The first time I met Sofia was at Chuckie Cheese. I was twelve at the time and my dad had come to the conclusion that after 10 months, he would finally introduce me to the half sibling I didn’t know existed. At the time, my parents had been separated for over a year and the idea of my “cookie cutter” family breaking up had still not fully resonated to my siblings and I. Sofia was just a few months at the time, and in the first hour I met her I had determined that she cried too much and that I hated her. I hated that she represented a secret my dad had kept from us and that she was reassurance that my family would never return to the way we used to be. But most of all, I hated that she was so innocent and pure, yet she was placed unknowingly into a world of so much danger. …show more content…
So, after just a few visits with my dad, I learned to not only accept the new addition to my family, but to love her. I promised myself that I would stay by her side and would lead her through the confusing world we live in. I knew that I would do everything I could to insure that she never got hurt. This lasted for a while, and I began to view my family’s situation as “normal”. That’s when my dad decided to throw in another curveball; that weekend I entered my dad’s apartment and made my way to Sofia’s room per usual, except this time when I opened the door I was surprised to see that where one twin bed used to lay was now replaced with two cribs. This was my dad’s way of telling us that him and his fiance were expecting again, twins this time. Thus, my dad’s fiance moved in along with her two kids from her first marriage, expanding the number of siblings I had from 3 to 8 in less than three
A family of four came into counseling. Frank, 43, who works so much. Emily, 39, who is a mom that works from home part-time. Two daughters, Sarah (10 years old) and Whitney (6 years old). One night, Frank came home from work, and Emily called a family meeting. Sarah has decided that she would like to have a little brother because a friend of Sarah’s is going to have a little brother. Sarah spoke with Emily about how much she would love a little brother. After thinking about it, Emily decided to speak with her husband about having another baby. Frank did not seem like he wanted another baby at his age, and was thinking about doing a little traveling now that the kids are getting a little older. Frank has been leaving town a lot more, causing
On January 29, 2001 at around four o’clock in the afternoon, a beautiful little girl named Leslie Arreaga was born. It was the first time I was able to hold and see a baby so up close. When I saw her for the first time I didn’t know what to say. All I told my parents was “ I love her and she is perfect.” My parents laugh at me because I was only four years old when she was born. I just couldn’t believe that I was finally an older sister. I remember that every time a person would come in and try to hold her I would give them a look saying “ If you hurt her, I will hurt you.” Leslie was the most precious little baby I had ever seen in my little four year life. She was so chubby, with big brown eyes and a little heart shaped mouth. The day my
Waking up and realizing that today was the day, my body got packed with nerves, still wondering how my mom even got me on the show and why they wanted me. While I was putting on my clothes, I was trying to look professional, but looking back I would have chosen something different. I was wearing some boot cut jeans, a shirt with a purple cross that had a shawl connected to it, some ugly sneakers, and my hair was straightened. It was dark and chilly December morning, and myself and my parents took the 30 minute drive to the TV station. When my parents and I arrived we had to be checked in by security, as they were told to expect my arrival, for the early morning weather segment. I felt that I was going to pee my pants, but I was also excited. My mom was making me more nervous, “You
The History of the Railroad Ever since 1619 when the first colony of Jamestown was established in America, slavery was a way of life. The ethnicity of these slaves varied, from being either Native American of African, but majority were African. “Slavery lasted so long and controlled so many people's lives, that it may seem impossible to comprehend the phenomenon and to know the people involved. Yet it is extremely difficult to grasp many aspects of roles in the lives and development of the American people.” (Burgan,4)
I knew that something was not right when my dad was on his way over to my mom’s house to talk to my sister and I. I should have seen this news coming since things had not been right over the past month. Once my dad came over he took my sister and I downstairs to talk to us in private. He sat us down and said, “Guys I need to tell you something. This is not the easiest thing to do but…” Allow me to catch you up to speed on how we got here.
The Allgood family is hung on the city center stage, where they are about to be executed. The one who is the one comes and begins the exaction by vaporizing Elizabeth Allgood and Benjamin Allgood. But then he stops and listens to the chanting and cheering of the citizens before continuing. Before he can continue Whitford and Wisteria Allgood are dropped through an opening in the stage which quickly closes up again. Whitford and Wisteria split up so they can get away faster and escape there execution.
