Driving a go cart for the first time, I was about 7 years old and i had been invited to a friends go kart party. Upon arriving I knew instantly that I wanted to be here. I never knew how much I would love the sport until I actually sat in the kart and pressed my foot on the gas pedal. Not only were the karts like 50cc and a grown man could probably run faster than it, but the feeling of actually being behind the wheel and in complete control of the kart was a great feeling.
After years of loving the sport i finally got into actually racing them. In fact the first ever race that i attended was the one i will always remember. Now being the first competitive race to compete in, i didn't really know what to expect. It was a sunny, sunday afternoon.
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Every corner that i took he was hot on tail, but coming the the last corner he made a huge mistake. The last corner of the track was a sharp and dangerous left turn that crested over a small yet pointy hill. Now normally anyone approaching the corner would slow down significantly to avoid rocketing straight past the turn. So as I approached the final corner, I slowed down to avoid dying on my first race but as the other racer behind me followed close behind me he did not slow down. Upon realizing what he had done he quickly yanked the wheel to the left but instead of following the corner the just skidded a bit then, flipped. Right over my head too. It all kind of happened in slow motion really, but at the same time it didn’t. As the poor kid soared over my deer in headlights eyes, i could see his mid scream face through the tinted visor. Not only that but i could help but smile, now i know i shouldn't because this kid is probably going to get seriously injured, but in a way he deserved it. The whole race he was on my ass bumping and hitting me from behind. He was like one of those adult child at some bumper kart arena of off a busy highway. Really too old to be there but acts like a child nonetheless, and eventually gets on your nerves so you decide to ram him from behind and give him serious whiplash. But this time the race course itself decided to give him more than whiplash. The track decided to throw this kid as far as it could right over my confused sweaty head which at the time was trying to figure what in the hell was going
In 1992, I graduated from high school. After graduation, I had a conversation with my dad concerning HIS truck. He mentioned that HIS truck was off limit and I need to buy a vehicle if I want to drive. He expounded on the concept that I need to step up, take responsibility and earn an honest living. I worked during the summer and later purchased l a 1980 Oldsmobile from a retired couple. I really like that car however; it needed a ton of work. My dad volunteered to help fix all repairs. His teaching methods was yelling and telling me too move out of the way youngster. Twenty years later, my sister’s son asked for help to repair his car. I thought about my dad’s method and how could I improve and also build a closer relationship. I immediately
I was time traveling to 1969 where all the good cars where i went back to the place where they were I time traveled to to California where all the cars were i thought I would be nicer than now
I was introduced to racing at a young age. Long nights at the Indianapolis Speedrome, hearing roaring engines and seeing checkered flags waving, and watching my dad race four wheelers every weekend throughout the year. But it wasn't until I got a taste of racing and speed for myself, that I knew I wanted to experience the thrill for the rest of my life. At ten years old I began my own racing career.
I approached the vehicle and asked MD why she was driving without someone 21 years of age in the vehicle and she informed me that she just wanted to hang out with friends and watch the fireworks. I asked MD if anyone in the vehicle had consumed alcohol and she told me no.
