
Personal Narrative-Changing Experience Of Leaving The Forensic Classroom

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The following morning Ashton reached my house at seven, even though school started at seven thirty-five. Well, teachers were expected to show up early. Begging my father to let me walk to school turned out to be a lost cause. With a gloomy beginning, I sat down in the seat next to the driver's and hugged my backpack to my chest. Determined not to exchange a word other than "good morning," I allowed my eyes to gaze out of the window and avoid further contact. Seemingly, Ashton followed the same procedure. The only thing that ran in my mind was how I was going to explain to my classmates if any saw me coming and leaving the campus with my substitue teacher. Obviously, they'd form wrong ideas in their heads, and I'd rather die than be associated with this fellow. Wait till …show more content…

Zane and Zoe let out lighthearted laughs. Sadly, I didn't mirror their reaction. "Murderer or not, I never forget a face," I said and he cocked an eyebrow. "But in your case, I'll make an exception." Barely registering the icy glare, I turned to my snickering friends. "Let's go, guys." "Wait, where's the Forensics classroom?" the guy asked again. But this time, his hand gripped my forearm, stopping my movement. Irritated, I snapped free. Forensics was my first period class and no way did I want to escort this sketchy newbie. The criminal was on the run and I trusted no one new, even though this part of PA had a slim to none chance of getting robbed. Oh well. Allowing my friends to handle him, I headed to class. Unfortunately, I had the twins saying stupid things. "That's our class," Zane acknowledged. "You can come with us, if that's fine." We ended up in the Forensics classroom in record time. The newbie, also called Aiden, plopped on the seat behind mine, next to Zane. Needless to say, we couldn't start a conversation about him. Towards the end of the class, me and Zoe quietly discussed tonight's

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