My virtual family consists my partner and a daughter, Nameste Denell (Manis, 2014). The transition from being a couple to being a triad was a bumpy one (Manis, 2014). My partner and I have had some obstacles most of which had to do with money (Manis, 2014). We even contemplated divorce shortly after Nameste Denell was born (Manis, 2014). My partner worked full-time outside the home and I was a stay-at-home mom (Manis, 2014). Nameste Denell was three when Jasmine Leann came along (Manis, 2014). She looked forward to helping and playing with her baby sister (Manis, 2014). Soon after Jasmine Leann was born my partner and I saved enough money to move from our neighborhood, which was becoming overrun by crime (Manis, 2014). We bought
“Screaming, crying, perfect storm” as Taylor Swift once wrote, perfectly describes the state that my family has been for the past few years. As my mother was achieving her dream by moving to America, my dad was falling deeper and deeper into his mental complication and depression due to the sudden change of foreign culture exposure. Eventually, my parents decided to get the divorce my sister and I expected for quite some time. Considering our economic status, we could not afford the bill for two separate apartments; so heavy and unpleasant tensions between each other developed as my parents continued to live under the same roof. As time has passed, I have become more aware of the sacrifices my parents have made in order to raise my sister and
“NCIS: New Orleans” Season 3 has gotten off to a fine start but Brody's absence is pinching everyone. It is not just the viewers who are complaining about her departure. Even her group cannot make it without her and since there is no official update about her return, the future seems pretty bleak for fans of Zoe McLellan.
One day, our new step-sister, Cinderella, arrived. I was a little cautious and unsure of her at first. I let her mind her own business, except occasionally, I did spy on her, just the see what she was up to. I started taking a liking to her when I noticed how kind and gentle she was with the animals that always hang around the kitchen because of the food. I couldn’t believe she would be with nature rather than playing on her phone.
The leaves were falling and people are in shorts and t-shirts. Cross country season was on and it was going to be a good one since it was my last year in junior high cross country. Twins on the team made it even better since they judges of the course we would be running at would mix us two up. The day we would get our coach was even better than getting the judges at meets.
A drop of perspiration made a slow trek down my face as I carefully placed one foot in front of the other, each step taken with a precision a ballerina would envy. The scorching sun was directly behind me, its rays beaming directly through my shirt, making my venture more difficult than it usually was. I hadn’t had luck on my side so far today. The sky was bare of clouds, and no grain bin was tall enough to shade me from the sun. I wore my lucky red shirt specifically for this day. Yeah – I have a lucky shirt, what’re you laughing at? My usual crowd would consist of solely my brother, but today I had two sets of eyes on me. My brother’s, gazing up at me with his permanent look of wonder, and Sarah Crocker’s, her smirk extending beyond her lips
"You're going to have a sister!" my parents told me this morning, which was not what I was expecting when they said they wanted to talk to me. I never asked for nor wanted a sister; she won't even be my biological sister because my parents wanted to adopt. "Come on, Jane. Your friend Nicole's parents adopted, and their son's personality is as bright as the sun! They're a very happy family." I'm going to be miserable, and the worst part is that we're going to the adoption center tomorrow first thing in the morning.
“Lord Randall” and “Get Up and Bar The Door” are short ballads from the Middle Ages. Ballads are a song like poems that is put to music. The word ballad derives from an Old French word meaning “dancing song”. Scops and bards sing the ballads as a source of entertainment. The people present in the Middle Ages use the ballads that the Scops and Bards sing to also dance. Our music now in the twenty-first century originates from the old ballads. The ballads “Lord Randall” and “Get Up and Bar The Door” contain refrains that appeal to everyday people life. In both ballads, the characters represent the Middle Ages people life plus their culture. Both ballads tell the citizens of the Middle Ages social class. “Lord Randall” consists of the characters
Devastated, I ran to my room gushing my eyes out. All these emotions going through my head of how my life would be without my parents in the same room or even house. From what I remember it all started about mid-June, the weeks before that were crucial. My parents would always argue over how to deal with a situation between me and my brother, Skyler. They hardly spoke to one another, but when they did they would just start bickering. I remember, one night after dinner they both went into ''their'' room with the door locked yelling at one another. Skyler and I didn’t know what to do, so we went downstairs and tried to figure out what was going to happen. With a scared tone I asked if mom and dad were going to get a divorce?" He answered back '' No, they love each other, they wouldn’t do that to us." That following night, was a school night everything was quiet except for my crying. I couldn’t sleep; all I was thinking about how it's going to affect my family.