Three summers ago I arrived at the sunny shores of Camp Lake Hubert. It was my seventh summer and I was going for the highest award in sailing. Nervous to meet the new sailing director who I would be working closely with over the next eight weeks. I started the long walk with my friends down to the sailing dock. We did not go sailing on the first day. We stayed on shore and went over parts of the boat and played get to know you games. Once the activity was over I went over to her to introduce myself and talk about my award. Her name was Steffyy she was 5”2’ and from Liverpool England. During free swim, we talked about what my award was going to entail and got to know each other. As the session went on I was completing requirements at a quick …show more content…
As we are approaching the shoreline about to beach I try with everything I had to get the boat to tack, and she does. We were now heading back out into the lake, the wind is still increasing now 27 knots gusts of 33. We five 13-year-old girls were trying to hold down a 1,000-pound sailboat with two sails. We know in the back of our heads that capsizing could be in our near future. We ask the safety boat if we can head back to camp knowing that the wind is only going to increase and we cannot hold Sting down much longer. We get the ok from the safety boat and start heading toward our buoy. All five of us are hiking out as hard as we can, both the jib and the mainsails are all the way out to reduce speed and power. We get 50 feet away from our buoy and hit a massive puff, we try so hard to keep the boat from capsizing, but the five of us strictly don't have enough weight. I yell out to my crew that we are capsizing. We get out from underneath the boat and are all in shock. We swim around to the hull and sit on the bilge boards. All of us are freezing cold, the waves were splashing us and the brisk cold air was hitting our faces. All of us are scared and crying. There are several other boats who are capsized or having …show more content…
I continued to apologize and for capsizing, but she continued to tell me that it happens to the best of sailors. And that I did not need to be sorry. She showed me that I can learn from the events of the day and how I could benefit from it, I did not have to be scared or worry about getting in trouble, and that it was part of sailing. After that day, I was a little apprehensive about pushing myself in sailing however Steffyy worked with me closely to make sure I continued to improve. The next time I capsized I was excited that I had pushed myself to the limit. By the end of the first four-week session, I had completed all my requirement and all I had left to was take a written test. I had been studying all session for it but was still nervous after I handed it in. I was going to find out that night at the awards banquet if I got my award. I sat anxiously waiting for Steffyy to start giving out awards. When she was called up all these nervous thoughts started going through my head how I was not good enough and there was no way I passed the test Finally she got to my award she starting talking about I worked really hard and overcame lots of challenges. When she called my name it was so surreal I could not believe that I had just gotten my
I live in a small town that goes by the name of Lafayette. The population is 4,500. Everyone knows where everything is, when everything is, and what everything is. As a child, my mother and I would go to a beautiful waterfall on a small back road when the sun was shining, when the trees and rocks were just right, and when it was damp and perfect for four wheeler rides. The Union Camp waterfall is majestic. The scenery makes a person speechless. We would always go when the weather was perfect. The waterfall is one childhood memory I will always remember. The activities my mother and I would do were always a blast. My trips to Union Camp waterfall are memorable because of the scenery, the weather, and the activities.
Red Lake Ontario a place that I’ve been But only in my dreams in the last year and ten It’s always been with the boys, mainly my son I invite you into my dreams because you’re my special one. The cabin on the hill faces north over the lake But as the sun set down theres not even a wake
During the summer before my Freshman year I went to hell and back, and by hell I mean Philmont scout ranch. Just a little background, Philmont scout ranch is 140,117 thousand acres of big rugged, dry, mountainous terrain. I knew what I was getting into, Ever since I joined boy scouts Philmont was regarded as the ultimate scouting experience, so of course i was pressured into that. Eventually summer rolled around and before I knew it I was on a train to New Mexico.
