
Personal Narrative: Becoming A Student At The University Of Arizona

Satisfactory Essays

For as long as I can remember I have dreamed about becoming a student at the University of Arizona. I was born in Tucson and as a little kid I would always look at “A” mountain and believed that one day I would be a wildcat. Though I was not raised in Tucson I lived fairly close, I come from a small town Mammoth, Arizona. Many people from this town after they graduate from high school usually get trapped into working at the Asarco mine. I knew that I did not want to work there.
Straight out of high school I enrolled to Pima Community College. It did not turn out so good. I was got stuck with the wrong crowd, mentally I was confused about what I really wanted to do in life. I got hit with a reality check when my grades went to a downfall because

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