On January 19, 2017, my pod was scheduled to go on mobile clinic to Bella Terra for a full shift of dental hygiene care. We set up in the conference room of the facility and our operatory was set back in the corner of the room. I was paired up with Jamie with Jamie to administer hygiene care to a female patient about 75 years old with dementia with little ability to communicate. Jamie was the head hygienist while I did the oral exam and assisted the cleaning. The senior patient had a partial denture on the bottom that was covered in calculus. There was food and debris all around her vestibule and she had a venous lake intraorally that was asymptomatic. It was clear from the calculus and food in her mouth that she never took her partial
My assigned role was dental hygienist as an educator. As clinical dental hygienist, educating my patients to perform proper oral home care, explaining disease processes that effecting them, and recommend appropriate oral health care products just as important as providing hygiene treatments. Individual homecare instructions depend on many factor such as age of patient, physical and mental ability, number of visits they had with me, and the results of oral exam. As part of my routine, I assess the changes that patient had made since their last visit. Most of them give me an honest report. However, when it is inconsistent with what I am seeing at the oral exam (evidence of calculus, plaque, food impaction, no improvement in inflammation), I begin
JS is geriatric female patient comes for a cleaning. She is in a wheelchair and prefers to be treated in the wheelchair because transferring to the dental chair makes her very anxious. Medical history was reviewed, patient is takin several medications daily, but none of her medical conditions represent a contraindication to treatment (list of medications and conditions were reviewed, but I did not copied it).
The patient was keen to get her oral hygiene up to a good standard and prevent any
I observed a second year student in the dental clinic who was incredibly enthusiastic, genuine, cheerful, and helpful, and her personality would fit perfectly into what I consider the typical dental hygienist. She seemed very well prepared and confident in her ability to treat her patient. A dynamic conversation was held throughout the appointment with her easygoing and cooperative patient. Besides the appropriate clock and chair positions, I was not aware of many proper techniques when I observed at the beginning of the semester. I noticed the student kept the patient chair in the same position for treating the maxillary and mandibular teeth. I observed her for the full four hours including the preparation before her patient arrived until
At Dental 2000, we are all about comfort. We work hard to help our patients find the right solution for them and then to stay completely comfortable throughout treatment. We promise pain-free care to each person who visits our office — and we extend this promise to our orthodontic treatment options as well.
There are numerous situations in which you could wind up searching for the assistance on a crisis dental practitioner. Some of these are truly clear situations, similar to where, for occurrence, you harm your teeth over the span of your everyday tasks, and where in the wake of getting emergency treatment from your nearby doctor, you are encouraged to earnestly see a dental practitioner for more particular consideration. Another normal situation in which you could end up looking for the assistance of a crisis dental specialist resemble where you or your kid wake(s) up amidst the night, with a sharp agony the teeth - and where you feel that you can't sit tight to morning to get to your consistent dental practitioner, henceforth the requirement for you to look for the assistance of a crisis dental specialist.
To start, I have always had an interest in the health field and knew it was where I saw my future. I came across dental hygiene and quickly became fascinated. I learned just how important it can be and how many tend to overlook it. Given the opportunity, I would like to make sure my patients understand the importance of dental hygiene and share my knowledge. I feel because I have been given an opportunity that others weren’t so fortunate to receive; it is my responsibility to give back. I come from a small community in Northern New Mexico in which I plan to return and offer my knowledge and skills. I also have plans of doing missionary work for those who are unable to afford dental care. To be accepted into the prestigious Division of Dental
As a registered chairside dental assistant at Dental Specialty Clinic, I was the lead dental assistant and my job included to assist doctor with oral procedures and lead our dental team. Our goal was to organize the clinic in a manner so that patients were given proper care within time limit. My role was to keep track of time and our team so that planned patients were given care from the scheduled time.
Dentistry offers the ability to apply my interests in science whilst having the opportunity to communicate with people and to make a positive contribution in their lives. I developed my interest in dentistry during my regular check-ups where I got to know my dentist and build up a relationship with them. I believe that with my dedication and work ethic alongside my extensive volunteering, I have the ability to become a reputable dentist. An aspect of dentistry that I enjoy is the ‘hands on’ experience obtained and the teamwork involved alongside the mentally and physically challenging demands of the profession.
My plans as the next owner of Rock Spring Farm are twofold. First to provide a safe haven for senior horses who are too often left without options and secondly to allow those same seniors to help parents in crisis through the Brush It Out program. My love of seniors started with Patch. Patch was an old Appy who had just blown a tendon for the third time, declared useless by those he most relied on he was headed to the game farm. Under the guise of needing a “dead broke” horse for my grandson Patch came to the farm. In caring for Patch, helping him recover from the injuries of being ridden too hard, forced to work too much, never being allowed to heal properly, I found myself recovering. Recovering from wounds hidden under too much work, too
Twelve years, twenty-four semesters, over forty teachers, around 2,160 days total, and around 11,900 dollars spent on the average public school child but for what purpose? School is the one thing in a child's life that remains the same for 12 years. So what happens after? Over the past 3 years i had been set on being a dental hygienist, my school was picked out and i had even started my prerequisites online, until october break. I had went on a road trip with my older sister. You might be asking what could this have to do with each other? Just wait. We set out to northern California and to drive up the coast of the infamous 1 highway, just the 2 of us. About half way through the trip we stopped in a place called Big Sur to camp for the night.
I spent an hour on google trying to find information about myself. To my surprise the only thing that I found was related to my education and my current job title such as, the trade school that I graduated from and all of my experience in the Dental field. Years ago when I was searching for a job in my current field as a Dental Hygiene Coordinator I created a Linkedin profile and uploaded my resume so employers could see my qualifications for possible employment. I was relieved to find such little results when googling my name because in December of 2012 I was pulled over and arrested for a DUI. I was worried that when I put Stephanie Reinhart into the google search engine my arrest record was going to be the first thing that showed up.
As a nurse in a skilled nursing facility, oral hygiene care is very important, but the importance significantly increases when our patients are functionally dependent or cognitively impaired. These patients are unable to perform this task and depend on nurses to provide daily care. Nurses need to pay close attention for potential problems. They will need to perform assessments, develop oral care plans, and identify preventions and strategies to eliminate any potential problems. Poor oral health has been linked to serious systemic illnesses including diabetes mellitus, stroke, hypertension, myocardial infarction and aspiration pneumonia (Dyck et al., 2012). Patients who suffer from a lack of oral care can have a dramatic impact to their
Today I had a great day at the clinic. For the morning section, I had Omar Lora as my patient. Last time when he came, I collected all my assessment data. Today I updated his medical history, dental history, vitals, and EIOE, then I completed filling out the gingival assessment, the treatment plan, and the SAOP. Finally, I was ready to have my assessment data checked. It went really well, and I learned ways to helped me be more efficient with my time management, for example, I did not know how to have my radiographs up in the other monitor while I was doing my assessments. It was a little time consuming having to open and minimized the window every time I needed to look at the radiographs. Also, I discovered that having a piece of paper out and taking
On Thursday I feel like everything went well. Everyone worked well in their groups, and the food was as chef said, "very okay". I personally really liked the mashed potatoes, but I also feel like the lamb was prepared well also even though it could have been cooked a little longer to make it more tender. I feel like production was easy, but since we missed day 2, I feel like today will be a little hectic at first, but I am confident that everyone will get everything completed on time. I also feel that the clean-up was the best so far. I don't think we have ever cleaned up that fast.