Just this past summer, under the hot, and sticky sun, we pushed our car to the limit, on our 1,000 mile journey to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, although in actuality we might have pushed our fears to the absolute limit. Flipping through the Colorado vacation brochure proved to have posed some interesting vacation destinations, such as "Big Bear Lake" and Trail Ridge Road. With the intent to get high in the sky, our family headed out the next morning to Trail Ridge Road, which is a road that takes you up to a staggering height of 12,000 feet. Although optimistic, we imagined of the vast fields of green, the glacier-topped mountains, and the valleys that undertake the them. As we climbed up to the peak, it seemed apparent that there
Hannah is a twenty year old girl from Egan. For the past 3 years she has spent her summers at a bible camp up north called Trout Lake Camps. The first time Hannah stepped foot at the camp she didn’t want to go. She spent the school year there working in the office. But now the thought of not stepping foot there makes her think about all the good times and bad times she had. From sleeping in chapel or getting stuck in a canoe, she can’t help but be thankful for being forced to go there.
Did you know about “Camp Green Lake?” Well it’s a camp for bad boys. That have done something bad in there past, they dig holes for a consequence. To let you know the camp does not have a lake or anything green. You will be learning about campers past and the camps past too. Stanley changes throughout the book because of his friendship with zero.
This summer I will be a CIT (counselor in training) at Camp Cherry Valley that is located on the island of Catalina, right off the coast of Southern California. It's a really nice camp with an incredible staff, and this was one of the first things that I noticed last summer when I got off the boat that takes you from the mainland to the island. The week that I spent at the camp with my troop was as a senior patrol leader. As soon as I got back from camp I knew that I wanted to be part of the same staff as last year. The first step I needed to do to go to Camp Cherry Valley was to submit an application online write about why I believed that I qualified and was capable of doing the job. When they received my application and saw that I had already
For as long as I can remember I have always adored the ocean, I did not expect that I would love being 2,000 feet above it. For spring break my family and I go to Florida to visit our grandparents, my cousins also travel down there for the week. It appears to be tradition to take my grandfather’s boat out and journey down to Fort Meyer’s Beach. This time, my family has arranged for some of us to go parasailing.
At this point I have been tubing for years, nothing was going to go wrong. Or would it? We got on the tube. The boat started. We were going kind of fast, not crazy though. It was about 4 minutes past, me and Dawson were still doing fine. They needed us to fall off, so other kids could
Last year I was impressed with all the interesting plants blooming in the alkali meadows next to Klondike Lake. Plants like Rabbit brush and shrubs are found in abundance here but not too many other places in the state or even the Owens Valley.
I live in Ancient Greece in the year 612. Most kids at the age of 12 are in military camp but i’m being taught by Plato, he is my tutor. My dad is in the military and i probably won’t see him until he is 60 years old or something like that, I miss him even though he can be strict but mother says the reason that he is so strict is because I am special and plus he is in the military so people are strict over there. I usually spend most of my days reading books or at the academy in athens with my tutor Plato learning something called philosophy which I have never heard of. My mom is always supporting me when it comes to that type of stuff. I kinda wonder what it is like in military camp because I never get to talk to other kids my age, but I
My nickname at Camp Green Lake is sleeper because after I'm finished digging my hole. I will sleep in my bed probably will not be seen until lunch time. It will be like someone has slip me some sleeping pill I will be out. Probably even take a nap in my hole after I finishes digging for the day. Because even now I love sleep it does not matter where at I will be in a curve sleep. For example, I once feel asleep at church while the preacher was tell us the word.Another way this nickname express me is that I am very easy to tired out when doing something so small. For example, when I use to work at the Sonic in Raymond I would go to the back where the straws boxes where to go to get a 5 minutes sleep. If I feel tired somewhere I will find a
The sun was starting to set, so we decided to head back to the houseboat and boast about our catch to the others over dinner. Just as were all packed up, it started to down pour. The rushing winds and gushing waves filled our tiny tin boat quickly. We were on the brink of being capsized.
“ BANG!”.It was a cold October day. I was at Fort Meigs. I was excited to watch my brother run cross country. I was at the starting line waiting for the gun to go off.
The glory of God is at stake by the way I approach situations, is one thing I realized at PLT camp. I went to Power Leadership Training, provided by FCA, the weekend before my sophomore year. I signed up knowing what it would be like, but I did not know the huge impact it would have on my life. We normally have small groups, team meetings, and other activities throughout the day. What I did not expect this year, was how much I would take from it. The message that impacted me is to do everything with a purpose for Christ.