I wake up in my plain, old bedroom hoping it would be different but according to the government, control, we all have to have the same bedroom, house, clothes, and pretty much everything is the same. I can’t even complain about how unfair it is or my family would send me off. I honestly have no idea what be sent off is but if that happens again you never see your control again. Everyone assumes it’s death but not me, I have a feeling it’s something different. I put on my regular clothes- a gray t-shirt and black pants-with that everyone in C4 wears except for their work clothes. Then I remember what today is so I put on my Drip Ceremony outfit, a light blue dress just like the color of the lake outside my house. I glance up at the clock and …show more content…
“ I did this because, stop and think for second why are we doing this as a reminder to never have a uprising again, the only reason we would ever do that is because how unjust our society is. I think we get the message and won't rebel unless you don't stop the drip who is with me.” At first I hear nothing and know I'm going to die. Then all of a sudden I hear, “ Give up the drip! Give up the drip! Give up the drip!” It gets louder and louder and then I see my face on half of the screen on town square and President Control Rector on the other half.
The president says, “Amber you have been chosen and unable to fulfill your duties as a citizen and do not want to participate in the drip and the normally would mean getting sent off. We have decided,” He pauses and my heart races. I don't know what he’s going to say, public excision. That thought makes me want to barf, “myself and my colleagues have decided to not have a drip anymore.”
I hear everyone cheering and I feel accomplished. I come out from the little hut and see everyone running towards me and I know I didn't make the wrong decision by standing up to people who were just unfair to
It was a normal chilly sunday on September 13th, 2015. My dad was in the garage with some of his friends watching the football game. It was the Dallas Cowboys vs. the New York Giants. My dad and his friends were making hot dogs and burgers on the grill but I don’t like those so I asked my dad if I could go to the store and get the ingredients to make taco dip. He handed me $20 and I headed off to the store with one of my dad’s friend’s son. The store was at the end of my street so it wasn’t a far walk.
A life full of color ranging from the darkest black to the brightest yellow and days of loneliness without the company of another person is what gave Vincent van Gogh dedication to his artwork through tons of time and unwavering compassion towards his works. Through a tough life experienced many times in the wilderness, Gary Paulsen uses his past experiences to personally reach the creative minds of young children and young adults through writing. When Paulsen was 14, he ran away and joined a carnival. Later in life, he took up dog sled racing, and spent hours in the wilderness, fending for both himself and his dogs. Some of this information can be found in Woodsong by Gary Paulsen. It is an autobiography about
It was the last day of school and I was so excited for summer. I was going to do all kinds of stuff and go out of the state. In reality I was going for one of my worst summer ever. All I was going to do is travel most of the time. It was going to be the most boring summer ever.
I grab the handle on the door frame, and pull my five foot self up into the driver's seat. Leaving the door open, I turn the key in the ignition. Doesn't start. "Try again." Daryl hooks his hand around the top of the door. I nod and twist the key forward again. This time it clicks for a few seconds, then starts right up. The purring of the engine enlightened the mood a bit. Tara jogs over to Rick. "The van works." "We have our transportation." Rick nods before signaling the rest over. "Want to get out of the city before dark, we'll find a spot in the woods to settle for the night and go from there." I made sure I was in the same car as Daryl, even if it meant not being in the same as Carl, but I need to comfort one of the biggest father figures
The most powerful moment that has happened to me involving music happened in the middle of my seventh grade year. Prior to seventh grade, I played the violin but desired to learn the Double Bass. I asked a few times if I could switch instruments so that I could fulfil that desire, but my teacher always turned me down telling me that I should just stick with the violin, this of course made me devasted. Then the following school year, the teacher asked if anybody could play Bass because Alex (the bassist) had moved to a different school and we had only one bassist left in the orchestra and at that moment I got my chance to learn an instrument that I not only loved to hear, but also loved to look at, listen to and play. My teacher was skeptical
Two years after we had signed the gas lease my father stopped farming. The cows and the pigs were sold to the Baker’s farm on the other side of Iberdeen. So were his two tractors along with most of the other equipment that had taken up real estate on our land. Now our house sat on almost three hundred acres of dirt, grass, hay, fieldstone, history.
