“Ditching” School I was finally back at school. Good, sweet school. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I have never missed the packed hallways, smelly lunchroom, and annoying kids so much. I bet that people think I’m crazy for saying this, but in the end, I am safe. Safe from my father. I grew up and as soon as I turned 6, my mom filed for divorce due to my dad’s drinking problems. She won full custody of me, and I have never seen my father since then, until yesterday…. It all started yesterday, when me and my best friend, Addison were sitting on Explorer Middle School’s bench waiting for the school gate to open. “Kim, I really hope Mrs. Lisa is not here today,” exclaimed Addison, “she keeps bothering me to turn in my missing assignments that I am not gonna do, and I think she knows that by now.” …show more content…
“Yeah boo hoo it’s not like my mom is gonna do anything about it,” she said. That is the moment when I realized there was a black Mercury Marauder lingering around the parking lot, driving in circles. I did not think much of it until they stopped. Right in front of me and Addison. I gave the driver a stare like there was no tomorrow. Trying to act unafraid, I stood up and gestured to Addison that we should get up and move. But before I had the chance, a man was getting out of the car and walking right up to me. When he reached me, he grabbed my arm and gave me words of advice. “Shut up and stay calm, there is nothing to worry about,” the man
“Police?” her mother asks with a worried look on her face. “You're not in trouble, are you?”
“Yeah and i'm dropping yall of at the park later on, and y'all better watch my kids!” Mom demanded.
Mistakes happen for them to be lessons, which I found that out in 2016 when I was at Anna Dirksen’s house. At the time we were really bored so we walked outside. As we were outside, we both saw her four-wheeler. Anna spoke while we were staring at her four-wheeler, “Wanna get on?”. “Sure” I answered.
It was that time of the year ,which was back to school, it was the day ,I got to meet my 8th grade teacher ,I was sweating and had butterflies in my stomach. It was coincidence to find my friend Sheyla at the parking lot. Sheyla said she has met her teacher ,but needed a few more supplies ,so she was just back from getting her last supplies. Sheyla’s family went with us to met my teacher ,and I was glad to see her because it was quite a while since I last saw her. Later, after we left Berkmar grounds,I went to Sheyla’s house and we hangout the rest of the day. It was the first day of school, usually I would be feeling nervous,but today I wasn't ,which was good because I didn't want have sweating hands and a racing heartbeat. I arrived at Berkamr and went straight to homeroom ,I found my seat and waited. My first day at school wasn't to bad because the only thing
Hello! I’m so excited to be back. Oh how I’ve missed writing! This post will be more of an update on what has happened these last few months, so, lets get started. After getting out of Rogers Memorial Hospital for my OCD and Anxiety, I had one week home and then I went right off to college. It was a pretty scary step for me. Just a few months earlier I couldn’t handle anyone mentioning the word “school”, let alone actually attend. But that is exactly what I did, and surprisingly, I felt ready.
I just stood there looking out at the dead, mud covered grass sledding hill watching my brother fall out of this sled causing me to laugh. Little did I know this night would be the last night I though God was there watching over me. That hill that almost killed me was a barren wasteland of ice that still to this day scares me. After my dad walked back down and up with my brother it was my turn to go down the hill. I wasn’t nervous, but thinking back on it sends my stomach into a frenzy of butterflies. Anyways, my dad pushed me down the hill, half way down the hill all I remember hearing my dad shout was “Bail out!” What does that phrase even mean to a 6 year old 1st grader who can barely read, almost absolutely nothing is what I questioned in my own mind.
"Oh, and accourding to your mother, this was your choice. I hope never to see your sorry ass again."
Wrestling made me feel more alive than I ever had before. Sure, the sport is a little strange. From the bleachers, it looks like a sweaty battle between two spandex-clad farmers with space age earmuffs. When I'm on the mat across from someone —locking eyes and preparing to fight until one of us is exhausted, immobilized or incapacitated—
I thought it was a vacation or get-away, but it was a get-away that I would not arrive to nor return from.
Thoughts racing though my head of every excuse in the book of what I was going to tell my boss. Should I say I had an appointment or that my dog got sick? Or should I even go out on a limb and tell him I am sick? Or maybe I should tell him the truth which is always the best option. It was my second day on the job and was already panicking about being late. My jeep had broke down and the battery wouldn’t start.
It was a beautiful day outside, my family was going to a lake to go inner tubing and have fun but, physics had a different plan for me.
We would be so tempted to go outside, but my brother would never leave until my grandmother prepare something for us to eat, and trust and believe that when the rain falls that’s when you’re hungry the most. I wasn’t a big eater up until this day so I didn’t really care about food that much I would get the food and give it to my brother anyhow. My grandmother would get so upset and tell me I’m going to starve and die, I use to laugh at her and tell her I’m not going to die. I didn’t cause I’m still here so I was right, anyhow I waited patiently so I could go outside an play in the rain with my brother and I had to be quite too if I really wanted him to come. All my other friends would be out there waiting for us but I just wouldn’t go without
Whenever the end of sophomore year came around, we both became more boy crazy. I met a boy named Blake who I have now been with for three years, and she started hanging around a boy named Colton who she still visits in college. Although we both adore and love these boys, we have had many ups and downs with them. She has always been "Someone I can call up late at night and talk about boys and drama." Whenever I was a senior in high school, I decided to break up with my boyfriend of three years and go act wild again with people I thought were still my friends. While Maddy was out acting wild and crazy with Colton. Anytime either one of them would do something wrong, we would text or call each other within seconds, go get ice cream and drive
I had always been a quitter. Throughout my life I've found myself enrolled in classes or sports that I'd want to, or be forced to be a part of. Yet, through all of these sports and foreign language classes none of them lasted more than a couple months. I stopped playing these sports and taking language classes in middle school and took up video games due to my lack of interest or ability in other extracurricular activities. Video games started occupying more and more of my time and I found myself glued to the couch for hours on end. Throughout this time period I was slowly becoming less motivated, lazier, and unhealthy. Since my parents were going to the gym regularly they constantly hounded me to go with them, especially since I had been heavier during my childhood and hereditary diabetes runs in the family. Eventually, I found myself in the gym were I felt lost and scared, there were no other teenagers that I could see and all the machines seemed so alien. After escaping the treadmills and other cardio equipment; I found myself
Throughout my life i’ve experienced many things I didn’t agree with. Many things that have tested me and many things that have changed me. I’ve had to learn to accept people. I’ve had to learn that people will be different from me. One of my biggest challenges is my mom. She’s very different from me. Her and I don’t see eye to eye. She has influenced me to be different from her and she gave me the experiences to understand how to accept her and other people.