
Personal Narrative: Ditching

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“Ditching” School I was finally back at school. Good, sweet school. I cannot believe I am saying this, but I have never missed the packed hallways, smelly lunchroom, and annoying kids so much. I bet that people think I’m crazy for saying this, but in the end, I am safe. Safe from my father. I grew up and as soon as I turned 6, my mom filed for divorce due to my dad’s drinking problems. She won full custody of me, and I have never seen my father since then, until yesterday…. It all started yesterday, when me and my best friend, Addison were sitting on Explorer Middle School’s bench waiting for the school gate to open. “Kim, I really hope Mrs. Lisa is not here today,” exclaimed Addison, “she keeps bothering me to turn in my missing assignments that I am not gonna do, and I think she knows that by now.” …show more content…

“Yeah boo hoo it’s not like my mom is gonna do anything about it,” she said. That is the moment when I realized there was a black Mercury Marauder lingering around the parking lot, driving in circles. I did not think much of it until they stopped. Right in front of me and Addison. I gave the driver a stare like there was no tomorrow. Trying to act unafraid, I stood up and gestured to Addison that we should get up and move. But before I had the chance, a man was getting out of the car and walking right up to me. When he reached me, he grabbed my arm and gave me words of advice. “Shut up and stay calm, there is nothing to worry about,” the man

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