It is only appropriate that you get your own post as snapchat celebrates our 100-day streak on this holy Queen Bey Day 2017; especially since this website would not exist if I did not have you in my life. I am eternally thankful for the day that we re-entered one another's lives. I have no idea how it happened, but I am forever thankful that you are one of the few people that I talk to daily. You once wrote, "If God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers than you must be invincible." And if that isn't one of the first things to enter a person's mind when they think of you then, why are they in your life? I have watched you conquer so many different challenges, I have witnessed you grow in so many ways, and I can't wait to see
Lauren Rezac- My weekend did not really start off to exciting. Right after my Fast-Pitch game I was picked up by my dad in our 1962 jeep. When we got home we had supper and we all stayed up for a little bit and went to bed. On Saturday I had the house to myself, my dad was helping our neighbors while my mom and sister were in ST.Cloud.So When I was at home I was pretty bored so I did what most bored kids I know would do turn up the music and make a little mess, basically I made slime. When mom and Alexis came back my sister got a call from my dad to go help out so I went with her.I helped by steering the tractor when she got bored and she did the speed and stuff like that. On Sunday we gave mom her gifts then we got ready to trapshooting me
Stakeholder 2: Hello, I am Michelle Carter, I am a black female, 36 years of age. I was a single mother raising a child in the lower side of Chicago. I had a son, his name was Zack Carter and he was murdered last night by a pig. A white man who was just trigger happy and felt justified by what he had done because he was a police officer. Just a racist man who shot my son because he thought my son was like any other black person probably selling drugs or something. I did make a domestic violence call because we had gotten into a very heated argument and he slapped me and stormed out, but that was my fault, because I had hit him first. We had been arguing about his grades and how they were starting to slip even though he had been a 4.0 student
I would say distraction was one of the challenges I had to overcome to get where I am today. My friends, relationships, staying up late, watching television or doing something else rather than doing my work, would always back track me even if I thought “I’ll be okay” and just catch back up; it’s not that easy. I use to focus so much on other people in my life, I’d forget about myself and what’s best for me. When I was in the middle school, I would get so distracted by my cell phone, my mom would have a restriction on it so that I couldn’t send or receive text within school hours. Nevertheless, I didn’t understand, but now I see where it could hurt my grades.
She a black American Locked up like a bird with now wings Her freedom was lost Her rights fell in a hole of neglect. She waited all night and all day trying not to forget hope.
Throughout the conversation, Susan did not inform me that the home was still in First Look and not open to investors at this time. Susan did not highlight any features of the home, nor did she talk about the neighborhood or the surrounding area. When asked, Susan paused to reference the property file and stated, "In looking at the pictures it appears that it needs interior paint, carpet, appliances, and a few windows, which the previous seller must have taken." She stated, "I don't know why they have to remove things from the homes." I asked, "Do you have offers?" She paused to check the property file and answered, "No offers." I asked, "Is the property behind the home farmland?" She paused to reference the property file and replied, "It appears
Twenty years ago today, God gave me my second child. She has come to have many nicknames from my gift from God, my Angel of Jesus, to my Princess. Lauren Bailey, you have developed into a beautiful young lady, who is head strong and always knows what she wants. Even as a baby you knew what you wanted and how you were going to do things. When the doctors told me that they needed to take you away as soon as I had you, I lost a piece of me, because I did not know what to expect especially after your first surgery at five days old, but you showed your dad and I that you were strong and willing to live. You have shown so much courage, even at 9 years old, when you had your open heart surgery and you told me “Mom if God wants me to be with him, I
Since the day he slapped her, he began to be more violent and abusive. She set him as her only priority. She quit the cheerleading team and was becoming secluded from the world. All she could think about was making sure she met his needs. School became a blur, she constantly wore long sleeves to cover up the scars he made, never engaged in anything, and always kept quite. She rarely talked to her parents because she knew they were consumed with finding Cass. Rina would always ask what's wrong her and Caitlin always said she was fine, even though she knew it was biggest lie she told. Through all of this, she continued to talk to Corrina, who was the only person that seemed to care about her. Soon, they grew closer and began a bond that would
Marina Carter was ready to take back her life. She deserved more in life than a loveless relationship and a cheating fiancé’. Without a thought, she packed her bags and escaped far away to a private island to plan her new life. Sun, fresh air, and sandy beaches proved to be just what she needed.
