I woke up around 7 by someone knockig on the door it was probably Daniela and Krystal who had forgotten their keys or lost them while partying. I got up and fixed my vneck tank top I was freezing cold since I had short shorts on and my tank top. I walked downstairs and opened the door."Ugghh Daniela you should seriously stop loosibg your keys and Krystal stop forgetting them".I walked back upstairs to my room I brushed my teeth and took a shower. When I finished I wrapped the towel around my body I played my favorite song All I Ever Wanted by Basshunter on my phone. I walked out of my bathroom to grab my panty and bra but somone covered my eyes making me jump and scream "Aaa!!"I screamed. "Sshhh it is just me"the person said "Harry? what are
When most people hear my full name , “Joann Botani," they automatically assume I'm Italian, but truth is I am actually Middle Eastern. From what I know my dad does have a little Italian in his blood but the name “Botani” actually comes from a city in Turkey. I come from an upper-middle class house hold and I have two younger siblings, a brother and a sister. Being the oldest has its challenges because there is so much expected from me whether it is school, work or social life. I tend to think my younger siblings have it easier because I am the one who pushes the boundaries with my parents and because of that my siblings usually get to do what ever the want because it is not as extreme as what I do. It has always been easy for my younger sister because she is the “princess” of the house but I am my dad’s favorite while my brother is a momma’s boy. My family is very competitive when it comes to school and grades, my little brother and I were always duking it out
Throughout our lives, we all make sacrifices in order to achieve our goals or to help others achieve their goals. For some, this may mean sacrificing friendships or family time, or for others it may mean sacrificing money and other dreams which may also be of great importance to us. A person who has made many sacrifices in order to achieve their aspirations or goals is someone with strength, determination and masses of will-power, and it is someone who is not prepared to give up on their dream.
Last year, 2016, scaled to my first tournament that would be played at Marista. I would not
I'm sorry it took me so long to answer but Maria was a little under the weather I was waiting to see how it would develop.
Lena was a waitress in a cocktail bar in South Dakota when she met the Winchesters, Bobby drove them her way and of course underestimated her but listening to her talk fascinated the both of them with her expertise and soon the duo turned trio. It didn't take long for the youngest Winchester to become engulfed with feelings for the girl and she too returned his mutual feelings. Granted she never expected her life to become full on hunting but for Sam, there wasn't anything she wouldn't
I knew her for less than a year, but in that short time we got to know each other as well as if we had been friends for our entire lives. I met Anna Rondeau* at a private online high school where we were both taking a few courses. With long, sleek, chestnut hair and mischievously twinkling eyes, Anna was one of the most fun-loving girls I knew. Everyone loved her for her blunt honesty, entertaining personality, sharp wit, and charming southern mannerisms. Oddly enough, our best friends shared the same first name and both Anna and I wanted to be the same thing when we grew up. To listen to us banter over both the most serious and trivial of matters, it would have been difficult for someone who didn’t know to guess that we lived over a thousand
Have you ever wanted to get something done but people doubt you throughout the way? Well I, Yvonne DeCarlo, experienced much of that but ended up being successful and proving a lot of people wrong.
My partner that I interviewed was Katerina ho she was born in Monroe Washington and lived there until she moved to florida. she was has ad chance to visit a few places such as Vietnam and Hawaii. she lives with her mom ana and dad don, she has two older sister Cassie and Kathy and a younger brother Cody and she doesn't have any pets.when she finishes school she doesn't know yet what she wants to do when she is ready to start her career and hasn't set ny goals or ambitions now but hopes to later in the future. her friends describe her personality as being funny, dramatic, crazy, awkward and somewhat clueless at times.I found out that Katerina doesn't play any sports but some interesting aspects about her is that she enjoys to read , learn history
I had a lot of fun this summer. I spent a great amount of time with my family and friends. This summer I hung out with my friends, I went on some vacations, and I worked at True Value.
I honestly do not know why, but I love the name Gianna! It is just a really majestic name to me! Gee-on-uhh! I LOVE IT! If I have a child someday, (and if it’s a girl) I wanna name her Gianna! Or maybe even Katana! :O I LOVE THAT TOO! <3 I don’t know why but I love those names. Maybe it’s just a faze… OOOH! I just thought of another name I like! Mable… maybe. Yeah, I think I’m going through a faze, because I used to love the names Payton and Riley, but I suggested the name Payton to my aunt and uncle, because they were having their second baby. And when they took the name Payton, I didn’t wanna name my kid that when I’m older, because I thought i’d be awkward. So now I like the names Katana and Gianna! I don’t know why I don’t like the name
The village of Baroque, a once quaint area in the northern woodlands, has been going through years of turmoil. Crops failing for different reasons, surviving a disease and having birds found dead all through the wooded surroundings. In the center of it all, Klara and her family did their best to withstand the unfortunate ordeal plaguing their little town.
If I told you I was scared to death to start seventh grade language arts class, it would have been an understatement. Was Mrs. Kellor really the meanest teacher ever? I was absolutely terrified to find out.
My daughter, Lauren, often surprises me with her readiness to jump into the unknown, but very rarely have I ever worried about her not being able to handle herself in an unfamiliar situation. She has always been a very adaptable person, making friends easily and adjusting her routine accordingly. Though Lauren loves to try new things, she also loves having routine and structure. Most of the time these things don’t go together but somehow she manages to mix them just right to fit her needs. Editing her routine to better fit her environment is just one of the many skills she has obtained from moving around so much. It will probably take Lauren a little while to settle in to the family’s routine and develop new habits. This might cause her to experience feelings of homesickness for some familiarity, but I am confident she won’t feel that way for long.
It was a summer day and I was sitting under the shade in the backyard when I heard the car’s wheels pull up to the driveway. It was my owner “Dad” as Christi would say, when even her fathers name is actually David. I don’t know why she calls him that. I peered through the slits of the picket fence. All I could see was a portion of the car and some of the drive way. Then I saw Christi hop out and she sounded excited. I couldn't see because they left the driveway and I heard them go into the house. I was waiting for them to open the back door as usual. Then I heard the door click and it came open Christi was sitting there with a poodle in her arms. “Clifford this is your new sister.”
The lights were low, and the music was high. We were all dancing. Suddenly my boyfriend James yells my name, “Ariana” in a panic. My other friends were also running around frantically. Everything was in slow motion as I see people dressed in all white rampaging the crowd. Then, it all goes black.