Beautiful, amazing, wonderful, kind, imaginative, smart, and intriguing are all adjectives I can use to describe my best friend, Claudia Marques. We met last year at the beginning of school, when I used to go to the public school in our area. At first we were wary of each other, mostly because we were competing with one another. Our competition was to be better than one another at volleyball. I was trying to achieve my teammates respect, and since Claudia was the best player, I thought if I were better, I might gain their respect. Throughout the season we talked a little bit, but never got necessarily close. I was always keeping her at arm's lengths. This was because I thought Claudia was always a tad bit strange. These first months of noticing
When most people hear my full name , “Joann Botani," they automatically assume I'm Italian, but truth is I am actually Middle Eastern. From what I know my dad does have a little Italian in his blood but the name “Botani” actually comes from a city in Turkey. I come from an upper-middle class house hold and I have two younger siblings, a brother and a sister. Being the oldest has its challenges because there is so much expected from me whether it is school, work or social life. I tend to think my younger siblings have it easier because I am the one who pushes the boundaries with my parents and because of that my siblings usually get to do what ever the want because it is not as extreme as what I do. It has always been easy for my younger sister because she is the “princess” of the house but I am my dad’s favorite while my brother is a momma’s boy. My family is very competitive when it comes to school and grades, my little brother and I were always duking it out
On 05/07/2018 at about 2255 hours, I was dispatched to 113 Frad Ave in reference to a battery that had occurred.
As a third and fourth grader, I participated in choir. I enjoyed it then but decided to stop so that I would have more time for homework. In the beginning of seventh grade, when it came time to decide if you want to join choir, Maria Abbulone and I chose to sign up. We thought it would be a fun experience because we enjoy singing, and we had done it in past years. As choir practices began, Maria and I thought that it would be a fun experience for the year, and we might decide to do it in eighth grade. As the choir kicked into full swing, everything was going well.
To begin, on May 15, 2017 I interviewed Maria Mojica about what it means to be American to her. Also, Maria Mojica, mother of 2, felt the necessity to describe that being American means that you acquire specific rights only accessible in this country. Since her mother, Guillermina Diaz, gave birth to her in Guerrero, Mexico and raised her in Anaheim, California, Maria was aware of the drastic differences between Mexico and America. Furthermore, she captured the idea that her life would ameliorate and that she could become much more successful in America versus Mexico. Although she believes that America is unsatisfactory due to more crime and violence, she declares that America has progressed in the aspect that America has grown economically
We flew down the bumpy trails with dust in our face. Maria took Rachel and I four-wheeling with some friends. It was two o’clock in the morning and my mom didn't know where we were. Maria Tormanen is my older sister. Maria has a positive influence on me because she is always pushing me out of my comfort zone. She supports me in what i do and she goes after her dreams, I admire that.
Waking up and realizing that today was the day, my body got packed with nerves, still wondering how my mom even got me on the show and why they wanted me. While I was putting on my clothes, I was trying to look professional, but looking back I would have chosen something different. I was wearing some boot cut jeans, a shirt with a purple cross that had a shawl connected to it, some ugly sneakers, and my hair was straightened. It was dark and chilly December morning, and myself and my parents took the 30 minute drive to the TV station. When my parents and I arrived we had to be checked in by security, as they were told to expect my arrival, for the early morning weather segment. I felt that I was going to pee my pants, but I was also excited. My mom was making me more nervous, “You
I don’t recall if you remember but we met about a year ago. My daughter’s name is Julia Talamo and she is going into 11th grade. She has been here since freshman year and is very happy with the atmosphere of the school. As you already know she has been on the swim team placing at finals states since freshman year and swimming is a big part of her life. However, over the past 8 months we realized that Julia was struggling. The stress of such a wonderful but rigorous academic life was taking slowly taking over her positive and lively attitude. We noticed that she was very anxious all the time. We tried to help her but as a determined girl she is she put on a smile and pulled through with all of her responsibilities. However, during
Sonia Sanchez taught me that it’s possible to not let my pain hold me from being the best that I can be. She taught me to take my past full of pain, make it great and use the talents that I have now to change this planet and become a creator of social values. I learned to have an unshakeable strength, a persevering courage and to be a fighter. I learned that I am capable of achieving the greatest things if I put my mind to it. How well I do is in my hands not in a past that can drag me down. Just like Sonia asked her teacher if she had any talent, and the teacher answered saying: “Yes, you have talent, now let’s see whether you are going to do anything with it”. She answered to the call and I am determined to answer the call too. She changed
Patience is wearing thin , the shocking moment is almost here. Then a miracle happens! A beautiful brown eyed baby is born into this world.
Claudia stood at the bottom of the staircase, waiting. She watched as the woman brushed past her, leaving a cold chill in her wake. She followed the woman as she ascended the staircase, her gate heavy. She led Claudia to the top platform, before disappearing down the hallway.
Jane and I grew up in grade school together. She was in the class ahead of me, but her and I were still friends. My father was into politics and involved himself in whatever he could with Jane's dad. Since our fathers were away quite often, we would spend a lot of time together. Since Jane didn't have a mother, my mother would often include Jane in whatever my sisters and I were doing. We would have great talks together talking about what we wanted to do when we grew up. Even though neither one of us knew what we wanted to do, Jane was someone that always had the biggest heart for helping people. She was always talking about the stories her father told her about President Lincoln, and even though she didn't know how, she knew she wanted to be someone to make change like he did.
This past Friday, I had the opportunity to interview Carolina Portales. Mrs. Portales is a kinder garden ESL teacher in the Grand Prairie school district. She was nice and kind answering most of my questions, and she even gave me some advices to get through the first year . According to Mrs. Portales the math professional development activities that she has participated in are the ones that the district of Grand Prairie offers. She described her overall experiences learning math as not so good, because she has had good teachers that care about students’ learning, but some other teachers do not. She has not learned everything she needs to learn, but she knows enough to teach, what she needs to teach.
Monica is one of few women that I know for exceptional support of her community. Mom is a retired volunteer midwife and my Dad helper. I watched my mother who was a midwife; provide indigent care by helping women deliver their babies in homes with compassion. All I remember is “Ma Monique merci”. Her dedication and commitment inspired me to always sick knowledge and love everyone.
If i were Claudia, and i were mad, i would pack everything i need to escape. The author wrote, “That is running away in the heat of anger.” I would pack all my things i need and go to school bus on Monday escape the widow, and then jump out. I would go to school bus escape and then walk all the way there.
True friends, who are they really? They will stand up for their friends and back them when no one else will. True friendship is a kind of closeness that won't fail, even if one were to move away, no matter what the distance.