The following morning Ashton reached my house at seven, even though school started at seven thirty-five. Well, teachers were expected to show up early. Begging my father to let me walk to school turned out to be a lost cause. With a gloomy beginning, I sat down in the seat next to the driver's and hugged my backpack to my chest. Determined not to exchange a word other than "good morning," I allowed my eyes to gaze out of the window and avoid further contact. Seemingly, Ashton followed the same procedure. The only thing that ran in my mind was how I was going to explain to my classmates if any saw me coming and leaving the campus with my substitue teacher. Obviously, they'd form wrong ideas in their heads, and I'd rather die than be associated with this fellow. Wait till …show more content…
Zane and Zoe let out lighthearted laughs. Sadly, I didn't mirror their reaction. "Murderer or not, I never forget a face," I said and he cocked an eyebrow. "But in your case, I'll make an exception." Barely registering the icy glare, I turned to my snickering friends. "Let's go, guys." "Wait, where's the Forensics classroom?" the guy asked again. But this time, his hand gripped my forearm, stopping my movement. Irritated, I snapped free. Forensics was my first period class and no way did I want to escort this sketchy newbie. The criminal was on the run and I trusted no one new, even though this part of PA had a slim to none chance of getting robbed. Oh well. Allowing my friends to handle him, I headed to class. Unfortunately, I had the twins saying stupid things. "That's our class," Zane acknowledged. "You can come with us, if that's fine." We ended up in the Forensics classroom in record time. The newbie, also called Aiden, plopped on the seat behind mine, next to Zane. Needless to say, we couldn't start a conversation about him. Towards the end of the class, me and Zoe quietly discussed tonight's
Evan kept off the interstate for a while sticking to back roads and changing directions periodically to make sure he wasn’t being tailed.
The major that I chose was Criminal Justice. I chose this major because most lawyers major in Criminal Justice. I decided to look into the Criminal Justice major at DMACC. My first semester is just going to be the basics like intro to Criminal Justice and other classes like that. My second semester is going to be about criminal investigation. My third semester is going to get more in depth than the other two semester were, and my last semester is going to be about an internship mainly. By the time that I get done, I need at least 64 credits. I knew what the courses and how many credits I needed because I have already looked into all of this.
For me, school is more than just grades, and while undoubtedly it is a large component, I want to soak up all the knowledge I can. Being in college it is a time to start understanding and putting into practice what you learn. My goal is that by enjoying the learning process my grades will follow, and so far they have. With my college degree I plan on pursuing a career in psychology, and ultimately want to get my Ph.D. in forensic psychology. To be honest it took me a while to find my career path. I waited nine years after graduating high school to continue my education and psychology had always stuck in the back of my mind during that time. I also realized subjects such as law and criminology piqued my interest. When I first started at community
My full name is Samantha Taylor Miller, I am a criminal justice major. I am from Little Falls, New York. I currently live in North Hall with my roommate, who is also my close friend from high school. Although Little Falls is only about thirty minutes from UC, I am glad I chose to live on campus because I have met so many new people as a result of living in the resident's hall.
I will not stop until I make the world a safer and better place. Maybe it'll be done by me being a prosecutor and help bring justice to the families who have been hurt. Maybe I’ll be a police officer and work my way up to a detective, or maybe I’ll even be a forensic psychologist and testify in court for the prosecution. It’s obvious I don’t know exactly how I’ll protect my people and make the world safer, but I am determined to do so; I will not give up on making my dreams a reality.
My interest in Criminal Justice began around the ages of 11 and 12 years old. I was really fascinated by any television show that involved the criminal justice system. I consumed a lot of my time watching shows such as In The Heat Of The Night, New York Undercover, and Law and Order SVU, just to name a few. As a child I would debate with my fellow peers, especially when I found a topic that I was very passionate about. For a moment, the plan was to become a lawyer. As I grew older, those plans had changed. By the time I had graduated high school, I had chosen a different path.
