On April 08, 2016, I arrived to my designated school, Cypress Point Elementary School. Upon my arrival to Cypress Point Elementary School, I went to the main office of the school to see the assistant principal, Mrs. Dewitt. She could not make it to school on time, due to her having car troubles. The secretary told me she would notify her that I arrived and to set me. As I waited for Mrs. Dewitt, I noticed quite a few students having to call home due to violating the school dress code. Mainly it was more girls violating the dress code than boys. I am assuming from what I saw, the children only wore clothes that they saw the adults wore, or whatever their parents picked out for them. During this time, I noticed a little Asian or Hispanic boy being brought to school but he was supposed to be at home due to suspension. The secretary asked him “Why are you at school?” This young man told the secretary that his mother brought him to school. The secretary informed him that he needs to call his mother so that she …show more content…
It was playtime for the class. My first real experience with classroom management was when a little boy by the name of Tranell did not want to share the toy phone with his classmate who was a girl. I went up to Tranell and ask him “Can she have a turn with the phone?”. He nodded his head and let her have the phone for a little while. But as soon as my back was turned he snatched the phone back from her and she began crying. During this time, I told his teacher about and she told him to give it back to her. Tranell gave it to her, but sudden he began crying. He loved the toy phone so much that he literally would take it and keep in his pocket. When play time was over, I informed Mrs. Gain, Mrs. Pace classroom helper of what Tranell had done. She told me that he takes and keeps the toy phone in his pocket all the time and she will let Mrs. Pace know about it. After playtime it was time for them to go the
The Carolina Day Key Middle School had an overnight in September 2015 at a place called Camp Timberlake for Boys so everyone would get to know each other better. On our last day we went on a canoeing trip in the French Broad River and some of our canoes flipped over! One of them was Lacy, Aubrey and Mr. Flamini’s canoe. Lacy and Aubrey were in the canoe, and then Mr. Flamini tried to get in….. and the whole thing flipped. They haven’t even started! Then, about ¾ the way into the ride, Nick, Mac, and Michael's canoe flipped over as well, and they were in one of the most calm parts of the river. The guide had to canoe all the way back up, against the current, and help them get it back right side up. I was in front of mostly everyone except for
My mother’s irate words echoed deep in my heart for years as I tried to understand the simple words she would constantly repeat to me, “When will you ever change?” As a child, I was well known for being that foolish kid who would be put in the back of the class with his seat facing the wall. Eyes facing a blank white wall, fingernails tapping the desk, head down, and the smell of exasperation in the air. I was the type of boy who would sprint through the hallways cackling, furthermore resulting in repeatedly get scowled at by teachers for my obscene and inordinate behavior. In hindsight, I realized Freshman year after pulling the fire alarm that my behavior needed to have a parameter and come to a complete termination. Consequently, I spent the entire Summer in my room contemplating my life and my decisions.
It was 7:00 in the morning when we arrived at the Johnston City High School. Once everyone arrived at the high school, we got on the bus and headed off to Benton. As we stepped foot on the bus, we all sat there quietly, nervous about the results of this game. This was the game that determined whether or not we went on to state. Coach Simon and Coach Shane gave us one of their what we like to call "before the game warm-up talks". We were all nervous of course, but we were all determined to win this game. We had been looking forwards to winning regionals and going to state the whole season and that day was the day that we gave us the opportunity to go to state. After the thirty minute bus ride, we finally got to Benton and once we got there,
I moved to Crawford my 7th grade year. I attended Crawford Middle School that year. That year went by exceptionally well, but the next year the school closed for 7th and 8th graders, so I had to join Hotchkiss Middle School. I found the Hotchkiss kids very welcoming, and friendly. I instantly became friends with almost all of them. There was just something so welcoming about that school from the friendly teachers who all cared very deeply about each individual student. The happy and friendly attitude wasn’t just at the school, it seemed everyone everywhere was just so happy to be in a beautiful place. Hotchkiss has always been a home for me from that day on because of the welcoming attitudes.
