_”Well I guess if you're going to be involved in the school Orchestra you won't really need to worry about taking any performing arts subjects after all then :) It's good to see that you're going to be mentoring other kids I think you'll grow in wisdom in it and the other kids will really benefit from you as well. Your teacher is right you are going to be very busy with school!”_
My dad said Miss has cleverly taken with one hand and given with the other, dropped music and introduced the Orchestra, dropped drama and insisted I take part in the school play at Christmas, she said to me one day that she would not be interested in resistive materials either, it would be better to split the class so the boys do resistive materials and the girls
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I think you might see something positive come out of it hopefully, especially if Alice has gone from criticizing to questioning it shows that there's possibly a change of heart going on which is what it’s about really, it’s not people’s minds that needs changing the most really, it’s their hearts, and that’s what coming to God is all about. I never really knew what it meant to ask Jesus into your heart as a kid, but I completely understand it now, accepting God into your life is all about a transformation of …show more content…
I can’t fight Love with hate anymore; I had a glimpse of Love, now love haunts me.
I want to hang around with the enemy, because the enemy loves me.
Dad I am being taught about God by my friends, I don’t want them to teach me, I would like you too.
Dad pleas may I go to church on Sundays with your blessing? If you say no, I won’t love you less, but I will be left in need.
I realise I have used 'I' like it’s all about me, I just needed to say how I feel and get it all out. I know I should do more to help around the house and I intend to help mom more from now on, I will get Selina and Matt ready for school in September and help mom around the house more, I won’t sit while mom is working because someone said I should be her closest ally not her criticiser, I don’t know if I will keep this up, but I know I want to, can you help me do this Mom and Dad?
I want you both to know I will not be debating against the Christian and Muslim kids in school next year, I am going to learn the keyboard instead, Sarah Clark ‘the girl who helped me with my history coursework’ is giving me lessons and we are going to start a school musical group, Miss Thomas has told Sarah she wants her to do that as part of her social payback time, she is really nice mom, she isn’t like the other girls, she isn’t like me
Julie Jones is a single parent. She lives with her children, eleven-year-old Eric and seven-year-old Stella. He ex-husband, Brad, pays child support regularly but does not spend much time with his children, even though he shares custody of them with Julie. She has a full-time job at the local university. When she is not working, her time is devoted to her children--helping them with schoolwork, driving them to soccer practice and games, taking them to music lessons and play dates. Feeling overwhelmed by all her responsibilities, Julie asks to speak with you, her pastor, about her situation. She is feeling increasingly resentful and angry with her ex-husband for not being more involved in the children's lives. Eric has been getting into trouble
Although Greg did not have the answers to all of his father’s questions, he still gave his opinion about why he believed in Christianity and gave great advice about why his father should also have faith. I also liked that fact that Greg was very patient with his father in the quest of making him become a believer. Converting someone to become a Christian is very hard these days, which is why I am grateful that I was raised up as a Christian. Being an adult now I do not have to face the questions about whether I believe in the Christian faith or not. The fact that my parents raised me to be a Christian left me with no doubt about the beliefs in knowing that there is a God.
I instantly think of God when reading this quote. God motivates me to try my hardest and to do my best every dad and that with god on y side nothing in imposable .
I was raised in a Christian home where my parents taught God’s Word as our guide for life. Every single evening, we all prayed together as a family, usually standing in a circle with all six of us holding hands. It was usually brief, but it was not taken lightly, and it gave me a strong sense of security in God and family. The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it”, Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV). My parents firmly believe this, and they showed it, as not only did we pray together, but we also had family Bible studies and attended church together. My parents also gave us a good sense of high moral standards. I remember, when trying to figure out how much I should do for a “needy” friend of mine, my mother reminding me that we were called to be servants, but not slaves! I have remembered that ever since and now, finally, I have learned to say no to other’s expectations of me when I feel it necessary, without feeling too badly about it.
