
Personal Narrative: Communication In Place

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For the course “Communication in Place”, I believe I deserve a grade of eight out of ten for participation. This course has allowed me to view the spaces around me with a philosophical position like never before, and observe the way place has an effect on patterns of communication. The ideas presented to me over the semester were engaging and interesting, and will have an impact on the way I perceive myself moving throughout space in the future.
In university, it is clear that the most easily recognizable trait of “good participation” in a class is the amount of times you speak within that class setting. It is manifested in those few students that everyone in the class knows by name, despite being strangers outside of the classroom, due to …show more content…

The ideas he presents are innovative and thought provoking, and allow me to see place through a perspective I have never considered. My commute to school or my walk home are no longer simply means of travel, but rather chances for spontaneous encounters that have the opportunity to enrich my day with meaningful communications (Engwicht, 1993, 39). Every morning when I am taking the train to school I find myself considering Engwicht’s ideas of public transportation, how it is perceived to be more social than the isolation of individual cars (Engwicht, 1993, 40). Yet I sit with my headphones in and my eyes closed, thinking about how strange it would be if I started a conversation with the businessman next to me. The ideas in this course have allowed me to see the ways technology and the growing sense of individualism have impacted communications within the city of Toronto. This sense of self-perception has allowed me to become increasingly aware of my interactions with place, and will hopefully help me to improve my communications with others in the

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