Perhaps my life has not been so glamourous. I’ve never traveled anywhere unless it was for a useful purpose and have only gone to China to visit family members on their deathbeds, which is anything but glamourous.
So it became my goal to add as much excitement to my life as possible.
From a young age, I would organize events for my family. We would play “Don’t Let Jack Fall” and make up plays. My favorite one was about the girl who loved to do jumping jacks and perform headstands because my sister would perform it, and I would relish in her struggles of trying to keep up with my words.
“And she did some jumping jacks. And she went on her head. And she did some jumping jacks again,” I would say over and over. She’d torture me, too, for art.
Four, maybe five German soldiers surrounded me. They were moving in faster than a pack of starving wolves, and I was their downed prey. There were flying bullets, dark smoke, and explosions everywhere. I was oppressed and knew that this was finally it. All my hard work was about to disappear into a plume of smoke. I commenced raising my rifle, and then in the midst of this chaotic scene there was this ever so subtle giggle over the headset. I look upwards dumbfounded to see a firestorm of bombs hailing all around me, and enveloping my entire section of the battlefield obliterating everything. It was my brother Chase piloting this monstrous desert-sand colored beast of a bomber, which just unleashed utter devastation on the opposing
(HOOK- statistics on how many people were accused wrongly for a crime they didn’t commit). Margaret Atwood’s number one national best-seller, “Alias Grace”, published on 1996 is a historical fiction based on the actual murders of Thomas Kinnear and Nancy Montgomery. Atwood retells the story of Grace Marks’ journey from an Ireland immigrant to the accusation of killing two people to her release sentence form jail of almost 30 years.
The guy pulled out a gun, and looked at him and said, “I’m not playing. It’s either your money or your life.” Jack froze as he looked at the barrel of that gun.” The mugger begin to get angry, he said, “didn’t you hear what I said, what are you waiting for. For the last time, as he shoved the gun closer to his head, it’s your money or your life.” Jack said, “well I’m thinking about which one I want to give up.”
The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written on Dutch hemp paper June 28, 1776. Until the late 1800s most of the paper in the world was made from cannabis hemp fiber. Henry Ford created a car completely made out of hemp in 1940 that was 10x stronger than steel. Cannabis Sativa L. more commonly known as hemp has thousands of uses. Hemp was a big part of the country until 1937 when the Marijuana Tax Act was created. Why is this plant illegal? Why is it not grown in every state in the U.S.? It’s because many people have little to no knowledge on what hemp actually is or what it can do for the economy and the earth. The legalization of hemp could create a ton of jobs and be very beneficial to the
Doctor Larry Smith was the Pediatrician in Toombs County for as long as I can remember. He was well-known and loved in the community and a member of Lyons First United Methodist Church. Dr. Larry was married and he had two daughters, one stepdaughter and a stepson.
On 09/12/2016, I Deputy Daniel Pruitt was dispatched to 52455 West Highway 16 for an unattended death compliant. I arrived on scene st 6:45pm and meet with Creek County EMS unit 40.
Around two or three years ago my family and I had to move houses. Moving was sudden and we didn't know it was going to happen. This made moving out and into the other house a lot harder. Since we were moving so fast somethings we just decided to leave behind with the person that was still living there. We got most things with us but one thing that we did leave back in the old place was our living room tv. Since we had just moved and my family isn't rich my mom said we couldn't go get a new one for some time. This sucked because I used the tv a lot for watching show, movies, and playing games just like the rest of my family did. Having a tv wasn't something we needed at all but it was always something to do when you were bored and there was no other things to do. Another big thing was my grandma had just gotten us a new playstation 3 and now we weren't able to used it at all because there was no television. Not having a tv was bummer for me and I thought it was a huge problem when it really wasn’t.
“Dad why can’t you believe me, I really can break the force field I’m not lying I saw your old bulldog please why can’t you believe me? people are sitting here thinking I’m lying and when I try a prove it to them you block me?” Kate said
For everyone, young and old, death is unavoidable and the loss is felt by those close to the person who has died. Sometimes maintaining a consistent quality of care is difficult which brought me to my PICO question. Does the elderly patient at the end of life receive better continuity of care in an acute care facility or at home while utilizing a home care visiting nurse service? “End-of-life care” is the term used to refer to the support and medical care given for the period of the time surrounding death. The quality of this care should be seamless weather in a hospital or at home.
Most people are all grown up when they finally figure out what they want to do with their life. I was 4. I realized what I wanted to be when I attended my very first Rodeo. Even though it was so long ago I can remember that day like it was yesturday. That day got me on the path to my future.
The lunch bell rings and I am on my phone checking the latest updates to the game. Instead of meeting with a teacher or getting started on homework during the free period, I spend it researching the tweaks in a few lines of code that will change my life for the next two weeks. The lines of code are insignificant, like the game itself, but I am absorbed in the game and the game owns me. In lieu of participating in activities after school, I rush home to continue progress in a virtual world. A world that can be turned of with the flick of a switch. Life becomes secondary to the game. My eyes burn into the night as I force myself to hurriedly finish the Tale of Two Cities reading before bed, at one o’clock in the morning.
There are only two options in the ocean: sink or swim. America operates the same way - either you make it or you don’t. 6 years ago my family was introduced to the foster care system and I met my sisters. We were warned how “troublesome” girls could be and their behaviors, medication why they were being placed into our home. It seems as if all their lives they received the short even of the stick but not when it came to living with us. We didn’t want them to drown in the system.
We may never know when our life is complete. Life is filled with endless possibilities and a great range of problems that will always affect the future. In the novel and film, High Fidelity, Rob Gordon cannot put the pieces of his life together as he struggles to form a strong relationship with the people around him. It was a long and hard conflict he had to face, though he was able to learn the absolute “Truth”, or noumena, of reality. Similar to Rob, all I wanted was my life to be one. I had this mindset that I had to fit into something. Whether this something was the “in” crowd, the artists, the writers, the jocks, I wanted to feel like I’m part of a larger group. This may have been the same way Rob had felt when searching for reasons as to why his life is the way it was. We both
This week discussion takes me back to the survival shows that I use to watch on television. Although, it was mostly for entertainment it was showing how some were able to survive in the outdoors or wilderness. All in all you were able to witness the individuals forage for shelter, food, water, and amongst other things just to survive. At times I use to wonder how they were able to survive without food longer than they could water.
Losing somebody who cannot be substituted by another person is one of the hardest things that one can ever go through. I was overwhelmed by this, figuring out how to beat the greater part of the emotional troubles that I needed to confront. It all started when my aunt Amy passed away when I was a freshman in high school. It has been four years since my aunt had passed away, yet the memories of her still stays in my heart, where it will stay for eternity. Each time I go back to the Philippines and stroll into my grandparent’s home, her photos are there to help me remember one of the best aunts in my life.