Leaving home signifies a coming of age into the beginning of adulthood, they say that’s when you really start to grow up. I was around thirteen years old when when my mother and I left home. It was around that time that I realized I couldn’t be a kid anymore, I no longer had that privilege. Thinking back, it seems like a dream you’ve just woken up from that you only have a vague memory of. All families experience their share of good times and bad times, I can remember so many wonderful times. Obviously, there were bad times, my parents fought a lot of the time too. I can remember being snuggled in bed, dreaming of lollipops and cotton candy gum drops, only to be woken by the sound of faint arguing through the walls; I never did let them know I heard. There were several occasions I can recall being scoped into my mother’s arms and packed into the car, we were running to my grandma’s house. It always went the same way in these situations, we would arrive at my grandma’s, my father would come and speak to my mother, and then we would go home again. I never really understood it; It was my first lesson in adulthood,doing things …show more content…
In all honesty, I was relieved to find out we would finally be leaving him. It’s a strange thing to say, but I was finally done with the routine of leaving. It was in that time, that I truly discovered what I was to be an adult; I had a responsibility, I could no longer allow myself to add to my mother’s emotional stress. If it meant cleaning the house, cooking my own meals, and keeping a smiling face then so be it because that’s what it was to be an adult. I never expressed my true emotions, I don’t recall many times where I actually told my mother how I was feeling, while being completely honest. If it was something that I could do to help put my mother a little more at ease, I’d do it again and again without hesitation. It was my job, one of the few things I could
I think that I have grown as a student and a person as a whole. Emotionally I have matured so that I don't take everything so serious, I don't get upset over things I don't need too. I have become more responsible for example I take care of my items and do my homework. I have more knowledge now than ever before, this knowledge has helped shaped me to who I am. Over all I have grown greatly throughout the years.
14 years of age and still growing. I would say that I’ve experienced being adult, but I’ve got 4 more years for that. What I have experienced is my coming of age,and transforming over my years of life. Typically, being the outgoing person I am today, you would think I’m an interesting person, doing a lot of fun things. I’m actually not though. Besides the fact that I’m a troublemaker and a person that doesn’t really make a lot of friends now that I am older. My only close friends are from when I was younger. I find it harder for me to make more friends now that I am in Highschool. I also find it easier for me to work better, harder, and more efficient on any of my school work. That’s just about me now. I’ll tell you how I succeeded on who I am today, and the obstacles it took me to get here.
A long time ago, I had decided to ride in the passenger seat. On one hand, this position is quite comfortable, easy and you can actually see the scenery pretty well. On the other hand, you don’t get to pick the direction where you’re going.
Growing up as a kid, I had a hard time focusing and staying still. I was fidgety and procrastinated everything till the last minute. Chores, homework, you name it, if it could wait until later, I’d being doing it later. I learned this terrible habit from watching my dad put off cleaning out our garage for the last 19 years of my life. So when I think of reading an entire book or having to write a paper, I immediately get a little anxiety knowing I won’t attack it piece by piece like I should. Pair this with a restless kid with an attention span of a rock and you can understand why I chose to play sports and video games instead of reading. That was until I found my first good book.
Change is the constant thing in the world. From infancy till now many dramatic changes take place in my life physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically intellectually etc.
I wish I could switch with one child, but I feel like that’d be a sin.
Growing up life was rough. I came from a broken family, where my biological father who was a Colombian native born but here on papers and had trouble finding employment in Miami. He a some point gave up finding employment that was legal, that he then turned to something illegal and later faced 15 years for money laundering. While my father was doing what he believed was everything at that point possible to take care of my then teenage mother, little brother and I, my mother saw it as an opportunity to pawn my brother and I off to whoever would watch us and go out mingling with a man who later became my step father, once Marshall's got hold of my father and sentenced him. When my father left we lost everything including our mother, even though
It was the time for the transferal into adulthood, or at least to start acting the part. The days of just stepping through this thing called life—lackadaisically—were over. The playgrounds were morphing, but at the time I didn’t know into what. With new and anticipated responsibilities, things started to become a real pain in the ass and at the same time really interesting.
I decided to try this out since it's hard meetwith my schedule. I'm very particular in what I'm looking for because the times I have dated , the connection wasn't all the way there due to being in different stages in our lives. I'm looking for someone that is independent, has a career and is over partying every weekend. Someone that is over the hook up phase and is looking at the big picture!
I cannot believe that I’m so close to being eligible to retire. Wow! Retire…that is a word that I’ve longed to say to my manager! The only problem is that fantasy is scarier than entertaining now. Wait? When did that happen? It made me stop and think. I really have had a wonderful career what is next. I bit the bullet and started school to see what options are out there. I hate regrets, but I do wish I could have experienced college right out of high school. I cannot change the past, so let me focus on the now. I will say, school has been interesting. I did not expect was to have an assignment hit me in such a personal way.
Angela Felts is my mom of 13 years through all of the blood sweat and tears. She has taught me things that no one else has and given me different opinions and perspectives. Angela is currently my LC and doesn’t work, so I’m with her all day, every day.
This was at an early stage of my life, I was just about start 4th grade. I had just gotten a group of friends that I felt like I had a real connection with. A group of friends whose company I enjoyed, and that enjoyed my company as well. I also had most of my family within an hour drive. Then everything changed when my dad said he had gotten a job in Oklahoma.
Growing up it was hard being your own person with a twin attached to you, but that didn’t stop from trying. When I was little I didn’t have a clue what the world my parents were trying to protect me from. They tried to cover up the fact about their finical issues and about their jobs. My first day of school ever was with me crying saying I wanted to go back to my mom, making any excuse to get out of school. In 3rd grade I wanted to join the basketball team mostly because my sister was in basketball, but they told me I couldn’t join basketball until I was in 4th grade thus the beginning of my athletic career stared in fourth grade.
When I was young, I had to grow up fast. My dad was out of my life since I was very young. I grew up around my mom’s friends. I always tried to act older and be mature so I didn’t annoy them with the fact that I was still a child. I wanted to try and be like them since I knew that they were good people. I feel like I never got to really be a child, even though I did. I was super spoiled and was the only child. Life couldn’t get any better for me since I was mature and had everything I wanted. It just would’ve been better if I could’ve acted more childish and not so uptight.
Growing up for me was quiet. I lived an average life, for example I would go to school, mom and dad would go to work, and we do it all over again the next morning. Nothing really changed until the beginning of second grade. After one week of second grade at a school I had been going to for years, my family decide to move. After we moved once we continued to move. To this day I don’t know why we moved around so much, but it caused me to check into a different school each month. I had changed five schools in less than a year.