Hola Diana, yes it was good to see them even though it was only one night. We don't have many houses built on stilts either but with the sea levels rising it is something the government should be thinking about, but they never do think do they, it's always about short term gain from short term brains.
Swooosh goes the basket. Aaliyah had just shot a winning 3pointer in my face. “Damn that was a lucky shot” I said, “nah nah all skill bro” said Aaliyah. We had just finished playing a game of 21 out the front of the house where their was a basketball ring, we just finished in time because the rain had just started up again. It had been raining non stop for the past week, giving me and Aaliyah hardly anytime to go outside and play. Aaliyah was a very active and adventurous girl who loved to go outside and play, so was I. I was the oldest out of us too siblings and was the better one at basketball. We were very competitive especially when it came to basketball and we did not want to lose, especially to each other. One day it got so competitive that Aaliyah kicked the ball into the neighbours garden and I had to go knock on the door of the old neighbours house and retrieve the ball. The neighbours had a go at me because apparently it had flattened their flowers in their garden
My mom and I loved the movie. It was neat to see a Western movie 'cause you really don't see those much any more.
I chose to break the norm of either smiling at strangers or giving them a neutral look when you make eye contact. I decided to give every stranger I passed a confused look like they had just spoken to me in another language. I must admit, this made me feel a bit goofy. I was on the fence as to whether or not to do this in the first place but I decided I just had to. The responses I received were quite comical. A few people asked if I was alright, and one person even asked if I had a problem with them.
Me and my cousin Roxanne were close. She lived in the country, so my sisters and I would go to her house every Thanksgiving and play in the small woods that she had in her backyard. So many wonderful memories that I will never forget. Growing up, we would share each other’s secrets and promise each other not tell anyone. We would tell each other what was bothering us in our families, how we feel, the guys we dated, and the guys that broke our hearts. Over the years my sisters, me and Roxanne kept ourselves busy with school, church and our jobs. We grew apart and stopped talking to Roxanne less because of how busy we were. Sometimes we would not have thanksgiving at Roxanne’s house and have Thanksgiving at my grandmother’s house. The last time we were all united, we noticed Roxanne had changed
When i was around 10 years old, me and my friend Kelsie were hanging out at our elementary school (Saxvik). We started a game of soccer and a lot of people joined in. But it was my turn to be goalie, so i went into the goal and got ready to catch the ball. A kid kicked the ball and missed but let's just say i didn't miss anything, I ran into the bar and fell down. After a few minutes i got to go and play Striker. As i was running someone passed the ball up to me, and i started dribbling it. Once i got close enough to take the shot i stepped on the ball and fell backwards.
The sun is shining through the little holes in the roof of our house when I wake up. Well, I suppose you can't wake up if you didn't sleep. Sleeping was not an option, even considering how exhausted I was from working in the fields yesterday. The nightmares of my brothers reaping day would have been to overwhelming because today is the reaping for the 80th hunger games. This is my fourth reaping so I know what to expect. As I quietly drag myself off my "bed" (hay-stuffed mattress on the floor with a hand made blanket and hay-stuffed pillow) and begin to get dressed when I hear a knock at the front door. The perfectly timed, yet simple: knock, knock, pause, knock lets me know that my best friend is at the door. I hurry to zipper a dress that I received as a "gift" for my first reaping since we couldn't afford a new one. It's a lavender dress that is too short for my still growing "tree legs," as my peers like to call them. The dress cuts low and would show my cleavage if I had more than a size a-cup. After looking quickly in the mirror at my face and hair, I answer the door.