For the course “Communication in Place”, I believe I deserve a grade of eight out of ten for participation. This course has allowed me to view the spaces around me with a philosophical position like never before, and observe the way place has an effect on patterns of communication. The ideas presented to me over the semester were engaging and interesting, and will have an impact on the way I perceive myself moving throughout space in the future.
In university, it is clear that the most easily recognizable trait of “good participation” in a class is the amount of times you speak within that class setting. It is manifested in those few students that everyone in the class knows by name, despite being strangers outside of the classroom, due to
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The ideas he presents are innovative and thought provoking, and allow me to see place through a perspective I have never considered. My commute to school or my walk home are no longer simply means of travel, but rather chances for spontaneous encounters that have the opportunity to enrich my day with meaningful communications (Engwicht, 1993, 39). Every morning when I am taking the train to school I find myself considering Engwicht’s ideas of public transportation, how it is perceived to be more social than the isolation of individual cars (Engwicht, 1993, 40). Yet I sit with my headphones in and my eyes closed, thinking about how strange it would be if I started a conversation with the businessman next to me. The ideas in this course have allowed me to see the ways technology and the growing sense of individualism have impacted communications within the city of Toronto. This sense of self-perception has allowed me to become increasingly aware of my interactions with place, and will hopefully help me to improve my communications with others in the
It was June 16th, 2008 and I was home with my grandma and my mom and dad came home. With a face that I have never seen before. My mom brought a baby boy named Zack. I heard my mom and dad talking about how my mom had to quit her job because she couldn’t put me in day care cause the weren’t taking care of me, and she had to take care of zack so she decided to quit her job to take care of us. Also heard my mom and dad in our small kitchen about not having space for Zachary. They had a conclusion we were going to move.
Hi, my name is Finn Pherb, don't laugh. I was run over by a truck while trying to save a child. So, after passing out from the pain, I woke up in a pink room? Shouldn't I be in a white room. "Usually you would be but I thought it looked boring so I changed it to pink. What do you think?" a cute, almost childish, voice asked. Nice I guess if you're a 8-year-old...Wait who said that?
This past year, I have been apart of Naperville Central’s brand new Special Spaces club. When my friend approached me and asked me to join, I agreed even though I had no clue what I was involving myself in. In retrospective, I can honestly say that becoming a part of Special Spaces has been one of the most meaningful, fun, and fulfilling experiences I have had in high school.
In the time of The Essex and In the Heart of the Sea, Nantucket had a population of about 7,000, most of the population living along a road on a rising hill marked with windmills and church steeples. At the waterfront, four large docks extended more than 100 yards into the sea from the harbor. Tied up to these docks were typically 15 to 20 whale ships, along with dozens of other small fishing boats and ships that carried trade goods to and from the island.The first whaling boats were only 20 feet long, launched from beaches along the island’s south shore. Usually a boat would comprise of five Wampanoag (Nantucket Natives) and a white man steering the boat. These boats were only used for whaling around the island, as the had to be rowed back
I was given the task of visually watching non-verbal actions and communications in today’s time. What I got was not as farfetched as what I had guessed I would learn, but even the elders learn something every once in a while. Below are three situations that I had taken notes over, one being personal one-on-one relation, the others being social situations. Here are my findings
Have you ever lost someone or something that was very important to you? In this prompt I am going to tell you about me having to move from one house to another.
Moving, for many people, can be a difficult process. A lot of the time kids have to switch schools and deal with the challenge of making new friends and getting used to everything new. Since my parents divorced when I was five years old, I can remember living in many different homes. My mother would rent out a place, live there for a few months, then meet a new guy and move on. For years, I hoped to myself that my mom and dad would get back together, like Nick and Elizabeth Parker from “The Parent Trap.” I knew, however, deep down that such a thing just couldn’t happen. My four siblings and I were dragged along, forced to go with the flow and adapt as quickly as possible. Up till she married her second husband, Tony. As young as I was,
When I work as team, I has communication with other member so, it has several solution that can help to improve my communication to have more professional. The initially topics is meeting management. The beginning of working should planning meeting. Meeting divide into 3 parts are before, during, and after. In the part of before, I should know the purpose and role of meeting. During meeting, if it is face to face meeting, I should know agenda of the meeting and participants their role for easy to communicate about work. After meeting, I should sure that I and other team member understand the information of the meeting because I may discuss with other team member. In addition, after the meeting finish, I should prepare myself for the next meeting.
I remember a time when I had to collaborate with a group of co-workers. It was a group of six, as a group we needed to come up with “Helping Our Mortgage Customers Save Their Home”. We as a group had to develop different ways to assist customers in saving their home, even if that meant discussing ways to let the home go for sale. We as a team developed an identical objective by learning from each other, sharing ideas, and knowledge. However, we shared ideas on the steps to modify your home, and the various options that are available to each homeowner. We collaborated on government plans that were also available. In order for the collaboration to work, we as a team had to work together to schedule meeting
Six consecutive second place, Science Fair trophies sit in the deepest, darkest, most isolated place in my house... my closet. Upon entering the closet, I’m automatically overwhelmed with a horrifying stench, a mixture of plastic, metal, and disappointment, also known as second place. Once the scent enters the nasal cavity, it immediately calls war upon the cerebellum, attacking strongly and injuring the motor cortex, thus creating a chill to run through my body, leaving me powerless and without words. After the chill, next follows the noise. Mockingly congratulates me, whispering “great job, you almost had it,” oh the humanity; “second place” repeatedly echoes in my ear until I escape the closet.
Maddie says" You better be giving us the right coordinates because if you don't you'll be falling out the Aircraft without a parachute " Agent 23 says" man you two are violent.. what did Vince do anyways?" Chris says" He killed our parents, so we either going to end up killing him or locking him up for good.." agent 23 says" wow that's messed up" David says" the monitor says we reached our destination" Chris says" the middle of the ocean? You got to be kidding me" agent 23 says" I'm serious this is it" David says" you better bet right, I'm putting the craft in camouflage mode" David turns the craft invisible, agent 23 texts Vince.." all of sudden they see the water part apart and a base rises
Societies are built on a hierarchy. There is a leader, an upper class, a middle class, and a lower class. This representation of human society is built by our natural need for a leader no matter how tyrannical. George Orwell firmly exposes and attacks this flaw of human nature in his allegorical novel, Animal Farm. In Animal Farm Orwell displays situations mirroring that of the Russian Revolution, and how it failed to produce the utopia that was promised out of the revolution. George Orwell, before writing the novel, was disillusioned by the Communist revolution, a revolution that promised to provide all its people with a government that owned everything, but in turn was owned by the people. Orwell quickly concluded that all revolutions will fail, as the Russian Revolution did, because those who attain power are then corrupted by it. In this view of revolutionary efforts Orwell presents his views on human nature as a whole, that humans are unable to maintain an utopia, unable to abstain for consuming power, and that humans will subjugate and oppress one another if given the power to do so.
My weakness in this area is not having the confidence level to present my work publicly. The nerves starts to kick me. I begin to choke on my words and have shaky voice. I also mispronounce my words often and I don’t make eye contact with the crowd.
The environment i was raised in was a diverse environment.The people who had shaped me
Coming up as a child I never moved from place to place. Other children that I went to elementary with moved from all around the globe. I use to feel so jealous, some of my friends back then could speak all different languages or show post cards from where they may have been. I never knew how this would have an influence on me until now.