Chelsea woke up with the most peculiar feeling on monday. She felt like she had had the most vivid dream last night—one of those really disturbing ones that you couldn't quite remember but you seemed glad it wasn't real when you woke up. Shrugging off the thought, she quickly got changed into her uniform and headed to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before heading off to high school. It was the last week of term before the holidays, and she was looking forward to spending some time with friends over the break.
I was an only an 11 year old child with only my dad to raise me up, my mother had passed away from a heart attack when I was only five years old. My dad was a boxer that would always come home beaten up. I would have to patch him up every time that he would lose a fight and come home with cuts and bruises on his head.
School was letting out for summer and there was pure excitement in the air, or at least that’s what I thought. I was 15 years old and I had a huge summer in store since I got my first car and I could drive anywhere I wanted. I always had a great relationship with my grandfather ‘Pop’ and since he lived in town we did a lot of stuff together. He was 79 years old, but you couldn’t tell it because of his energy and health. I knew ‘Pop’ had been sick but I never thought twice about it, because he had always been really healthy. Being the young stupid kid I was I never went to check on him because it was summer and I would hate to miss out on something with my friends. That was my immature mindset, which made me feel very lonely for the majority
My eyes filled with hatred as I stepped foot in the bitter cold cabin and made eye contact with the man that betrayed my brother and I five years ago. And this is where I would be for the next five weeks.
I got out of bed at 3 o’clock in the morning to my mom shaking me. It was a Saturday in the middle of summer so I was a bit confused, then it occurred to me that I was leaving for a mission trip. I remember getting to our church as everyone was praying and about to leave. I apologized for my timing and we continued to pray. We left for Springfield, Kentucky caravaning with 4 toyota mini vans filled with luggage and kids. The drive there consisted of sleeping, cramping, and a horrendous odor. We reached the center of Kentucky and arrived to the church we were staying at at about 1 p.m. Saturday. All the boys in our youth group went to check the place out and immediately started to play basketball in the gym. When all the other youth groups showed up from Nebraska and Georgia, they began to join in our game. We played basketball for about 15min before we all gathered together to have our introduction to the week.
In today’s society, you see an outstanding amount of homelessness in the streets with no sign of stopping anytime in the near future. These numbers continue to climb with the majority of people blaming it on the homeless individual either being too lazy to get a college (sometimes even high school) degree, too lazy to go and at least try to get a job or a combination of both. With this thought process in mind, you could say people are oblivious to the deinstitutionalization of thousands of mentally ill patients put out into the streets due to America’s corrupted economic system. But the truth is, people are usually just more drawn to either make fun of them or just walk right by them without batting an eye purely based off the different types of media that are being put out for anybody to see at anytime. The media has played a key role in the public’s perception of homeless people, as well as the increase in the number of homeless people present. Though there are some organizations in the US trying to help combat the rising homeless numbers, the current stereotype of homeless individuals has led the majority of the country to make comedic meme’s, videos and other variations of media to bring down the homeless community and not raise awareness, but bring up their own perception of the homeless to the rest of the country. This only causes one big snowball effect for the perception of
The day began like any other: the sun’s high in the sky, white fluffy clouds dot the horizon; dogs barking – murder!
I love living in a small town, it gives me a sense of guaranteed safety and simplicity.
A[C1] death penalty is a sentence of execution served to culprits found guilty of murder or a capital crime. It is a type of capital punishment. [C2] Over the years, there has been different views on whether murder culprits deserve death punishments or not and while some of these debates have yielded positive results, some countries continue to allow this form of capital punishment. The death penalty is a barbaric and atrocious form of capital punishment and because of its nature of unfairness, immoral values, lack of deterrence and so many other reasons, it has been abolished in majority of countries around the globe.[C3] However, it is still used in about 58 countries. This form of punishment includes shooting to death, lethal injections, hanging, stoning and so on. [C4]