
Personal Narrative

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I apologize in advance for peeking at your computer screen, but I know the cause of Alice’s spontaneous birthday. Your most recent friend was celebrating her birthday today, without you. It looked like fun and I’m sorry you had to see that. You mailed her an exquisite boutique and she didn’t even invite you or reply. Anyhow, shortly after we agreed to go to the Mills, my mom stormed over and complained about me forgetting my home again. After a heated debate with her, we finally left. My Jeep is full of party supplies that I’m hoping your dad can save for your birthday, because there’s absolutely no use for them now. As for the cake, I guess we’ll have dessert tonight. Alice is still nonexistent. I talked you into seeing a movie until we were supposedly meeting Sebastian and Alice to go to the park. I lost you during the movie. You were gone, blacked out for a while this time actually. We got lucky and I bought tickets for the movie playing in that theater afterwards, and we stayed there until you woke. …show more content…

You kept smiling, apparently her birthday was a blast. You said something about returning to your happy place and seeing your parental figures, Emma and Vince. Then the strangest thing happened and I’ve never panicked so much. I’m covered in soot right now and I only came back home, because your dad called me back and said he’ll go out and search the places I said you might be. I write this in a hurry now and my heart’s racing. The only reason I’m not tearing apart the streets of D.C is because your father made me promise I’d stay here in case you came

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