I've struggled with acne for half my life at this point. It's definitely come with its emotional turmoil and made it so much harder as a teen learning to love herself. It was never just one zit on my forehead and a couple on my cheek, oh no it was everywhere even on my ears. However, as a teen this problem was so much different because it's something that is pretty much expected, but as an adult it's so much different. Breaking out makes me stressed and the more I stress out the more I break
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
It was the day the junior high volleyball girls played Madison Grant! They were the only team that we lose to last year.We were going back and forth and back. It was a really good game. Who won the biggest rivalry in Frankton JH?
To accomplish great things,we must not only act,but also dream; not only plan,but also believe.-Anatole France Most individuals plan ,but don't get a chance to accomplish and complete the steps for their life. There's obstacles and barriers that trap the person from moving forward and breathing. We have witnessed people who have climbed the Barriers and jumped over the obstacles, but the ones who didn't doesn't mean they didn't want to , but from the lack of encouragement, and the aspects of their life style they didn't have enough strength to. It just takes a little more time for others to complete. I'm a example of both individuals. I have Barriers , but I won't stop until I make my dream a reality and being able to touch it.
Over my years of school, one big influence on me has always been sports. Ever since a young age, I have always enjoyed playing and watching sports. In my four years in high school, I have fell in love with the sport of lacrosse.
I woke up and took one bite out of my pop tart but that one bite was all I could eat. My legs were shaking, and my heart was pounding. My dad told me, “It is a true honor to even make it this far so go out there and have some fun.” Once I heard this statement, I knew I was ready to go. I arrived at school and boarded the bus. The car ride was an hour and fifteen minutes of hearing the squeaking of the wheel on the bus. My teammates were getting their heads ready for the big game.
When it comes to what separates me from other teenagers, there would be quite a bit to tell. I would say a major difference which separates me from my peers is my love for barbershop harmony music. I do not have a quartet of my own; however, I love to sing barbershop tags with other friends at church. I set myself apart from the world because of my beliefs: as a New Testament christian, I believe the bible gives us all instruction concerning spiritual matters.
I plan to improve this disposition by having boundaries and limits. It does not matter if the client shares the same cultural beliefs from me, I have a lot of compassion and go an extra mile to help them. I get attach with clients right away because I see a connection with them. I have noticed that clients take advantage of my empathy. I need to work on how to understand my clients but also have limits with them so they will not take advantage of my kindness.
I want to leave, I want to disappear. Not a vacation, but that spontaneous quick escape with no bothers, just an unrestricted trip to free the mind and enjoy the bits of silence. To go by car to see how the scenery around me changes as I kill the distance, while listening to my favorite music as loud as I can. Just shout out my lungs with my terrible singing. As the music plays, I will grab a book, which will get all my beliefs and views away. No matter what the book will be about. As long as it would get me away, away from here. There would be just me and the characters of the novel, who struggle, fight, and compete, while they face delight, pleasure, and glory. Every so often, I will stop at the cafes on the road to grab some food, which
Just so you know, this is the Big Apple and I rule this town. New York City is filled with tall buildings, great culture, and historical sites. No other city has so much beauty that it takes your breath away; yet, there is a real danger that lurks on the streets. I should know because I am Detective Michael Morgan a United States Super Spy in charge of capturing dastardly villains who are set on destroying our world. Armed with mind-altering powers, Alex Higgins is on the top of the FBI’s list of the ten most wanted men in America. This thug is one of the greatest danger to our world and must be captured and jailed in the vault of death. There is no place safe for him to hide from the law and rumor has it, he is in my town. You break the law here in New York City, you pay the ultimate price: freedom.
It is a somewhat unspoken agreement that people all have, and breaking this agreement is frowned upon. The bathroom is a very unsocial place. You go do your business and then leave, it is very simple. The social norm that I broke was talking to someone in the stall next to me, and continuing to have a conversation even when it was clear they did not want to have one.
I chose to break the norm of either smiling at strangers or giving them a neutral look when you make eye contact. I decided to give every stranger I passed a confused look like they had just spoken to me in another language. I must admit, this made me feel a bit goofy. I was on the fence as to whether or not to do this in the first place but I decided I just had to. The responses I received were quite comical. A few people asked if I was alright, and one person even asked if I had a problem with them.
Who knew that things could change so abruptly, it almost felt that my whole world was flipped within a blink of an eye. Things were going to be different from now on, the people, the weather, even the fresh summer breeze from the coast will soon become a cold bitter winter breeze. This all came to my mind when my mom announced to my family that we’re moving, to New Jersey, once my school goes on summer break. At first, I began to panic, why do we have to move? Why can’t we just live here? We don’t even know anyone there, except for my aunt. We just moved here three years ago from New Jersey, and we didn’t like it, that’s why we only lived there for a month. Then why would we would we like it now? I question my mom, and I demanded explanations
I am ecstatic to begin my journey in nursing school. There are a few things one would need to know to determine just how passionate I am. The subjects that make me most excited are people that have inspired me, past experiences with online classes, and the possibility to challenge my mind within the classes I am taking. As I begin to think about elaborating these points I feel enthusiastic for my future. I cannot believe nursing school is finally here!
“This is a great experience, you’ll make so many new friends!” my parents told me excitedly
Even though it has been all of a day, this “break” has been a good time for me to do a lot of reflecting and it is making me realize several things. I didn’t expect for my withdrawals from you would set in so quickly; they did almost immediately. Tuesday night is when we decided to do this. We got off of the phone at maybe 11:30. By 11:40, I had tears running down my face and i was talking everything out with John, trying to figure out how to fix this. I wasn’t able to fall asleep until 2:30 at least, and sleeping was impossible. I remember two dreams from that night. The first one: we were in my car, and I was driving from my house to yours. There was nothing significant or special about the. It was dark, and my arm was reached over you. You were holding on to it, and that’s it. It was quiet but it was peaceful because I was with you. My next dream was different. I dreamed that I woke up in my bed here, and I checked my phone and had two new messages from you, I don’t remember what they said but I remember being excited to just see your name pop up on my phone. I woke up at 6:45 that next morning. I looked at my phone and the texts weren’t there. I realized that I was