Coming into this class, I honestly had no idea about what exactly I’d be learning over the semester. But as the class progressed, I’ve had very memorable and learning moments. Out of everything so far though, I’d have to say that learning the different parts of the writing process such as the prewriting and brainstorming, how to write a thesis, and how to properly arrange the different parts of an essay were the most memorable for me. I had some preconceived notions about some of these topics, mostly I thought I had already knew everything about them and all this would just be review. But as the class forward, I realized there was much more depth to these topics than I had previously thought. One of the first things we learned about in the
College Writing 1 is my first college writing class ever, I have high hopes I will learn a lot. I hope during this class I learn how to correctly cite different sources, learn new styles of writing, and fine tune the writing skills I already have. I think the most challenging part of this class will be keeping up with all the different writings we do, from journal entries to a research paper. Another thing that will be a challenge is the amount of words needed for each paper. I will need to practice how to write more in depth to make sure I at least hit the two hundred fifty word mark. The thing I am most excited for with this class is to be able to write again. As a former writer for the Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania newspaper, writing food
I have learned a lot in just 16 short weeks. I have learned how to organize my thoughts on paper, even when I have a fear of a writing assignment. I learned about pre-writing, outlining, rough draft, and finals. In each of these steps, I have learned to depend on each of them. They also help me find out what I need to do next. I always try to reflect on what I have written, even if it may be terrible. I use every bit of information I have to make sure I keep my thoughts in order. My strengths have increased as a writer. I love to write, and I know what to write about when given a topic. I feel strongly capable of writing more assignments, and essays in the future, especially in my Composition 2 class next semester. Having 2 English classes this semester really helped me with being able to
Coming to school every day as a tenth grader was exciting, but it can get very annoying at times. I had to overcome many challenges to make it this far. Generally, freshman year was a year of change. One of the greatest things I learned as I reached sophomore year, was not to procrastinate.
My second semester of 11th grade was very difficult. The previous semester was spent learning to manage my time and becoming acquainted with a new lifestyle I was attempting to adopt. A lifestyle full of responsible choices and a well managed schedule. After a few weeks of struggling I finally started to get the hang of it. My grades were looking great until I decided that I wanted to take a 10 hour a week college class at Los Angeles City College. My life began to fall apart as soon as the class started. Every Monday and Wednesday I was forced to rush home on the metro then make my way to class to let physics 101 lessons consume me. It was fantastic at the time. I loved every minute of the experience. I met an abundance of people that helped
Everyone knows about Yale University. It’s one of the best Ivy League schools in the country. It was an honor and a shock to be accepted. The past 3 semesters have been a dream, however this last one has been a nightmare. 3 weeks after winter break I was attacked by some invisible entity. I was walking home from my night class when I felt a breezy, not unusual for the campus during winter. I wasn’t thrown off until I realized the sky was a pinkish purple tint, being 8 o’clock at night the sky should be black and glowing from the light of the moon. Then I smelled a faint hint of lavender which was extremely odd because all the plants on campus are dead. The next thing I remember is being in bed rassling with something I couldn’t
This semester was my very first semester as a college student. Being the first, it was probably the semester I would learn the most in. I learned the expectations for writing that I will have to live up to for the next four years of my college career. Though my high school teachers were usually demanding because I was in the Honors English section throughout high school, writing in college has still ?raised the bar? for me. Also, in high school, we would have weeks to pick a topic, create a thesis, outline the paper, write the paper, and then revise the paper. In college, the time restraints are not quite as lenient. I?ve had to learn to manage my time and be more productive with what free moments I
Coming into College prep writing on the first day of class and hearing Mrs.Carter say “this will be one of the hardest english classes you will take in high school,” definitely scared me. The first thoughts running through my mind was I’m not good enough for this class, there is no way it will ever pass. I wanted to drop out, but instead I decided to prove myself wrong and stay in the class. Staying in this class is one thing that I will never regret. There are so many hard things that you will come upon in life, that will end up becoming one of the best learning experiences.
I've had to present information in front of a class and the people in the class were talking. I was standing in front of the class and elevated my voice so the people in class would have my attention.
This Dalis Hernandez, I've done a couple of observation hours in your classroom these past two semesters. For my education class we need to interview a educator that works with students with disabilities and it's only fourteen simple questions. I was wondering if you would be interested?
In conclusion, my high school year taught me less than I expected. Both my freshman and sophomore year sucked because I was taught nothing. But all four years did help me one way or another. My freshman year, although I wasn't taught very much, it helped me create a self-taught process for me to get through. Researching all my worksheets given to me helped me in a great way, and made me teach myself what my teachers couldn't. My sophomore, I took my self-taught process to a better level, I began making it easier for me to understand and learn. Because my teachers didn't put a lot of effort in, it taught me hard work and to strive to create an easier
For my interview, I asked my high school teacher to please share with me some of her history. Her name is Andrea Sydenham and has been working for PVUSD for 25 years. She has been an SEI teacher since then, and is now my current boss. I persuaded to ask her to share an experience from her life because I see her teach and she is always caring for her students, as if they were her own children. Andrea mention to me that her first couple years were very tough due to the condition of the school. When she started working at North Canyon High School it was considered a violent, gangster school. However, throughout the years, there has been a change in the school’s environment. Due to the different administrations there has been.
I learned more in this class than I expected. I found that I adore writing narratives, working in groups is as hard as it is entertaining, and procrastination is lethal. The largest obstacle I had to overcome was correctly citing information. I’m still not adept at the process, but I learned a lot throughout this class, and I understand more about the concept of MLA having completed the argument essay.
I always loved riding scooters at the Muncie Skate Park. I was horrified of the idea of one particular ramp. It was a quarter-pipe that was vertical more than half-way down the ramp. It was also fourteen feet high when you were looking down from the top of it. People call going down a ramp “dropping in.” I wanted more than anything to be able to drop in on that ramp.
It was a cold and dark Thursday afternoon. The sun was behind the clouds, but my spirits were bright and full of excitement. The room was crowded with third grade students eagerly awaiting their release. I stared at the clock, never moving my eyes from the hands. As the hand made its way to 2:45, I knew it was time to change for the talent show.
My first week into my online class of NURS 3100 :Issues/Trends in Nursing has been very interesting and informative. Prior to starting the class, I watched some introductory videos and an orientation video provided by Walden University to calm my anxiety. I was worried about starting an online class. I wondered what challenges I was going to face in a virtual nursing class. But amazingly enough, when I began my class, I felt like I was in an actual classroom minus of course the physical being of an instructor and classmates. I realized it was also quite easy to communicate with my instructor and other classmates. The class content and resources to complete the course assignments are readily accessible and easy to understand. On the main class