I have been interested in a career in law enforcement, such as a police officer, for a long time. I included this career on my list, but as I identified myself, it became clear it wasn’t the most fitting option. This career fit very well with all my extrinsic and intrinsic values, but not as well with my lifestyle values. The location and hours could be challenging. My skills were not fitting either, i’m not very social and a police officer must communicate well.
Entering my first year of college as a psychology major, my career goal is to become a forensic psychologist. This ambition is born from a profound fascination with the complexities of human behavior and a deep-seated commitment to applying psychological insights to the legal system in pursuit of truth and justice. From a young age, I have been intrigued by the intricacies of the human mind and the factors that shape behavior. This curiosity led me to pursue a degree in psychology, where I have explored topics such as cognitive processes, abnormal behavior, and the influence of social and environmental factors on individual differences. As I embark on my college journey, I am eager to delve deeper into the study of human behavior and its applications in
When I walked up to the schoolyard, I felt tears pushing in my eyes. I walked over to the classroom door I was so familiar with, took of my shoes, and walked into the classroom. I was greeted with cheers from the students, but this only made it worse for me.
A woman tied up to a bed, blood dripping from the stab wounds all over her body, blood all over the room you can tell she tried to put up a fight but got the bad end of it. He looks around for a murder weapon in the room. In a corner of the room a knife was discovered on the dresser. Where the killer left it when he exited the room, on the door a bloody hand mark was left from the killer. He leaves knowing his work is never done. He heads back to offices to go over the crime scene photos and the weapon to look for fingerprints on the weapon, he looks for any hair or skein under her nails or on her body that can help with the case to find out who the killer was.
Starting off the semester I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go into the criminal justice field and if I did what I would be doing in it. I’ve always been the type of person who has wanted to dedicate my time towards helping people and improving the world we live in. After taking this course I’ve really thought a lot about my future and what I’m going to be doing for a career. I decided to go into the police field. After deciding this I interviewed a retired cop that made his way up to chief of police.
The long-term career I have chosen is a Criminal Justice Lawyer position. I have picked this because I want to help people and get better at seeing both sides of a story. I expect to learn many of things from this field of work, like how to have more patience, and be more open, but also interrogative. I feel like being a Criminal Justice Lawyer is my calling and therefore I should answer to it.
Psychology has always had a direct impact on my life for many years for example, I myself have had counselling sessions for anxiety. Experiencing this has given me a desire to work with people in understanding their behaviour and how their minds work to be able to empower individuals to lead better lives. My own personal experience with anxiety has also intrigued me into thinking why I think the way I do and what can be put into action to improve my circumstances.
As explained by Roberts (2012), doctorate programs often require the completion of a dissertation in order to demonstrate that you are capable of planning, conducting, writing, and defending an original research study. However, throughout the course of completing my dissertation I am expecting to experience a number of high and low points. As I begin my dissertation journey, I must admit that I am quite terrified, which is likely stemming from my uncertainty as to what I want do my dissertation on. Personally, I am having a difficult time choosing a topic that I find interesting, in addition to considering the feasibility, whether the topic is researchable, and ensuring it is aligned with the proper guidelines so that the research proposal will be accepted.
Red lights, traffic lines, students walking or dragging, I could hardly tell. Today marks the day of my first day of high school without my best friend who may not connect to me blood-relatively but a family in my heart. I thought to myself, what if I can’t find any of my friends? What if I can’t find any of my classes? What if everything doesn’t turn out the way I want it to? Anxiety and panic roll in my body as soon as my mom stopped the car. I hesitated to open the car door, making little movements to even try to get out the car. I waved goodbye and shut the door closed so lightly that I think my mom had to properly shut it again. As I make my way to the front entrance with the gated black fence that shines so dimly, I looked up randomly at the sky, noticing that the clouds appeared very cloudy and immediately assumed that the rain will start sprinkling