I find myself reading this short paragraph over and over(above). My topic sentence makes me happy and proud. Going back to school was the best thing I have done. I chose to talk about going back to school to the “future employer” because it shows I am motivated as well as dedicated. This class has brought a lot to my attention. The mannerism that is expected in the “business world” is to speak and write well. It is extremely important to know how to write (type) a meaning full and proper paper whether it is for school or work. I have noticed a great impact in my vocabulary and writing skills. My boss told me on Monday he is impressed with the new docs I typed up for our new clients (with no help from him). I was not excited about this class
Fadi, his wife Justine and Marsha and I are in a small group made up of Uganda participants and their friends. We have been meeting for a year and a half. Some are Christians and some are not. Fadi was the driving force behind the group. This semester, for the first time, we are studying a book of the bible. To counterbalance the scary?! leap into talking about God and religion, Fadi and his friend Desmond decided to brew cider and we named the group InCider Mark. In the process of preparing for the group, Fadi had an encounter with God, "I was on my knees for an hour last weekend bottling cider. And then I started to think about why I’m
I was born into a Baptist household by two loving parents, an older brother, and many younger siblings to come. I have been told I attended church willingly and faithfully since before I could comprehend my own faith. At age 5 I began to ask my parents questions about everything; I was curious. Being such a curious child, all I wanted was to ask a question that she didn’t know the answer to. When I happened upon the topic of church, my mom seemed to have all the right answers. Accepting the challenge at hand, I moved on to more difficult questions about religion. I finally got to the abstract question that got her thinking. I started to ask her about her faith, quite pleased with myself, when I realized I wanted to strengthen
God showed me if I trusted Him, I would let go. I would let my son make his own decision. “But God” I cried. “It is not good for him. Nathan choices is sin and will hurt him. I must keep him safe. God asked me, “What did the father in the bible do when his son wanted his money to leave?” I answered, “The father gave it to him.” Then God asked, “How do I treat you?” Well, you let me live my life and I make messes because I did not listen. But when I cry, you are there. God said, you do the same.
During this course, the class curriculum has brought up the importance of asking questions and speaking with others involved in a certain major or career. The informational interview project further proved why this is crucial and helpful. This project required me to step out of my comfort zone and engage with people that work in different occupations. I chose to interview one person that is an elementary school teacher, and one that is currently the head athletic director of a high school. Interviewing these two qualified individuals helped me learn about whether or not these occupations are ones that I should look into. Learning this important information is vital for me because I am still an undecided student attempting to find choose a major.
Throughout my teenage years, I have been inviting people to church with me, so I can introduce them to God. I have found that in my life I have been my best self when I’m with God, and when I live through God’s ways. About a month or two ago, I asked my friend, Dominic, if he wanted to go to church with me because we had talked about him joining me in church. He notices the way I live my life, and he knows that I try to live
Everyone was talking and someone looked at my laptop and saw that I was listening to “Fill me up” by Tasha Cobbs, and the boy said “ Bruh, you so Holy.” After these four words a whole discussion started about me being Holy, which led to them talking about God in general. I had one headphone in, I took it out, so I could listen a little better. A girl said “ God is not real so you guys are just wasting you time talking about this subject.” Right this moment, I felt tears in my eyes. I held them in and said in my heart “Lord please I’ve listened now let me speak.” At that very moment I felt a strength that I have never felt in all my years in this earth. I turned to the girl and asked “ Do you have proof of what you just said?” and she said “ I’m an atheist”. I said “May God forgive you for your ignorance.” She got up and walked towards me and she started cussing me out. But all that did not matter to me until she again repeated “God is not real.” I wanted to yell and cuss too but I remembered 1 Peter 3;15. I took a deep breath and asked her “what brought you to be an atheist?” she told me that it was none of my business. Then I told her that just because you're going through a difficult time in life it doesn't mean God has forgotten about you or he gave up on you, it’s because he’s testing your faith and patience. One year for us is one hour for God. He does not give us what we want, when we want it only because he takes his time to give us not what we want but ten times better than what we had asked in the first place. She rolled her eyes at my statement. Then she said “If God was really giving us better than what we want then how come He didn’t make my brother better but only let him die. I looked at her and she wanted
I challenge all of you who have not done so recently to go and spend some time with God. Reinforce your foundation.
On the first day of school, I walked into the classroom after the second bell, already deeply apprehensive. My own father would be teaching my bible class, something very few students get to experience in high school. As discussion began, I realized that I was highly mistaken. It was an unusual position, one where there was a professional gap between daughter and father. It was almost as if
Having a dad as pastor is harder than one might imagine. It is hard to come to the realization that you do not have a relationship with God. I knew all the book smarts, but not Jesus. It was not until we had nothing that I saw God at work. And then I realized I needed him dearly. I trust that when I die I will hear,” Well done my good and faithful
New with my observation is that I feel as though my target child has become a lot more comfortable around me and is continually coming to me and asking me to play with him and to help him with various activities. With him being more comfortable around me it has made for a more natural environment and feel for my observations and seems to be more comfortable when he knows that I am observing him or talking with him for various observations. Something else that is new with my observations is that the children in the class actually refer to me now as a teacher. They know their two normal teachers in the class but they now think of me as a third teacher and when I come in the classroom as me why I was not there the day before or when I will