It was a brisk foggy afternoon that was soon to turn to night. John had just waved by to all his friends at the party. It was a thirty minute drive home down some back roads in the country. Five minutes down the road it got dark and foggy, John was trying to get home as fast as he could safely. He was surrounded by open fields and corn fields on all sides. Then before he knew it his truck started to stall for an unexplainable reason. John immediately started to panic but tried to stay calm the best that he could. His truck came to a complete stop and there he was on a back road in the middle of nowhere. The only thing that he could see in front of him was a mailbox with a long drive with cornfields on both sides. John had no other option in the world
Thanks for researching the car for me. I did not think it would be much, but I was hoping it would be worth $3,000. My parents told Cora she could have the car and if they sold the farm for a good price they would have it restored enough to drive. The farm has not sold, and my parents and then my mother has given her enough money already the past two or three years. Not to air out my family problems but you are probably used to that by now. I am sure I have given you the information you could have done without knowing. My daughter fell in love with a lazy jerk about two years ago. She quit her job and moved in with him and his mother an hour and a half south of us to a small town that is in the middle of nowhere. The closest town has two colleges,
Waking up the morning that I was meant to leave for my trip, all that I could do was try to will my bladder not to have to use the bathroom and inconvenient amount of times and trying to decipher the correct amount of water that I should drink in order to not have to go. When I woke up a peed, before I left, I peed, when I got to Anna’s house I peed again just for good measure- and that was all within a couple of hours. When we finally left on our 8 hour journey my new mantra was “don’t think about having to pee” which as you can assume was the adverse of what I was trying to do. For the first 3 hours I didn’t have to go, and I was so proud of myself. After that I gained some confidence and was like “I got this, I will pee when
The first time I drove. So, my grandmother decided to risk here life to teach me to drive for only two blocks. And my grandmother was a horrible teacher because she is used to standard cars and not automatic, so she puts her feet on both the gas pedal and the brake. Anyways, I can't believe that the car seems to go so fast and I was only going 5 mph! And then, I didn't know how to brake and my grandmother almost hit her head on the dash! Luckily, we made it
The roar of the engine, the wind in your hair these represent the freedom of owning your first car. I learned how to drive in our cow pasture when I was only ten years old, and after that I dreamed of the day that I would have my very own car. I was so excited to get and drive my own car, little did I know that my dream would come crashing down.
As I felt the truck buck, I knew I that hadn’t switched gears properly. The engine shut off and the evening dragged on. “You killed it,” my father told me. I restarted the old truck up and tried driving again. Learning to drive was very difficult for me, but I needed to learn so that I could transport my brother and me to school and wherever else we needed to go. I waited to get behind the wheel of an automobile until I finished the dull driver’s education class that my parents had signed me up for a month after turning fifteen. I thought that I would easily pick up driving since I had passed all the written tests without any problems, but I was wrong.
Opening my eyes, I look over to my paper thin tv for the time, noticing that I still have 30 mins till I have to get up I doze off into a soft sleep. Awaking from the blaring noise of my alarm I get up to brush my teeth. As I walk over to the wash bowl, where we wash our hands and brush our teeth, I reach over to grab my toothbrush off it's charger. As I was brushing my teeth, I noticed that it was almost time for me to leave for school. I searched around my closet for a shirt and some jeggings, my usual wardrobe for school, I head towards my broke in tennis shoes. Heading downstairs, I grab my computer holder and my headphones and head for school.
In life we go through many changes and for that instance it is the same situation with my car. During the 1 year that I had my car many things stayed the same, however some changes have been made. Some of the changes were major and some were minor. I take a really good care of my car and throughout my experience with my car I think it looks really good. I have spent a lot of money on it but it was worth it. This is my project car so there is a lot of progress already done to the way I want it to look and perform, but still far away from being fully done.
“Come on honey, Kaylee is doing great at her driving! Come on and let her take you for a drive!” My dad said confidently.
I got my dog almost one year ago. We got him on november second 2014. Me and my sister had begged our parents to get us a dog but they kept saying no. THe day that we ended up getting him my parents just said that we were going camping. They said we were going camping in a cabin a few miles from Bend Oregon.
Everyone has been through that time in their life when they're in their mid-teens, and start to obtain new privileges and responsibilities like driving for the first time, and or getting a first real job. One might sound dull, and boring, but the other is something every teen cannot wait to experience, but unluckily for me my first driving experience wasn't so great. A couple months back, I was in my auto technical class, and the class, and I were doing our day to day shop work when my instructor came up to me, and said he needed a car moved so we can check it out. He handed me the keys no questions asked most likely because I had neglected to tell him I haven't even gotten my permit yet. So me and my buddy ran to the car with excitement and I hopped into the driver side assuring my friend I knew what I was doing after he’d asked me about three times. I put the vehicle in drive and it started to move at that moment I realized I didn't know to hold the brake down and ended up colliding with the truck in front of us.