
Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

She carries symbolic bracelets and tangled up headphones and torn playbills. She carries crumpled sheet music, a highlighted play script, a rusty gun and holster, an old calculator, worn out journals for writing fragmented lyrics, passionate feelings, unforgotten memories, and so much more. Twice or three times a week she carries packets of law and a lunch that was packed that morning. She carries a water bottle that is always half empty, or much like herself, half full, depending on how you see it. Wyatt carries the priceless shark tooth necklace she gave him, locked away somewhere unknown. Hannah carries the cheap but meaningful books that she gave her, unread but still valued. Her mother carries the candy she gave her, hard but sweet, a reflection of her soul. Something they all carried in common, was that they all carried something that was given; taking turns, they carried pieces of her shattered heart. …show more content…

She carries the various scents of candles - vanilla, coffee, sugar cookie - long after their bright flames have been extinguished, along with the scent that she desperately tried but failed to get off of her pillow, soft and sweet, but nauseating, causing the stomach to churn and the nose to burn. She carries blood, sweat, tears, drops of rain, chilly snow that clings to old sweaters, and rays of sunshine, all in one Texas

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