
Personal Narrative: Coming Of Age Into The Beginning Of Adulthood

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Leaving home signifies a coming of age into the beginning of adulthood, they say that’s when you really start to grow up. I was around thirteen years old when when my mother and I left home. It was around that time that I realized I couldn’t be a kid anymore, I no longer had that privilege. Thinking back, it seems like a dream you’ve just woken up from that you only have a vague memory of. All families experience their share of good times and bad times, I can remember so many wonderful times. Obviously, there were bad times, my parents fought a lot of the time too. I can remember being snuggled in bed, dreaming of lollipops and cotton candy gum drops, only to be woken by the sound of faint arguing through the walls; I never did let them know I heard. There were several occasions I can recall being scoped into my mother’s arms and packed into the car, we were running to my grandma’s house. It always went the same way in these situations, we would arrive at my grandma’s, my father would come and speak to my mother, and then we would go home again. I never really understood it; It was my first lesson in adulthood,doing things …show more content…

In all honesty, I was relieved to find out we would finally be leaving him. It’s a strange thing to say, but I was finally done with the routine of leaving. It was in that time, that I truly discovered what I was to be an adult; I had a responsibility, I could no longer allow myself to add to my mother’s emotional stress. If it meant cleaning the house, cooking my own meals, and keeping a smiling face then so be it because that’s what it was to be an adult. I never expressed my true emotions, I don’t recall many times where I actually told my mother how I was feeling, while being completely honest. If it was something that I could do to help put my mother a little more at ease, I’d do it again and again without hesitation. It was my job, one of the few things I could

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