
Personal Narrative: Cypress Point Elementary School

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On April 08, 2016, I arrived to my designated school, Cypress Point Elementary School. Upon my arrival to Cypress Point Elementary School, I went to the main office of the school to see the assistant principal, Mrs. Dewitt. She could not make it to school on time, due to her having car troubles. The secretary told me she would notify her that I arrived and to set me. As I waited for Mrs. Dewitt, I noticed quite a few students having to call home due to violating the school dress code. Mainly it was more girls violating the dress code than boys. I am assuming from what I saw, the children only wore clothes that they saw the adults wore, or whatever their parents picked out for them. During this time, I noticed a little Asian or Hispanic boy being brought to school but he was supposed to be at home due to suspension. The secretary asked him “Why are you at school?” This young man told the secretary that his mother brought him to school. The secretary informed him that he needs to call his mother so that she …show more content…

It was playtime for the class. My first real experience with classroom management was when a little boy by the name of Tranell did not want to share the toy phone with his classmate who was a girl. I went up to Tranell and ask him “Can she have a turn with the phone?”. He nodded his head and let her have the phone for a little while. But as soon as my back was turned he snatched the phone back from her and she began crying. During this time, I told his teacher about and she told him to give it back to her. Tranell gave it to her, but sudden he began crying. He loved the toy phone so much that he literally would take it and keep in his pocket. When play time was over, I informed Mrs. Gain, Mrs. Pace classroom helper of what Tranell had done. She told me that he takes and keeps the toy phone in his pocket all the time and she will let Mrs. Pace know about it. After playtime it was time for them to go the

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