It just made things easier for the bullies and things worse for me. Louis and I remained in Wildcats East. I was afraid and sometimes I never wanted to go back. I thought the bullying would have stopped. Now that I am not in school anymore, I feel safer, not threatened or bullied by anyone much anymore. Pretty sad I tell you how school life had to turn out the way it did.
Clear Lake High School, I read that from my window car, the dance class is waiting for me. I roll my eyes, yes, it is those days when the only thing that you would lean at the pillow and look at the wall thinking and how your future is going. I heard my mom's music, halleluiah, my mom has goods likes at the music. I stared to mutter the lyrics when it came to my mind. "I find a new reason for me, to changes who I used to be". Finally, the red-light changes to green and my mom left me at the mean door of the place that is close to the martyrdom. I stared to walk across the hallways. Looking at al the trophies that my school has. I had to admit how cool my school is.
When I lived in North Carolina in 2012, I lived in a small school within a tight nit community. From day one I felt as though I didn’t belong, and the ones who made me feel most out of place were my teachers. My teachers told me to leave and go back to Maryland because if i stay I would fail. I couldn’t believe teachers would say that I was so shocked. My teachers rarely attempted to help me with my work as if I was unteachable because I didn’t learn as fast as everyone else.
To know how lead, first you got to learn how to follow. Knowing that quote help me understand my mentor Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith was my coach at first when I started Middle School at Paul Public Charter School. Mr. Smith had taught me to not put sports over education and to respect others.
Prompt: Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
I don’t believe what just happened! I just can’t! I won’t! I never knew that he could pull off a stunt as crazy as that! Landon Ashby, my friend, was basically on the verge of insanity . . . just because of me! I mean, what I said couldn’t do that to a person, right? You are probably wondering what I said to get into this dilemma. I guess, diary, I will now tell you what happened because you seem hungry for details of the incident. But first, you must promise not to tell anyone, OK?
Vividly, I can remember walking through the high school doors for the first time as a freshman with shaky legs and a nervous heartbeat. The school was a jungle of wide, shiny hallways filled with lumbering seniors who I thought were going to knock my books down on Freshman Friday. However, time has passed, and now I find myself to be the tall and “scary” senior. As I ponder about the last four years I have spent at Little Falls Community High School, I can not help but realize how much I have changed for the better. As I have matured, I have gleaned that beauty does not come through makeup and clothing brands, but rather through processing a good heart. Also, I have changed my career and college plans after high school, and I know that I will
Before I attended Hudson’s Bay High School I was part homeschooled, this meant I only went to school 3 times a week. However, I’m thankful I switched to being a full-time student at Bay because it introduced me to “the real world”. The public-school life was a unique experience for me since it introduced new friends and opportunities that were not available at my old homeschool. I was able to join four different sports, attend Cascadia Technical Academy, engage in student leadership programs like NHS and SALT, and finish my high school credits with Running Start. Participation in these activities has better prepared me for my future of shaping me to become an engaged and experienced adult, and with the aid of this scholarship I can complete
I have always been in love with the game of softball. I love all the competition and the thought of working at it brings joy to my heart. I could always go to the field to get my mind off things and just focus. But in May of 2015 my life changed and I had a whole new mind set on everything.
Throughout the seventeen years that I’ve been alive I have witnessed all the sacrifices my parents have gone through ensuring I have a better future than they did. I come from immigrant parents that weren’t fortunate enough to continue studying. I myself was brought into the country when I was two years old so I could build a different path than the one my parents had to take due to financial reasons. Short after, my sister was born my mom got remarkably ill with Diabetes. I would watch in terror as my mother would lay in bed barely able to move. I held her hand, wiped her forehead, with a cool wet towel, and longed she would get all better. Being the oldest in the
The months went by in a blink of an eye, and it was the last week of school. My classes for the rest of the week, we're watching a movie and eating pizza ,but only people who had a good