happily ever after with the homecoming crown and the boy of my
I looked like a deer in the headlights during my 8 grade graduation, especially after they told me that I was no longer in the national honor society that same day. The worst thing was the reason why I was kicked out. I had finished all the requirements; completed more community service hour than I should have, but dropped one of my class grades down by one point .I was blindsided by the thought of hearing it .Nothing made since as, I was in national honor society for a long time and for it to be taken away was something I couldn’t wrap my head around. And there I was walking up the stair to the stage thinking about what I did wrong .Where was that one point in, between which test or essay was it in .As thoughts of failure were rushing through
When one enrolls into an honors or advanced English class, there are many worries that come to mind. These worries create thoughts such as ‘Am I a good writer?’, ‘Will I pass?’, or ‘How do I even start a paper?’. My teachers never specifically taught me to write. My teacher that I had for 9th grade English and my 10th grade honors English class always gave good grades. Once I got into my first AP English class, I felt as though my writing was inferior. In my distress, I went to the internet and I found that you do not have to be gifted in academic writing to get good grades on your essays, I found that organization is the key to writing a powerful essay.
A gold plaque glistened on the stage, written on it was “Straight A’s All Three Years of Junior High”. Attending the academic ceremony as a 6th grader, I watched in awe as a few 8th-graders received this prestigious plaque. I thought to myself that I would work hard so that one day I could be on that stage and receive that award. For the rest of my Junior High career, I strove to get straight A’s in all of my classes. I remained persistent, focused, and dedicated.
A true leader stands high on on the pillars of success: dedication, servitude, respectability, and honesty. The mark of a fulfilled life is not one who has collected many awards, not one who has an insurmountable amount of money and fame, it is one who has touched the most souls in his journey of life. A leader destined for greatness will touch many people along their journey to the top. In my short years on this Earth I have made it my mission from the start to leave a lasting impact on everyone I come in contact with and as a student of Howard University I will continue my mission without fault. From birth my parents noticed I had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, a heart of gold and an unconquerable ability to lead. In the 5th grade I was awarded the
In high school, I have maintained an Academic Honors diploma track which means I will be graduating with a higher honors than most of my grade. I was only allowed to stay on this track if my GPA was above a 3.0 and I didn’t get a grade lower than a C-. This was a difficult task for me at times because I took hard classes such as AP Biology and AP Calculus. They tested me to see if I was serious about staying on this track. It turns out, I was serious. I never got a grade lower than a C- and my GPA is way higher than a 3.0. However, my devotion to doing well in school, was because of the Weaver scholarship and not the higher diploma track. When I was in 8th grade, my dad, Mark Klug, informed me about it and said that if I kept my grades up,
Let me tell you about two students. Student A attends Brooklyn Technical High School. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, and loves to play sports such as basketball and football. He’s part owner of a clothing brand, and has a passion for video games and computer software; having hopes that one day he will own a software company. Student B has been working since the age of fifteen; at one point having to work two jobs in the same day. He’s been surrounded by gang violence most of his life, and the biggest fear he has is failure. To both my detriment and benefit, I am student A and student B. For most of my life, I’ve been caught in between
I'm currently a junior at Central High School with a 3.99 GPA. I am a very organized, creative, patient, and committed person. I have a very high tolerance level. I will withstand anything that comes in my way. I have the ability to multitask
Hello, my name is Rae-Kelly Hamilton! I am a rising senior attending Grove City High School, where I’m a member of the graduating class of 2016. I hope to attend a prestigious university, preferably a military Service Academy, Johns Hopkins University, or Washington and Lee University. I also hope to play collegiate volleyball while studying either a hard science or engineering while on a pre-med track. Outside the classroom, I enjoy volunteering, reading, and hanging out with friends. One day, my dream is to be a military doctor with expertise in cardiology.
Nowadays people are so busy living their busy lifestyles that they do not have the time to realize their goals or dreams let alone work to achieve them. I know that it is possible for me to reach both my goals and dreams if I practice several forms of self-discipline and take the time out of my own busy schedule to work towards them. My main goal as a student at Switzerland County High School is to graduate with an Academic Honors Diploma; this has been one of my goals since I first heard about this diploma in middle school. There are several reasons I want to get an Honors Diploma especially knowing that by receiving this honor I will be more likely to get accepted into the college of my choice compared to someone who got received a General
Academically, I have improved in class participation and study skills. keeping my grades up is hard to do, I am scared to fail any class that is important to me. I have grown academically from the beginning of the school to now, I am proud of myself to improve in my class than last semester. The only class that I am missing is Culture Geography, I'm worried for that class, but it is not one of the three requirements. I want to pass this grade to move on to the next. I have become a better grade in English 9 because I really focused in that class to bring my grade up.
My whole life I have always been a straight A student. I always thought that if I didn’t have an A, I was failing. The first semester, of my Sophomore year, I had Geometry. It was the hardest class I had ever taken. Like always, I tried my best, I did all of the homework, studied for all the tests, but the best grade I ever received was a B. I thought that my world was about to come crumbling down.
My time in High School was made difficult from the constant strife and conflict between my parents. This made my home an unstable environment not fitted for learning or growing as an individual. As I got older and closer to graduating High-School, I began to find my own voice with the help of my mentor Rahn Fleming, which occurred at the end of my junior year. As a result, I came in control of my life and the constant feuding started to die down. No longer did I have to worry about the next scheduled court date, or the next time I would come home wondering what may await. I felt like I was always walking on broken glass for the longest of time throughout my life, until I began to voice myself and what I wanted. My parents came to realize this
For my first out of class activity, I scheduled a meeting with my Chemistry 163 instructor, Professor Burke. Due to the scheduled times of the Supplemental Instruction (SI) for my Chemistry 163 section, I am unable to make those SI sessions. Professor Burke and I met on January 18, 2018 at 12:00 pm in 3758 Gilman Hall. I scheduled a meeting with Professor Burke during her office hours to go over homework problems that I didn't quite understand how to do. I also asked her questions about the upcoming exam. As we worked through the homework and answered my questions she taught me tips to remember the various vocabulary terms that I have to know for the exam.
Growing up, achieving near perfect grades in school quickly became my utmost priority. I excelled in nearly every subject, particularly math, all throughout elementary, middle, and most of high school; however, this year, my senior year, I had experienced what I’ve always considered to be my absolute worst nightmare: receiving a low test grade in a math class.