At the age of 12, I left my homeland Korea along with my childhood, friendships, memories, and identity. I landed on the black rock of Hawai’i in the middle of the Pacific Ocean under the blazing sun, on the other side of my former home. As I stepped off the plane, I stood bewildered, clueless to what the beautiful, tall lady with green eyes and blond hair was saying; I just needed to ask where the restroom was, but I only knew how to say "hi", "yes", and "no" in the language of this foreign land. At school in this unfamiliar country, I shifted into a lost child who did not say anything, never responded to anything, never wrote anything, never finished work on time. I did not appreciate the biting sun, nor the vast, endless water that reminded
What makes up our identity?This question has been asked for a really long time that some have attempted to answer but often look at the wrong things that make up our identity.Some people have thought that what makes up our identity are the different important times in our life.Though what really makes up our identity are the 7 categories of otherness.The 7 categories of otherness are race, sexual orientation, age, religion, able- bodied, gender and finally socio-economic.
I grew up in rural Indiana with three brothers. Our family was a little different than most because all of us children had been adopted. The oldest of us, Andy, was two years older and had cystic fibrosis which meant he probably wouldn’t live to be 30 or more. The remaining three of us were biologically brothers. Triplets in fact. Our parents adopted all three of us together for some brave reason. I used to joke that there was a buy one get two free sale at the adoption agency and that I was the only one they actually wanted. It was never hidden from us that we were adopted, but it always left me feeling that I didn’t quite belong in certain family functions. I wanted to feel like I belonged in my environment. The military
Complete self-acceptance and the stylized ideal self are two antithesis states, both of which being unrealistic and unattainable. We all walk on the precipice separating the two, some leaning more towards one than the other. There are also many paradigms of our identity which go through a process of self-acceptance and fluctuate throughout our entire lives. There are mornings when I stand before the rigid yet ambiguous mirror in my bathroom, I stand nude preparing for a shower. I analyze myself and the contours of my body. I lift my arms to see what droops, I turn to my side to gage the profile width of my abdomen; I stare at my chest and its perceived imperfections. These are the same minutely changing features I carried
My is name Kyra Alexandra Avila Kepfer. Kyra is my mom’s name and Alexandra comes from my dad’s middle name “Alexander”. My Dad’s last name, Avila, is from Spain and Guatemala. My mom 's last name, Kepfer, is German. My mom was originally going to call me Katherine Andrea. My names meaning is light, throne, and sun. Since my mom’s name is also Kyra my family calls me Kyrita which is my name in spanish. At times my mom will call me “Alex” which is short for Alexandra. My mom has always called me that and my family has called me Kyrita for as long as I can remember. Many strangers pronounce my name Kira which kinda gets annoying after a while but it 's understandable. To my family my name means a fun, lovable, and active 15 year old girl who loves to spend time with family and friends. I like my name because its original and not common. The fact that my name means the sun is interesting because it 's so unique and bright, which is how I want my future to be. If i had the chance to change my name i wouldn 't because i 'm used to it and i feel like it defines me as a person. I’m grateful that my mom named me Kyra and i 'll always embrace it.
Change is the constant thing in the world. From infancy till now many dramatic changes take place in my life physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically intellectually etc.
Good morning! I hope you slept well, I might need a cat nap. Perhaps tonight Ill get back into the swing of going to bed before 12, JEREMY you know I literally stare at your picture going to sleep. Once you are in bed the laptop stays in the living room. I did figure out I can zoom in though. Have you ever tried to cuddle with a laptop? I might count the blocks on your shirt if I get bored. I couldn't move up my appointment next Thursday to this Friday. blah.
When i was little i was a sweet child. I never caused any trouble. I never bothered anybody, I even made straight A’s. But that all changed when we moved to a new neighborhood. When we moved it seemed like a good place at the time. There were kids my age, there was a playground. I thought it would be a great place to live. They first day we moved to our new neighborhood i didn't come outside. I didn't come out that second day or the third the fourth. I was to busy playing games to bother to go outside. It was the fifth day when my mom said “How do you expect to make friends if all you do is stay in there house”?. I said “Yeah, your right I guess ill go outside”. So I went outside roughly about 12 kids were outside playing on the playground so I jumped right inn and started playing to.
It was a cool summer morning when my dad, Alfonso, and I were driving out to Marion, ND listening to my favorite Aerosmith CD. It was a quaint little town overshadowed by the looming grain elevator and bins in the center of town. My dad is a sub-contractor which means companies contract him to do jobs for their clients. For this job we would be atop a one hundred and twenty foot tower with no harnesses. When I found that out i was definitely a little worried.I was only fourteen and didn’t have too much experience high heights. However, I was with my father so I knew nothing would go wrong.
Over the years my neighborhood, family, and environment has shaped me to become the person I am today. It’s been a rough ride here and there, but the view is great and I am ecstatic and ready for the adventures that will cross my path.
As adolescents, our brains are just starting to develop to help our bodies and our personalities mature. Hormonal changes in boys and girls include adrenarche, gonadarche, and menarche (King 2002). Adrenarche usually begins when a child is between the ages of 6 and 8 and controls skeletal growth, skin changes, and hair growth. Gonadarche contributes to the growth of genitals and breasts and menarche refers to the beginning of girl’s menses. Menarche comes later in the advanced stages. Although these phases of development happen outside of the brain, they are the first change that an adolescent goes through and the increase in hormones can cause mood swings and different ways of thinking.
Almost literally, I think I need to call Mike Tyson and put a trifecta there.
Just as the elevator door started to close, several young girls wearing black leotards and sporting bright pink jackets jumped in. The bedazzled dance logo on the back of their jackets with the emblazed word Middletown Dance caught our attention. Before we could ask them a question, the elevator had reached the ground floor.
My son, John, embattled in virtual warfare, finds his spaceship commandeered by a rival. Such a manoeuvre strikes him as odd given the framework of a game geared to skill and ability rather than attack, aggression.
Strolling into my last hour of the day like any other, only to find that there was a substitute, another day of busy work instead of reviewing for the test. I sat in my assigned seat in the back of the class as usual, while the sub introduced himself.
Being the sibling of a rising, hot Hollywood starlet is not the glamorous role that it seems. Well, alright, the parties and freebies and constant spotlight on your family does have its perks. Not to mention all the access to every hedonistic desire you could want, practically whenever you want it. But there is a downside to it as well: the stepping out of the shot for photo calls, the 3rd tier seating at awards shows, the neglect by your parents…but I digress.