Choices are in everyone's life whether we like them or not they are something that need to be done one way or another. Odysseus had to choose a path one with an eight headed monster that would take out eight of his men or a whirlpool that will kill all of his men. He ended up choosing the eight headed monster knowing that some of his men would survive and still be able to make it home. My choice that I had to make wasnt the most difficult one out there it was to eat pineapple or bbq chips. The pineapple would leave little sores in my mouth that would last a few weeks and the bbq chips make my stomach upset but can be fixed with medicine. I ended up choosing the bbq chips knowing that i just need to take some medicine to help me. The relationship
Decisions are what direct a average person's life. Some decisions are easy some are hard. But that’s the way of life and how it works.
You may not even be aware of the choices that you make because of the unimportance of it to you at the time. In the book Feed by M.T. Anderson, Titus and his friends go off on a crazy spring break vacation to the moon. He meets a girl named Violet and she decides to hang out with Titus and his friends. Throughout the book Titus, his friends and Violet are all faced with choices dealing with the feed. You yourself are responsible for making the choices and for dealing with what comes your way in the future.
Choices essentially are what dictates the path that is traveled and the series of events
Which in turn leads to Regret, a common feeling once the choice has been made, when someone makes a choice in life, whether it be good or bad.
This is the time when I tried guacamole.This is how I started to like it, and eat it all the time.
I desperately ask the manager where are all of your golf balls? He replied right over here. So, i put that one back on the shelf. I Quickly scanned the rest of the selves to find some that had specific letters printed on the front of them l-I-B-R--A-R-Y.
Life is full of many choices as well as consequences. People are sometimes defined by their actions and decisions they make in life. In life we make many decisions just like in the story Atalanta Race. When a undefeated female hunter is forced into marrying Hippomenes because of a race they competed in to win her love. Hippomenes only wins by cheating during the footrace with shinny gold apples that will get Atalanta’s attention so she will stop and help Hippomenes win the race. She had the choice to keep going and continue the race and continue to be the undefeated woman that everybody wants to be, but she went to the apple. Which therefore meant she would have to marry Hippomenes. The choices that you make have a great effect on your
My dad and I wanted some steak so we preheated the grill to 450 degrees fahrenheit. Then we cleaned the grill with a short handled tough bristled brush. When dad started to clean the grill it scraped on the metal giving me chills from the noise. Since the handle was so short my dad attempted to clean the grill but one short narrow flame came up when we were least expecting and burned his arm. My dad and I started laughing super hard. Once we cleaned the grill good we seasoned the steak. After we seasoned the steak we went to the grill with the great-smelling uncooked steak. Me and dad set the steak down and I looked up at the super starry sky while the stars lit up the night sky. When I opened the shiny, ceramic lid to the grill the humongous
I am feeling repentant about dining at Chili’s, last week, due to the terrible experience that I had. The semblance of the restaurant from the outside, made it seem like a nice place to dine in, but when I stepped into the place, it had a very unkempt appearance. Not only was the interior appearance untidy but the smell of the place made me feel nauseated. It smelled as if there has been a dead rat in the place for a week. When I took a seat, I hoped that an amiable waiter who reveres their customers would take my order. Instead, a waiter with an impassive look on his face walked up to the table I was sitting at. His way of speaking English was enigmatical. I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. When I finally figured that he was trying
My fist week at Avon was filled with great learning experiences. The focus at Avon for my first week was merchandising in the Meat department. Overall I learned aspects of merchandising that I did not know in the past. In the Meat department a pop of color is especially key in grabbing the attention of the customer. The color will draw the customer toward the case and will tempt them to buy products they did not intend to purchase. Also, with merchandising the value should be toward the customer. The customer wants to see what they are getting. It would not be desirable if the customer was looking at the fat side or the bone side of a steak. It is more appealing to the customer if they see the value that they are getting. A key task in the
Figuring that I might be a dog for a long time, or forever, I decided to put my third plan into action. I made my way to the TV remote and turned it on. Having young children means that my parents are strict about what we watch, which mainly goes for my brother and sister, but that means that Netflix, and anything rated Pg-13 or R, consists of a password. If my parents actually wanted to keep us away from these types of shows they should have came up with a clever password, 1234 is NOT clever! After turning it on I went straight to Netflix and turned on Bob’s Burgers. Bob’s Burgers is quite possibly my favorite show of all time, and my parents would know for sure that it’s me if I was watching it.
After hours of cramming for final exam, I can’t take anymore and go to the fridge looking for that perfect treat to satisfy my midnight cravings. Nothing in sight is just quite right. I look in the pantry for that fulfilling food. Alas! Nothing is in the pantry but chips that are too salty. I sigh in frustration and decide to go to bed defeated. With my teeth having been brushed and my shower completed I sink into the bed regretting the late night I took. I wake up on a pile of snow, confused, looking for someone to tell me where I am. Not a soul insight. It feels as if I have been wandering for hours until I come to a dirt road. But why is there a dirt road where the snow is several feet deep? It’s not dirt. It is cookie crumbs. And the snow
A time when I tried something new was when I tried a burrito at a Mexican restaurant. Before I ate a burrito I never did like Mexican food, because I didn’t like trying new things. Ever since I ate that burrito, I had loved burritos because I tried something new.
One time, when I was in fifth grade, I was looking for some money because I really wanted this snack. My dad only had one dollar left in his wallet, and he handed it to me.
“One day I’m going to be really smart and go to WPI just like my big brother Brian!” I declared one morning as I indulged in a large stack of chocolate chip pancakes. I was a mere six year old girl, my mouth filled with rows of tiny baby teeth and my hair affixed in bouncy ponytails. At the time, I had a very limited view on what WPI was, but that didn’t stop me from proclaiming this proud statement with the most determination my tiny body could muster to anyone who would listen. Admittedly, my main motivation for attending WPI may have been the chocolate chip cookie my brother would award me when I visited his dorm. However, as time has progressed I have come to realize that WPI has a lot more to offer than chocolate chip cookies. In turn, I believe that I am an excellent match for WPI’s unique experience.